Cumberland-Carlisle Consolidated Plan & Housing Analysis FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for:
Request for Proposals (RFP)
Cumberland-Carlisle Consolidated Plan & Housing Analysis
CumberlandCounty Housing & Redevelopment Authorities
114 North Hanover Street
Carlisle, PA 17013
717-249-0789 x162
Ed LeClear, AICP
Community Development Director, CCHRA
Submission Deadline 9:00 AM December 6, 2013
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Cumberland-Carlisle Consolidated Plan & Housing Analysis RFP
Frequently Asked Questions
Question #1:Did the previous Consolidated Plan include both CumberlandCounty and Carlisle together? Or were two plans prepared and submitted separately?
Answer #1:The previous Con Plans were individually prepared and submitted. In this case, the County and Borough are seeking to prepare one Consolidated Plan with a needs analysis/market analysis and set of priorities for each of the two entitlement communities. The information must be set up in the eCon Planning Suite independently for each of the two entitlements. The RFP was revised to address this question.
Question #2:What consultant assisted the County and/or Carlisle in previousconsolidated plan and housing analysis?
Answer #2:Mullin and Lonergan performed the other analyses.
Question #3:May we presume that the requested additional $15,000 from CDBG funds would be made available that is noted as "requested"?
Answer #3:The last outstanding piece of the funding picture ($15,000) was approved as part of the County’s 2014 Action Plan; however, the County does not know when it will receive the 2014 allocation considering the current Congressional uncertainty regarding the FY14 budget.
Question #4:Will HUD accept the same Con Plan for both the Borough and the County? The Annual Action Plans will be different, reflecting the different programs and priorities of each. The AI is a joint submission. Correct?
Answer #4: HUD requires entitlement communities to now use the eCon planning suite for submittal, and the Authority’s understanding is that it must put the data in as separate for the two entitlement communities. However, the needs analysis and market analysis could be conducted as one process as long as it is possible to break out the information/needs/priorities by the individual entitlement communities. That is a long way of saying that the Authority will need two separate products, but where possible the consultant can consolidate the data analysis/public participation component into one process. The RFP was revised to address this question.
Question #5:The Comp Plan update is to be completed by May 15, 2015. Is it permissible or acceptable to work on this and complete the update by say November of 2014?
Answer #5:The Comprehensive Plan update is due by February 2015. Due to the source of funding, the County will need work performed and invoiced in 2015.
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