Form Completed by: ____University Supervisor ____Cooperating Teacher____InternFormative or Summative (Circle One)
Coastal Carolina University — Spadoni College of Education
Physical Education Internship Evaluation (2008 Standards)
Intern: / CCU ID: / Date:School Site: / Grade(s)/Subject:
Cooperating Teacher:
University Supervisor:
SCOE Internship Evaluation
Unacceptable −1pt / Developing −2pts / Proficient− 3pts / Exemplary− 4pts / RATING1.1 Demonstrate a thorough knowledge of subject matter and use such knowledge to create effective learning experiences for students.
NASPE 3.1; ADEPT 5ABC, 6ABC / Content is clearly developmentally in-appropriate; inaccurate, lacks sequence, no alignment exists between content and standards. / Content is textbook based, developmentally appropriate, sequenced properly, and aligned with objectives.
The learning experiences do not vary from traditional teacher-driven experiences. / Content is supplemented with traditional resources, develop-mentally appropriate, sequenced properly, and aligned with objectives.
The learning experiences are varied in their approach and address diversity of learners. / Content is supplemented with a wide variety of resources and technologies, creative,developmentally appropriate,sequenced properly, and aligned with objectives.
The learning experiences are varied in their approach and address a wide diversity of learners.
1.2 Understand instructional planning and design plans based on knowledge of subject matter, students, community curriculum goals and standards.
NASPE 3.2-3.3; ADEPT 1ABCDE, 2ABC, 6ABC / Instructional plans show inadequate understanding of the subject, and/or of SC curriculum goals and standards. / Instructional plans show an adequate understanding of the SC curriculum goals and standards and of the subject matter.
An understanding of how these standards and subject matter must be adapted for particular students and community is NOT apparent. / Instructional plans show an adequate understanding of the SC curriculum goals and standards and of the subject matter.
An understanding of how these standards and subject matter must be adapted for the particular students and community is apparent. / Instructional plans show a thorough understanding of the SC curriculum goals and standards and of the subject matter.
It is apparent that the candidate understands how these standards and subject matter must be adapted for the particular students and community and that modifications and adaptations are a routine part of the design.
1.3 Use of a variety of instructional strategies to encourage students' development of critical thinking and problem solving skills.
NASPE 4.2-4.3; ADEPT 4C, 5B, 8C / No variety exists in instructional strategies. Only traditional paper and pencil activities are used in fact recall learning. / A limited variety of instructional strategies are used, but the emphasis on critical thinking and problem solving is weak or does not relate to the learning goals / A variety of instructional strategies are used.
The emphasis on critical thinking and problem solving is adequate to support and relate to the learning goals. / A wide variety of instructional strategies are employed that are developmentally appropriate for the teaching situation.
Modifications have clearly been made to accommodate many diverse learning situations and learners.
An emphasis on the development of critical thinking and problem solving is readily apparent and corresponds to each learning goal.
1.4 Manage the classroom to create a positive and safe learning environment.
NASPE 4.5-4.6; ADEPT 8ABC, 9ABC / Unable to maintain classroom control so that an unsafe environment exists. / Classroom control is adequate, but difficulties during transition times or atypical scheduling create lapses into off-task behaviors that require interventions by others. / Classroom control is adequate to provide a safe learning environment during all normal parts of the day, including transition times.
A positive classroom environment is evident. / Classroom control is apparent at all times, including atypical interruptions.
A positive and mutually respectful classroom environment is immediately obvious.
1.5 Understand and use formal and informal assessment strategies to evaluate and monitor student learning and to modify instruction.
NASPE 5.1-5.2; ADEPT 3ABC, 7ABC / Assessments do not measure the learning goals that are identified or no assessments are identified at all. / Assessments are confined to formal paper and pencil tests.
There is no attempt to modify teaching based on assessments. / Formative and summative assessments are apparent in both informal and formal formats.
There is evidence that modifications to teaching, based on assessments, occurs. / Formative and summative assessments are ongoing and in both informal and formal formats.
It is clearly apparent that assessments are used to modify instruction and learning activities on a regular basis.
2.1 Plan and implement effective learning environments and experiences supported by technology.
NASPE 3.7; ADEPT 5AB, 8C / There is no evidence that technology is used in the planning or implementation of the learning experiences. / Use of technology is confined to mechanical equipment (overhead projectors) rather than knowledge-based media (films, PowerPoints) or information gathering technology (Internet, databases).
Information-gathering technology may be apparent in planning activities. / Some use of knowledge-based media is evident in learning experiences.
Information gathering technology is apparent in planning activities. / Extensive use of knowledge-based media is apparent with both the instructor and the pupils.
Information-gathering technology is used routinely as a part of normal classroom activities.
2.2 Apply technology to facilitate effective assessment, evaluation, and productivity practices.
NASPE 3.7, 5.2; ADEPT 1AD, 2C, 3BC / There is no evidence that technology is used in the planning or implementation of the assessments or productivity practices. / Use of technology is confined to mechanical equipment for productivity practices (photocopiers, grading programs).
Assessments do not appear to have any technological basis. / Use of technology is confined to mechanical equipment for productivity practices (photocopiers, grading programs).
Assessments appear to have limited technological basis (Scantron sheets/online quizzes). / Use of technology is integrated into the entire classroom experience including assessment and reporting of progress (email - newsletters, online class web pages).
Assessments have multiple media formats (audio tape, video presentations, online testing).
3.1 Demonstrate knowledge of different cultural, emotional, developmental and cognitive needs of students.
NASPE 3.6-3.7; ADEPT 5ABC, 6ABC, 7ABC, 8ABC; / There is no evidence of an understanding that students have different needs that are related to their levels of develop-ment or cognition.
No effort has been made to address cultural differences. / There is limited evidence of an understanding that students have different needs that are related to their levels of development and cognition.
Some effort has been made to address cultural differences but these efforts are superficial in nature. / There is evidence of a clear understanding that students have different needs that are related to their levels of development and cognition.
Learning activities have been modified to address cultural differences for the majority of the students in the classroom. / There is evidence of a clear understanding that students have different needs that are related to their levels of development and cognition.
An effort is routinely made to provide support for the emotional needs of the students.
Learning activities have been modified to address cultural differences for every student in the classroom.
3.2 Evaluate, plan and provide appropriate activities and experiences to meet the needs of culturally and development-ally diverse student populations.
NASPE 3.7; ADEPT 3ABC, 5ABC, 6ABC, 7ABC / There is no evidence of activities or experiences that address the needs of a diverse student population. / There is limited evidence of activities or experiences that address the needs of a developmentally-diverse student population.
Some effort has been made to address the cultural differences through learning activities, but those efforts are superficial in nature. / There is clear evidence of activities or experiences that address the needs of a developmentally-diverse student population.
Effort has been made to address the cultural differences for the majority of the students in the class. / All activities or experiences address the needs of a developmentally-diverse student population so that every student is engaged in learning that is appropriate for him or her.
Substantial effort has been made to address the cultural and linguistic differences for every student in the class.
5.1 Analyze personal performance to improve teaching and learning.
NASPE 5.3, 6.1-6.2; ADEPT 2C, 3BC, 10E / There is no evidence of understanding that reflection is needed in order to continue to improve teaching and student learning. / Personal performance is analyzed superficially with little understanding of how teacher modifications can or will impact student learning. / Personal performance is analyzed on a unit or chapter basis based on student performance as a whole.
Reflections and modifications are confined to how to re-teach that particular unit or set of lessons rather than how to apply the reflection to future teaching of all subjects and topics. / Personal performance is analyzed on a daily basis based on individual student’s educational needs and performance goals.
Reflections and modifications are applied to future teaching of all subjects and topics.
5.2 Analyze student performance to improve teaching and learning.
NASPE 5.2; ADEPT 2C, 3ABC / There is no evidence that student performance has been analyzed. / Analysis of student performance has been made, but reflection has not tied the results back to modifications that are required or to modifications solely on the part of the student (i.e. “should study more”). / Analysis of student performance has been made as it relates to a unit or set of lessons.
The reflection has tied the results back to modifications that are required on the student’s part as well as on the teacher’s part. / Analysis and reflection on student performance are a daily part of the classroom activities.
The reflection has tied the results back to modifications that are required on the student’s part as well as on the teacher’s part.
NASPE Physical Education Internship Evaluation
Unacceptable − 1pt. / Developing − 2pts / Proficient − 3pts / Exemplary − 4pts / RATINGNASPE 1.1a
Appropriately applies
Physiological concepts related to skillful movement, physical activity and fitness. / TC fails to or is ineffective at organizing and applying physiological concepts and relating them to movement and fitness during instruction. / TC is effective, but inconsistent at organizing and appropriately applying physiological concepts and relates them to movement and fitness during instruction. / TC is effective at organizing and appropriately applying physiological concepts and relates them to movement and fitness during instruction. / TC is effective at organizing and appropriately applying physiological concepts and relates them to movement and fitnessfor all stages of student proficiency during instruction.
NASPE 1.1a.1
Appropriate Skill Cues / TC does not identify appropriate skill cues, or identifies them but fails to use them during the lesson. / TC identifies appropriate skill cues in the plan but uses them inconsistently during the lesson. / TC identifies appropriate skill cues in the plan and uses them consistently during the lesson. / TC identifies appropriate and creative skill cues in the plan and uses them consistently during the lesson.
NASPE 1.1a.2
Explains Concepts of the “how” and “why” of the movement. / TC’s instruction for skillful movement, physical activity or fitness is given using only generalized terms and is not concerned with the explaining the “how” of the movement, physical activity, or fitness. / TC’s instruction for skillful movement, physical activities, or fitness includes the “how” OR “why” of the movement, physical activity, or fitness, but not both. / TC’s instruction for skillful movement, physical activity, or fitness includes specific and accurate concepts of the “how” and “why” of the movement, physical activity, or fitness. / TC’s instruction for skillful movement, physical activity, or fitness includes specific and accurate concepts of the “how” and “why” of the movement, physical activity, or fitness and presents it to students in a clear and creative manner.
NASPE 1.1b
Appropriately applies
Biomechanical concepts related to skillful movement, physical activity and fitness. / TC fails to or is ineffective at organizing and applying biomechanical concepts and relating them to movement and fitness during instruction. / TC is effective, but inconsistent at organizing and applying biomechanical concepts and relating them to movement and fitness during instruction. / TC is effective at organizing and appropriately applying biomechanical concepts and relates them to movement and fitness during instruction.
/ TC is effective at organizing and appropriately applying bio-mechanical concepts and relates them to movement and fitness for all stages of student proficiency during instruction.
NASPE 1.1b.1
Appropriate Skill Cues / TC identifies appropriate skill cues in the plan, but fails to use them during the lesson or does not identify appropriate skill cues at all. / TC identifies appropriate skill cues in the plan but uses theminconsistently in the lesson. / TC identifies appropriate skill cues in the plan and uses them consistently during the lesson. / TC identifies appropriate and creative skill cues in the plan and uses them consistently during the lesson.
NASPE 1.1b.2
Explains concepts of the “how” and “why” of the movement. / TC instruction for skillful movement, physical activity or fitness is given using generalized terms and is not concerned with the “how” of the movement, physical activity, or fitness. / TC instruction for skillful movement, physical activities, or fitness includes the “how” and “why” of the movement, physical activity, or fitness. / TC instruction for skillful movement, physical activity, or fitness includes specific and accurate concepts of the “how” and “why” of the movement, physical activity, or fitness. / TC instruction for skillful movement, physical activity, or fitness includes specific and accurate concepts of the “how” and “why” of the movement, physical activity, or fitness and presents it to students in a very clear and creative manner.
NASPE 1.2a
Appropriately applies
Motor Learning Theoryrelated to skillful movement, physical activity, and fitness. / TC demonstrates knowledge but fails to or is ineffectiveat organizing and appropriately applying motor learning theory to skillful movement, physical activity and fitness during instruction. / TC demonstrates knowledge and iseffective, but inconsistent at organizing and appropriately applying motor learning theory to skillful movement, physical activity and fitness during instruction. / TC demonstrates knowledge and is effective at using developmentally appropriate theories and appropriately applies them to skillful movement, physical activity and fitness during instruction. / TC demonstrates knowledge and is effective at using a variety of developmentally appropriate theories and appropriately applies them to skillful movement, physical activity and fitness during instruction with positive results immediately evident.
NASPE 1.2a.1
Practice Conditions / TC’s uses of practice conditions for skill acquisition do notaccommodate individual differences. / TC’s use of practice conditions for skill acquisition allows for individual differences. / TC’s use of practice conditions are adjusted for individual differences based on student responses. / TC’s use of practice conditions are adjusted for individual differences based on student responses.
NASPE 1.2a.2
Control of Student Behavior / TC uses punitive measures to control behavior. / TC controls student behavior through the use of proactive strategies(i.e. catch them when they are good, awarding positive behavior, etc.). / TC controls student behavior using proactive strategies including encouraging student self-responsibility. / TC controls student behavior using proactive strategies including encouraging student self-responsibility and personal reflection.
NASPE 1.2b
Appropriately appliesPsychological Behavioral Theoryrelated to skillful movement, physical activity, and fitness. / TC demonstrates knowledge but fails to or is ineffective at organizing and applying psychological behavioral theories to skillful movement, physical activity and fitness during instruction. / TC demonstrates knowledge and is effective, but inconsistentat organizing and applying psychological behavioral theories to skillful movement, physical activity and fitness during instruction. / TC demonstrates knowledge and effectively uses developmentally appropriate psychological behavioral theories and applies them to skillful movement, physical activity and fitness during instruction. / TC demonstrates knowledge and regularly and effectively uses a variety of developmentally appropriate psychological behavioral theories and applies them to skillful movement, physical activity and fitness during instruction.
NASPE 1.2b.1
Practice Conditions / TC’s use of practice conditions for skill acquisition do not allow for individual differences. / TC’s use of practice conditions for skill acquisition allows for individual differences, but not always based on student responses. / TC’s use of practice conditions are adjusted for individual differences based on student responses. / TC’s use of practice conditions are adjusted for individual differences based on student responses.
NASPE 1.2b.2
Control of Student Behavior / TC uses punitive measures to control behavior. / TC controls student behavior through the use of proactive strategies (i.e. catch them when they are good, awarding positive behavior, etc.). / TC controls student behavior using proactive strategies (i.e. catch them when they are good, awarding positive behavior, etc.) i.e. catch them when they are good, awarding positive behavior, etc.), including encouraging student self-responsibility. / TC controls student behavior using proactive strategies (i.e. catch them when they are good, awarding positive behavior, etc.) i.e. catch them when they are good, awarding positive behavior, etc.), including encouraging student self-responsibility.
Appropriately applies
Motor Development Theoryand principles related to skillful movement, physical activity, and fitness. / TC applies motor development theory and principles in planning for the lesson, but fails to account for developmental differences during instruction and practice activities. / TC is inconsistent with the application of motor development theory and principles in delivering instruction and during practice activities and does not always account for developmental differences. / TC appropriately applies motor development theory and principles in planning for and delivering instruction and during practice activities and accounts for developmental differences. / TC appropriately and regularly (daily) applies motor development theory and principles in planning for and delivering instruction and during practice activities for all developmental differences.
NASPE 1.3a
Practice Opportunities / TC fails to use teaching cues and the ability to plan developmentally appropriate practice opportunities. / TC demonstrates inconsistent use of teaching cues and the ability to plan developmentally appropriate practice opportunities. / TC is able to see that learning has occurred by PK-12 students' changes in behavior (learning cues) as evidence of positive changes in skillful movements, physical activities, and personal fitness. / TC is able to see that learning has occurred by PK-12 students' changes in behavior (learning cues) as evidence of positive changes in skillful movements, physical activities, and personal fitness.