September13/14, 2014 14thSunday after Pentecost

John 12:25 “Whoever loves his life loses it, and whoever hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.” Jesus’ kingdom is always upside down and backwards like this: the first are last, whoever loses his life gains it; give it away and a full measure falls into your lap. But it’s really not Jesus who is upside and backwards, is it?

A MEASURE OF OUR LOVEAttendance: Saturday(September6)6 p.m. =57;Sunday (September7)8 a.m. =59;Sunday (September7) 10:30 a.m. =158; Total for the weekend=274. Sunday School (2’s) =3;(3 yrs to 8th grade) = 33;Adult Bible Class =39; Thursday Bible Study = 5.

Contributions 9/7/2014:Envelopes $7,968; Plate $214;ACH $1,415; Budget Booster $100; Connect =$651; School Tuition $3,197.50; ECC Tuition $4,381.78;Fall Fest $238; Total General Fund Deposit = $18,165.28. Other Designated Giving: Missions $205; Chapel $91; Scholarship Fund $50;Total Designated Fund Deposit $346.

Connect Loan Balance = $ 1,605,765.65 as of July 31,2014.


There will be a new Financial Report coming soon!

"RUB-A-DUB-DUB, HELP US FILL UP THE TUB!" It's that time of year again to collect bars of soap for Lutheran World Relief! Last year, St. Paul's sent in 36 pounds of soap! With everyone's help, we can see if this year we can make it 40 pounds! The tub is located on the LWML table in the Narthex.

ST. PAUL’S LWMLis once again sponsoring the Mother/Daughter/Friend Salad Supper on Tuesday, Oct. 14 at 6:30 p.m. This will be the 6th annual happening for this event, and it promises to be very special. There will be special music,and a surprise or two. Ticket prices remain the same: $2.00 for ladies 13 and older; $1.00 for ladies 12 and under. Tickets will go on sale in September. We also ask that each family unit bring a large salad of your choice for every four people in your group. Beverage and dessert will be provided.

St. Paul's Men's Bible Study begins a new Bible study for the Lutheran Hour Ministries entitled, "Mormons: Who They Are, What They Believe." This study will help you understand this non-Christian organization that brings a message other than the Gospel of Jesus Christ. All men are welcome to join the study which meets the 1/3/5 Saturdays of the month from 7-8 a.m. in the church basement. The next study is Saturday, Sept. 20th.

Who’s Who at St. Paul’s
New, interested in a particular function or getting involved?
Have a question? Here’s who to talk to at St. Paul’s:

Pastor: Rev. Mitchel Schuessler, 667-1112

Church Secretary:Kathy Brumm, 667-6681

School: K-8 –Dr. Bruce McLaughlin, Principal, 407-0747;


School Secretary: Linda Craig, 667-6314

Early ChildhoodCenter (DayCare):Michelle Warner, 667-2173

Church Council Chairman: – Rod Repp, 618-505-0718

Board of Elders: Alan Kilzer, Head Elder, 667-8263

Board of Stewardship & Finance: Tony Sipes288-1889

Financial Secretary: Rhonda Lange, 314-603-8531,

Bookkeeper: Cheryl Chrusciel,

Board of Evangelism: Penny Schuessler,

Board of Christian Education: Laurel West, 667-3859

Board of Christian Day School: Jen Kesterson,

Board of Trustees: Todd Moore, 779-3444

Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML):Shirley Schmitt,

Youth Group: [7th-12th grade] Rachael Beckemeyer,

Head Usher: Seth Schaefer, 345-6487

Altar Guild: Jeanette Gindler, 667-6852 and Debbie Wittenberg, 667-7357

Choirs:Family Choir –Ted Fedder 667-6250

Glorious Day/Praise Team–Tom Rampold 667-8771

Men’s Ministry: Pastor Schuessler,

Holy Smokers: Dave Meyer, 667-1347

Confirmation Class: Pastor Schuessler, 667-1112

Helping Hands [funeral dinners, social ministry needs]: Donna Ponce 667-6148, Shirley Schnoeker, 667-6368.

St. Paul’s PTL: Karen Kilzer, 667-8263

Prayer Chain: Adeline Amen, 667-2549 and Debbie Wittenberg, 667-7357

SUNDAY BIBLE STUDY continues with "A Snapshot of the Old Testament." This week we will be studying the marriage of Isaac and Rebekah. Soon we will join Jacob and his family. Sunday Bible study is from 9:15-10:15 a.m. in the church basement.


14 / 8:00 a.m. Worship
9:15 a.m. Sunday School /Adult Bible Class
10:30 a.m. Worship/HC
1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Rummage Sale Drop Off / Set Up
2:00 p.m. Circuit Forum Meeting, here
15 / 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Rummage Sale Drop Off & Set-up
6:00 p.m. Chimes Practice
6:00 p.m. Stewardship Committee Meeting
16 / 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Rummage Sale Drop Off & Set-up
17 / 9:00 a.m. Chapel
9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Rummage Sale Drop Off & Set-up
No Women’s Bible Study
1:00 p.m. Chapel PK 3 & 4’s
4:30 p.m. Confirmation Class
6:30 p.m. Church Council Meeting
18 / 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Rummage Sale Drop Off & Set- Up
2:00 p.m. Bible Study
7:00 p.m. Choir Practice
19 / 7 a.m. to noon Rummage Sale at Park Pavillion
20 / 7 a.m. to noon Rummage Sale at Park Pavillion
7:00 a.m. Men’s Bible Study
6:00 p.m. Worship with Holy Communion
21 / 8:00 a.m. Worship/HC
9:15 a.m. Sunday School/Adult Bible Class
10:30 a.m. Worship
SaturdaySept. 13 - 6 p.m.:Acolyte:Heather Rood; Elders: Sam Italiano and John Nehrt;Ushers: Brion Boeshans, Sam Italiano, Curtis Moore and Seth Schaefer; Greeters:Larry & Kathy Brokering; Pianist:Jen Wittenberg; Altar Guild:Verona Meier and Pat Peverly.
Sunday Sept. 14 - 8 a.m.: Acolyte:Cole Gierse; Ushers:Jacob Doyle, Steve Doyle, JR Walls and Whitey White; Greeter:Shirley Schnoeker; Organist:Jo White.
Sunday Sept. 14 - 10:30 a.m.: Acolyte:Madison Kaffer; Elder:Alan Kilzer;Ushers:Keith Jackson, Jason Kesterson, Ken Sipes and Tony Sipes; Greeters:Josh & Jenni Hunt; Pianist:Jen Wittenberg; Bulletin Collator:Whitey & Jo White; Flowers: In Honor of Jeff Erlich and Jeanette Gindler’ Birthdays; Altar Guild:Verona Meier and Pat Peverly.
SaturdaySeptember 20 - 6 p.m.:Acolyte:Ethan Gratton;Elder: Sam Italiano;Ushers: Brion Boeshans, , Sam Italiano,Seth Schaefer and Kyle Sipes; Greeters:Tony DiBartolo and Barb Sparks; Pianist:Tim Wittenberg; Altar Guild:Yvonne Rieger and Penny Schuessler.
Sunday September 21 - 8 a.m.: Acolyte:Joe Walls; Elders:Alan Kilzer and Matt Tschudy; Ushers:Jim Kesterson, Mark Leitschuh, Lonnie Meier and JR Walls; Greeter:Edna Meier; Organist:Claudia Loethen; Altar Guild:Yvonne Rieger and Penny Schuessler.
Sunday September 21 - 10:30 a.m.: Acolyte:Bryson Brown;Elder for Baptism: Darrell Wittenberg; Ushers: Colin McLaughlin, Mark Schlemer, Roger Taylor and Scott Taylor; Greeters:Rod & Beth Repp; Pianist:Tim Wittenberg; Bulletin Collator:Carol Wilderman.


Sept. 14:Gary Felax, John Kasaitis, Jr., Colin Mclaughlin, Pat Peverly,

Bejamin Weiersmueller

15:Katie Krueger, Lisa Niebruegge

16: Dwain & Millie Eggemeyer, Shelly Rood, Jan Schultz

18: Jennifer Doyle, Terry & Julie Giger, Jim Lyons,

Mary Rhymer, John Stille

19: Cody Carlson, Tracy Hunt, Ken & Judy Sipes

PRAYERS FOR: John Bonneville,Cheryl Chrusciel,Ada Dittmer,Karen Evans,Sarah Frey, Tanya Hamilton, Mike Isenberg, Scott & Brenda Jones,Ron Kelley, Chase Madison, Glenn Markway, Nathan Mallette, Irene Merchant,Marie Munie,Anna Nehrt, Rick Nielson, Helen Nolte, Frank Provaznik,Norma Quardt(Pam Brannon’ mother),Alicia Rayner, John Schmidt, Lana Shoenberger, andFred Wolf.

PRAY FOR ALL those that are serving in the military: Nate Alvis, Brad Converse, Casey Hill, Amanda Koldway, Carolyn Koval,Cole Long, Jordan Reynolds,Rebekah Schlemer andDaniel Schorfheide.


  • Greyson Alexander Stroder, son of Jason & Chantelle Stroder, baptized Saturday, September 13.
  • Evan Alexander Gross, son of Timothy & Jennifer Gross, baptized Sunday, September 14.
  • Family & Friends of Patricia Cooper (friend of Beulah Jones), who passed away on Monday, Sept. 8.

We are always glad to pray for the needs of your family, friends, co-workers

and others in our worship services. Normally, we will include a request for

four weeks. If you would like prayers to continue beyond four weeks, please

renew your request. You may call or email the church office.

STANDARDIZED TESTING and your child – there is a session scheduled in Dr. McLaughlin’s classroom on Thursday, Sept. 25 at 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Please let the school office, (667-6314) know the number attending.

ST. PAUL’S YOUTH: We are going apple picking at Eckert’s in Belleville on Sunday, Sept. 28th. We will leave the church parking lot at 2:00 p.m. and return back at 4:00 p.m. Bring $ in order to buy the apples that you pick. Please let Rachael Beckemeyer know by Monday, Sept. 22nd if you plan to attend so that we can make sure we have enough drivers.. You can email her at or message her on the St. Paul’s Lutheran Youth Facebook page.

OnDeck This Week At Saint Paul’s

Saint Paul’s Lutheran Church, School and ECC Troy, IllinoisChurch Phone: 618-667-6681 School Phone: 618-667-6314

September1314, 2014

WE WELCOME ALL WHO WORSHIP AT ST. PAUL’S.We pray that God will bless your worship with us. Please register your attendance on the pad at the end of the pew after the offering. As a member of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LC-MS), St. Paul’s practices close communion. We believe that receiving the Lord’s Supper together shows a common confession of faith in all areas of doctrine (not just in Communion).

If you are a member of a LC-MS congregation in good standing, you are invited to receive communion. If you are not a member of a LC-MS congregation, please talk with the pastor or an elder prior to the service. The elders are the gentlemen that are wearing the “ELDER” badges.

We offer both the common cup and individual up to those who commune. The center individual cups are white grape juicefor those who do not wish to have wine.Children are welcome to come forward with their family to receive a blessing. We celebrate the Lord’s Supper in every Saturday service, in the Sunday 8:00 a.m. on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sunday, and in the Sunday 10:30 a.m. on the 2nd and 4th Sunday.

New or visiting today? Please be sure to sign our Guest Register in the narthex. You’ll find lots of useful information in this OnDeck (published weekly)



  • Sunday, Sept. 14, 1-3 p.m. set-up and sorting. We need men to help out in setting up the tables and moving picnic tables around.
  • Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept 15, 16 and 17, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.
  • Thursday, Sept. 18, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

The Rummage Sale is Friday, Sept. 19thfrom 6:30 a.m. to noon & Saturday, Sept. 20th from 6:30 a.m. to noon.On Saturday, Sept. 20, (noon – 3 p.m.) we will need help boxing up what is left & cleaning the pavilion.

St. Paul’s Annual Golf Scramble will be Saturday, October 11th. Look for more info in the upcoming weeks in the bulletin and/or September Troy Lutheran. Mark your calendar, get your team together andplan to enjoy a day of golfing in support of your congregation. Volunteers are needed to assist with the plans for the Scramble.