Pedometers (Step Counters)
Step counters are also a good way to keep track of your activity level. I recommend that you aim for 10, 000 steps everyday. This is equivalent to walking five miles. The average North American walks between 3000-4000 steps a day. Your goal is 10,000 steps each day. In addition, Dr. Greg recommends aiming for 7 hours of sporting activity per week. Purchase your own step counter and keep track of your results in the form on the following page. Newer and more in-depth studies have shown that the pedometer should be worn as close as possible to the top point of the hipbone for maximum accuracy (wearing the pedometer closer to the center of the body gives inaccurate readings).
The primary function of a pedometer is to count and record the steps you take. There are two types of pedometers: 1) Step-only pedometers just record your step count and 2) Multi-function pedometers, which provide extra information, such as estimated distance walked and calories burned.
Summary of Research:
Not all step counters are created equal. If you already own a step counter and it is not mentioned in this section, do not lose any sleep; I am sure there are many other step counters that are accurate and useful. Find one that is adjustable to the way you walk and that can be calibrated. However, if you have not yet purchased one, these next models have been tested and were found to be the best quality.
Consumer Report in October 2004 listed the following in order of performance: Omron Healthcare HJ-112, New Lifestyles NL-2000, LifeWise 63-619, Brunton Digital Alarm Pedometer, Robic M377, Digi-Walker SW-701, and Sportline 340. If you want to go with inexpensive pedometers, any of the following would satisfy your wallet and will also have efficient performance: Speakwell H215, My Health XL15
SAHO Ez-V. A different independent study also included the Omron Healthcare HJ-112 and the New Lifestyles NL2000, therefore these look to be the best pedometers in terms of quality. Others mentioned for quality in this second study included the Digital EZ-V (SAHO Step-it-up), the Speakwell H215, the Omron HJ105, and My Health XL15.
The studies also found the two best step-only models are the Active Living Alliance and the New Lifestyle Digi-Walker SW200. In the United States, Freestyle Tracer was recommended as the best buy, and the best one for runners and hikers was the Nike SDM Tailwind SM0009-001.
With the study conducted at Speakwell along with other numerous studies, it shows that the pedometers within 3% accuracy are acceptable for day-to-day step counting.
Studies also show that pedometers are nearly always more accurate recording fast walking than slow walking. The only pedometer that tested slightly more accurate at a slow speed was the Ez-V (SAHO).
Pedometers are becoming more popular by the day. They are starting to appear everywhere. One can find pedometers built into cell phones, MP3 players, shoe insoles and even in ballpoint pens! Everyone should start purchasing one, not only for their enjoyment, but for their health as well. Step counters are also a good way to keep track of your activity level. I recommend that you aim for 10 000 steps everyday. This is equivalent to walking five miles. When I first started, I usually walked between 4000-6000 steps each day. Now I faithfully walk 10,000 steps each day, and I aim for 7 hours of sporting activity (step counter removed). Purchase your own step counter and keep track of your results in the form below.
Complete this step counter form for your next health visit. Keep a copy for yourself and return one to your physician. Forms are available from under the Patient’s Corner in the forms section or from the Life Health Workbook.
Name: Date: ______
Date of Birth: ______ID Number:______
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday / SundayBecome part of elite club by completing 1 million steps. Do it at your own pace. Over time, aim to complete the next million steps over a 3 month period.
I have completed ______steps from ______to ______
I have completed 1 million steps from ______to ______
Patient’s signature: ______Physician’s signature:______