December, 2012

5151 Lennon Rd. Office: 810-720-5152 Flint, Michigan 48507 E-mail: Website: Newsletter:

A New Mission

We began a new three-year Capital Campaign last month and our theme for the next three years is: Transforming Lives! We are excited about it because we are positioning ourselves to be a church that impacts the lives of its members, friends and the larger community. Since we began this process, we realized that this congregation has been impacting the community all along, but it had been a well-kept secret. The Capital Campaign Team, chaired by Elder Georgia McCall, has developed a brand new publication—a newsletter of the Capital Campaign entitled The Observer. In its first edition, five members give a brief testimony about how the church has transformed their lives and why being a part of the Body of Christ is important to them. In the following editions, we hope to continue to let the secret out about Trinity United and its impact on the people we serve.

There is also another well-kept secret at Trinity United and that’s our Board of Deacons. In my short tenure, we have supported 15 families through the bereavement process and the deacons have been instrumental and generous in their compassionate response. They are consistent in volunteering at the Soup Kitchen. They are in constant communication with the sick and shut-in and those who are experiencing grief. They provide meals for families in transition. They provide clothing and other essentials for the students at three schools we have relationships with in the area. They assist me in bringing communion to the homebound. The deacons give and they provide encouragement and opportunities for the entire congregation to give as well. The Board of Deacons at Trinity United is exceptional and faithful.

Beginning this Thanksgiving season, the deacons have taken on a new mission project called Adopt-a-Family. Once again, they are stepping outside of their comfort zones and also stepping outside the walls of the church to participate in God’s mission to the world. The deacons have agreed to walk alongside a family from the Randels’ School. With the assistance of the guidance counselor, they have identified a family that could benefit from the love and support of the church. The deacons will begin by providing Thanksgiving dinner and assisting the family with Christmas. This is a pilot program to reach out to the families in Flint Township and mostly to display the unconditional love of Jesus to a hurting world. Throughout the year, the deacons will be providing updates and seeking out the assistance of the congregation. Please keep this mission project in your prayers.

Remember, the Advent and Christmas season is a time when we wait with anticipation for the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. While we wait, let us remember those who wait in despair and hopelessness and let us search our hearts and find new and creative ways to show that same love to others that Jesus gave to us on Christmas Day!

Have a Merry Christmas,

Pastor Lawson

Updates from the Session

·  New Members: The session is pleased to announce three new members; Greg, Mark and Jill Bolduc came before the session at the November meeting and made their membership official. They will be presented to the congregation on Sunday, December 16, 2012. We are delighted to have them with us!

·  2012 Annual Report: It’s that time of year again. Please begin preparing your year- end annual reports. The office would like to have all reports in hand by December 28, 2012. We are planning to have the report available by January 13, 2013 for review in preparation for the Annual Meeting scheduled for January 27, 2013.

·  Officer Training: Training for newly elected officers and those currently serving has been rescheduled. The new date is Saturday, January 19, 2012 from 10am to 2pm.

·  Manual of Operations: Per the Book of Order: “Each council shall develop a manual of administrative operations that will specify the form and guide the work of mission in that council.” For the next two months the council (a.k.a. session) will be working diligently to complete this requirement. We may call on members of the various teams to lend assistance.



December 2, 2012 Luke 21:25-36 Prepare: Be Alert
December 9, 2012 Luke 3:1-6 Prepare: Forgive
December 16, 2012 Luke 3:7-18 Prepare: Bear Good Fruit
December 23, 2012 Luke 1:39-45 Prepare: Believe
December 24, 2012 Luke 2:1-4 A Savior is Born
***Christmas Eve Service Candle Light Service & Celebration of the Lord’s Supper at 6:00pm***
December 30, 2012 Isaiah 52:7-10 Salvation Has Come!


Liturgist Training: January 12, 2013 from 10am-Noon
Officer Training: January 19, 2013 from 10am-2:00pm
Annual Meeting: January 27, 2013 following worship

On December 1st at 10:00am, we will be decorating

the whole church for the Christmas Holidays. Please come and join the work and the fun that we have doing this job.

Refreshments will be served.


North End Soup Kitchen: Our date to volunteer at the North End Soup Kitchen for this month is December 7th. As of now, we have not learned our new dates for 2013, but will hope to continue with the afternoon of the 3rd Friday of the month. We would like to give big thank-you to all of you who have helped during the 2012 year.

Deacons’ Angel Tree: What a blessing the congregation has been. Every single Angel tag has been taken from the tree in the Multi-purpose room. The gifts should be returned by December 2nd.

Deacons’ mission work: The Deacons’ are privileged to share God’s Love and Blessings with a local family. We have been able to offer assistance that to a family that has children in the Randels Elementary School, which is one of three elementary schools in our area that we support in various ways. There are four children in this family: two are preschoolers and two are of elementary age. We began our relationship with this family by providing them with groceries for their Thanksgiving dinner, and giving each of the children a winter coat. We are adopting this family for a year, so you will be hearing more about this in the upcoming months. YOU are the people that make this possible for the Deacons’ to serve, so we thank you very much.


As of December 31, 2012, my term on the Board of Deacons will be over. At our previous church we did not have a Board of Deacons and I wasn’t quite sure what it meant to serve as a Deacon. When I was first asked to serve as a Deacon I wasn’t sure what I was goint to get myself into. I prayed and prayed and finally said I would serve a term. Well God really does answer our prayers. I have passionately loved my time on the Board.

A few years ago I contacted Bacterial Spinal Meningitis while traveling home from our daughter’s home in New York. After eleven days in the hospital in Utica, New York, I returned home, picked up the newspaper and read where a 19 year old boy had died from the same problem that I had. At first I cried and I did ask God “why did you spare my life and not the life of this young man?” It took me awhile but all of a sudden God answered and said “you have a calling” and I found that calling to be my beloved Deacons.

I have been so very fortunate to work with and get to really know so many wonderful and dedicated people who I will have long lasting friendships with.

I want to thank my wonderful church family for giving me the chance and having the faith in me to serve on the Trinity United Presbyterian Church Board of Deacons.

I do know once a Deacon always a Deacon and I will be here to be whatever help they need from me.

Thank You All So Very Much

Love and God Bless You!

Deacon Alice Shirley


December 2nd and 9th will be Rosaline Brown

December 16th and 23rd will be Delphine Holland

December 30, 2012 will be Monica Bradley


Sydney Graham and Allison Bradley

Dead Line for January Newsletter will be December 19th.

Trinity United has lost members and family members this past month.

Loren Taylor

Father of Cynthia Lyttle and family


Linda Jones

Daughter of Donna Jones and family

And also the lose of Alberta Burton,

Mother of Matt Burton and

Sister to Addie Terrell and Georgia McCall

May God be with you and Bless you.

Ron Auger, Denny Bonney, James Bonney, Jesse Cook, Betty Elford, Ruby Fizer, June Foltz, Tim Graham, Arlene Gullett, Dr. Alfred Gwillim, Jane Harger, Richard Holland, Connie Hutchins, Katie Granberry, Michael Jackson son of Dr. Ernestine Jackson, Helen Johnson, Donna Jones with the loss of her daughter, Leonard Krist, Ann Lomax, Jean Lyttle, Pat Miller, Roy Olson, Audrey Resler, Randy Rice, Phyllis Scales, Joan Shirey, Larry Shoup, Larry Tilley, Joyce Topham, Charles White, Georgene White, Addie Terrell and Georgia McCall’ s sister Alberta Burton and Matt Burton in the loss of his mother, Alberta Burton.

Jean Lyttle------7th Sandy & Joyce Topham-----9th Randy Rice------11th Gary & Rosaline Brown--- 31st Jerry Kamrath------13th Mary Krist------15th Griffin Henderson------18th (child) Carolyn Scott------18th Marcus Lomax------19th Herb McClellan------25th Roberta Hardy------26th

The Advent wreath is a symbol of watchfulness and increasing joy of Christmas approaches. Lighting its candles is a common practice on the four Sundays leading to Christmas.

Different color combinations for the candles are used depending on the church or denomination. Many denominations light PURPLE on the first two Sundays, PINK on the third Sunday, and PURPLE again on the fourth

The wreath, the candles and the colors all have symbolic significance. Here are just a few of the many and various interpretations.

The circular green wreath symbolizing the everlasting love of God, having no beginning or end. Green represents eternal life.

The four candles represent the four weeks of Advent. One tradition says each candle represents one thousand years. They total 4,000 years---the time between Adam and Eve and the birth of Christ.

The first PURPLE candle signifies HOPE.

The second PURPLE candle is for PEACE.

The PINK candle is for the third Sunday symbolizing JOY and signifies the half way point of Advent.

The final PURPLE candle is for LOVE.

The Large WHITE candle in the center is the Christ candle. It’s light symbolizes Christ the savior----The light of the world.

The beauty and brightness from the glow of all five candles is a reminder that Christ’s life was the “light of the world”.

The “light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.” (John 1:5, NRSV).

Will be held at Trinity United Presbyterian Church

5151 Lennon Rd. Flint Township

On Christmas Eve at 6:00pm.

Please come and join us