- Call to Order: 6:15
- Quorum Roll Call
- President: Armando Figueroa np
- Vice President: Maxwell Kappesp
- Senate President Pro Tempore: Mariah Watsonp y n y
- Senator: ArtemSenchevp yyy
- Senator: Nicholas Sanchez p a y n y
- Senator: Robyn Huey p y n y
- Senator: AzkaFayazp y n y
- Senator: Amelia Helland p y a a
- Senator: Eugenia Chung p yyy
- Senator: Katie Sherman p yy n
- Senator: Jonathan Mitchell np aaa
- Senator: Janesh Gupta p yyy
- Senator: Nick Park yyy
- Senator: Gareth Smythe p yyy
- ECAC Chair NiloferChollampat p
- EPPC Chair Marissa Ayala np
- IAC Chair Nathan Bentham p
- EAC Chair AbireSabbaghnp
- AAC Chair Allan Bachp
- GASC Chair Ivon Garcia p
- BNF Joanna Jaroszewskap
- Outreach Assembly Lauren Ashe np
- Controller: Rylan Shaeffer np
Break – Call to order 7:30
- President: Armando Figueroa np
- Vice President: Maxwell Kappesp
- Senate President Pro Tempore: Mariah Watsonp
- Senator: ArtemSenchevp
- Senator: Nicholas Sanchez p
- Senator: Robyn Huey p
- Senator: AzkaFayazp
- Senator: Amelia Helland np
- Senator: Eugenia Chung p
- Senator: Katie Sherman p
- Senator: Jonathan Mitchell np
- Senator: Janesh Gupta np
- Senator:
- Senator: Gareth Smythe p
- ECAC Chair NiloferChollampat p
- EPPC Chair Marissa Ayala p
- IAC Chair Nathan Bentham p
- EAC Chair AbireSabbaghnp
- AAC Chair Allan Bach p
- GASC Chair Ivon Garcia p
- BNF Joanna Jaroszewskap
- Outreach Assembly Lauren Ashe p
- Controller: Rylan Shaeffer p
Break Finished – 9:08
- President: Armando Figueroa np
- Vice President: Maxwell Kappesp
- Senate President Pro Tempore: Mariah Watsonp
- Senator: ArtemSenchevp
- Senator: Nicholas Sanchez p
- Senator: Robyn Huey p
- Senator: AzkaFayazp
- Senator: Amelia Helland np
- Senator: Eugenia Chung p
- Senator: Katie Sherman p
- Senator: Jonathan Mitchell np
- Senator: Janesh Gupta p
- Senator: Gareth Smythe p
- ECAC Chair NiloferChollampat p
- EPPC Chair Marissa Ayala p
- IAC Chair Nathan Bentham p
- EAC Chair AbireSabbaghp
- AAC Chair Allan Bach p
- GASC Chair Ivon Garcia p
- BNF Joanna Jaroszewskap
- Outreach Assembly Lauren Ashe p
- Controller: Rylan Shaeffer p
- Motion in new senator: Nick Park
- Appointments and Confirmations – 6:58
- Ivon: Lillianna Valdovinos: wonderful, passionate, used resources, clearly capable to take position, happy to work with her as commission chair
- Helen: impressed with your interviews, pls tell table about experience
- Valdovinos: always interested in topics like this, wanted to put my thoughts into actions, work at clinic, serve drug abusers, abused women, interesting to see different populations, media doesn’t bring this into topic
- Helen: what experience did you have with resources on campus?
- Valdovinos: go to women’s center, LGBTQIA, very helpful, took courses
- Watson: heard nothing but good things about you. Define rape culture
- Valdovinos: teaching people to not get raped vs teaching people not to rape. Victim blaming, slut shaming, big shock to me. 2 football players, rapists, media focus on sentenced players, no focus on attacked girl. Rape culture: unconscious, not aware of it. Important that we become aware of that
- Watson: motion to confirm
- Kappes: Confirmed
- Outreach Assembly
- Unit Director Reports – 6:17
- The Pantry
- Tera: how pantry works - 3 meals a day, basic needs, no duplicates of items
- Fresh Focus Project: collab between pantry and student farm
- Scholarship program: $250, 4 people, for basic food and needs
- UC-Wide Food Drive: compete against LA, Berkeley, Merced, SB, etc., national food bank week, in the lead
- Unit-Wide Drive, Holiday Food Drive, Swipe Out Hunger, Aggie Mealshare Plan
- Current State: In first 3 weeks of: 2011: ~430, 2012: ~450 2013: 401, 2014: 676; can’t accommodate, running out of food. Can’t rely on food bank; main provider going through lawsuit.
- Steps taken: 6 drives right now, reaching out, $30 = 50 cans, ran out in a week, reach out to various sponsors?
- Smythe: swipe out hunger – how convert swipe to purchasing power? How can we support you in short term with meeting with Sodexo CEO
Tera: immediate need for Pantry food
Smythe: what do you need right now?
Tera: we need food, money is not the way to solve the problem, need to establish relationship with other food bank asap - Senchev: defer to Smythe
- Smythe: how can we support you in getting to food bank?
Tera: need food bank to reply; came to Senate for drive, drives organized so far not effective - Litzelman: has global food initiative, etc, reached out?
Tera: yes, I’m on global food initiative committees, more for global effort than student need - Watson: know that money is not the problem; go to Sacramento food bank to purchase food instead?
Tera: filled out paperwork in spring, but communication issue, sac food bank not effective, this is an emergency.
Watson: need cans, if we gave money in short time until next drive, how many weeks until bulk delivery?
Tera: complicated; need to crunch numbers, will get back to you - Corbet: any large events on campus, ask students for cans to get into event; bag drops on street, pick up?
- Gupta: UC-wide issue?
Tera: no
Gupta: can-food drive during spirit week? Davis high school drive possibly?
Tera: used to do it, but dealing with hunger is too much for students, discontinued. High/elementary school drives is ongoing effort
Gupta: bins?
Tera: already have it - Jaroszewka: defer to Nick
- Nick: reach out to sororities?
Tera: yes, already have few select fraternities who do drives for us, but you’re right, more is better - Smythe: describe time we’re working with?
Tera: all shelves full, 3 weeks later, half empty, #s increasing: week by week: 199, 237, 250, 8 shelves full, 11 shelves empty. Emergency status: 3 weeks until we’re virtually out of cans.
Smythe: describe drive model?
Tera: UC food drive, UNIT wide drive, holiday drive, DAR, Memorial Union drive
Smythe: what can we do to support you?
Tera: need another drive idea, bibles and trash are all that’s in the bins
Smythe: election season, election chair very creative would love to help solve your issue, how can election season work with Pantry? Ask candidates to support this - Kapur: anything with athletics?
Tera: not really - Bach: food drive with athletics, sold out tickets
Tera: athletics donated beer, free beer to everyone who donated a can - Helen: expected # of cans needed?
Tera: 100 cans/shelf, maybe 1000 cans?
Helen: e-funding project? Online support?
Tera: don’t know where to spend our money economically, have reached out to clubs
Helen: talk to club presidents, have members bring cans, might be effective, try residential areas, pass out flyers - Helland: defer to Mariah
- Watson: *explained situation to Milton Lang, get administration on board*
- Helland: 1 of the things we do – trick or can event on Halloween
- Huey: Filipino club drives – usually donated to typhoon relief, could talk to presidents; also, holiday drives
- Fayaz: necessary things?
Tera: canned food, mixed fruit, vegetables, pasta, canned meats, tuna, chicken, rice, shampoo
Fayaz: encourage Senate members to utilize student body, reach out to FB friends and student organizations
Tera: you can bring donations any time during open hours - Milton Lang: more than willing to work with you and staff and student affairs, ask them to bring canned foods, talk to Davis school district, let me know what we can do to help
- Sanchez: suggestion – go to professors and faculty, offer extra credit to students
Tera: we can try that - Gupta: besides Sodexo, any other resources to buy at wholesale?
Tera: only the food bank, reached out to some corps, got lots of no’s except multimeal. Safeway no, Nugget no, Whole Foods maybe? - Chung: Halloween party OA event contact Lauren Ashe
- Bach: AggiePack? Hand out scarves/etc for canned food?
- Amelia: move this to public announcements? Everyone: just get on the list
- Tera: appreciate the time, please more ideas
- Watson: orders of the day bc OA not here, move to appointments and confirmations
- Committee Reports
- Smythe: Yes we just approved the bill for Champagne. For this year only, Champagne will be meeting winter quarter and spring quarter. I ask that Robyn be appointed on Champagne after I’m gone. Yield.
- Fayyaz: CURB and SFACT are looking to consolidate, we’re going to have to renominate someone because I can’t make the Friday meetings.
- Kappes: Scholarships up, look out for it. Scholarship reception scheduled for November 11th. Can’t do it any later because of election week and holidays, and it’s not on Thursday because of renovation meetings.
- Huey: adding onto Champagne: chose another senator to sit on committee. Aggie Public Parks committee is looking for art to hang; any artists, tell me.
- Sherman: motion to introduction of new legislation
- Presentations – 7:31
Milton Lang: social vice chancellor for student affairs. Thank you all for providing opportunity to discuss athletics budget. A lot of frustration/misinformation, need clarity on inter-collegiate athletics budget. Concerns, thoughts, questions of budget and bring clarity. If you have questions we cannot answer, we will go back and get those questions, and return with answers. You may know that over the summer, we met up with Armando, Max, concerned with lack of transparency of budget. Will have someone to begin to answer questions that you may all have about the athletic budget. Stronger partnership between Senate and athletics. 20 applicants for that position so far, no direct connection with athletics, reports to me. Chancellor is supportive and funding this position, important to this relationship. Team of my colleagues here.
John Campbell: director of campus recreation and bookstores. CFO of student affairs. Advisory oversight with CURB and SFACT. Serve as advisory to student affairs and chancellor for student fees. A # of you are in these councils, have shaped activities in those councils. Each of these campus based fees as they are applied to ICA are shaped by these bodies. CURB – oversees SASSIE fees, CEI, SFACT – oversees CEI also. Registration fee, student service fees.
Mike Sweeney: campus lawyer. Works on lots of student affairs issues.
Jacob Applesmith: chief campus council, responsible for all legal affairs and report to Charlie Robertson. Worked for Jerry Brown before.
AnnissaNichnen: provide context for how we budget on campus and details regarding intercollegiate athletics. Annual budget process: on campus, incremental budgets, units have set budget unless something changes. Very decentralized. Biggest source of discretionary funds – state general funds, tuition. In January, government budget comes out, passed in June. More tuition right now than state general funds (not the case before). Planning assumption: increases – salary increases, from union and collective bargaining. Faculty merits, budget can’t interfere. Benefit increases (healthcare, retirement). Units prepare own internal budgets. May-July campus budget meetings. Look at whole budget. Budget office only allocates general funds and student services fees. July-September: final decisions are announced. Intercollegiate athletics – 28 million dollars, 70% from student fees. Benefits, supplies and equipment, travel expenses, scholarships/fellowships, debt services. Handout provided.
Milton Lang: open up for questions. Feel free to ask any questions.
Kappes: public discussion. (explains how public discussion works)
Schaeffer: thanks. Compulsory Campus-based Student Fees: what is the process by which student fees get enacted? Defer.
Sweeney: Student fees regulate by policies: absent of emergencies, need student initiative. Students that are proponent of initiative need to work with student affairs office. If it passes the election, goes under advisory to the Vice Chancellor, recommended to Chancellor, if Chancellor supports, sends it to UC President, who has the ultimate authority.
Schaeffer: it’s not the regent’s job?
Kappes: currently, it’s the president’s. not before 2003
Schaeffer: can I have the approved copies of student initiatives current active?
Kept in documents.
Schaeffer: I asked 4 months ago, unsettling that I have to file paperwork, wait 4 months.
Bach: defer to Schaeffer
Schaeffer: Is there a way we can get those documents?
I will look into that.
Schaeffer: Are student fees, in the eyes of the state, contacts?
Applesmith: A contract is an agreement btwn parties
Schaeffer: Offer made, acceptance, and consideration
Applesmith: It’ll work for what we’re talking about.
Schaeffer: Student fees seems to be an exchange of money for services.
Applesmith: here’s an example of how they were seen as contracts. Had to do with professional fees, regent raised those fees, students said they had a contract with regent that promised not to raise those fees, court viewed it as contract.
Schaeffer: But it might not.
Applesmith: This case was an implied contract, specific rules
Schaeffer: Several facts of the case caused the court to declare it a contract
Applesmith: Regent stated that they weren’t going to raise the fees.
Sweeney: Regent said they weren’t going to raise fees, but disclaimer: fees subject to change. Court didn’t accept that.
Schaeffer: So whether a contract exists depends on public statements.
Applesmith: Very fact-intensive.
Watson: Obviously a train of thought going there. Process through fee referendum has to get approved. At any time during process, can language be altered or changed based on recommendation?
Applesmith: yes.
Watson: need notification?
Applesmith: during the process, no.
Sweeney: policy says no. Hypothetical: if referendum went through, students overwhelmingly supported but had a wrong calculation. VC can recommend they change the #, can’t imagine they wouldn’t come and talk to you, can’t say it’s in policy, but they wouldn’t.
Applesmith: Defer to Schaeffer.
Schaeffer: So there is no requirement to tell students fee referendum language is changed. Do you have publicly approved documents of initiatives??
Sweeney: I do not. I’ll go to OP.
Schaeffer: court case depended on fact. Is it possible the steps through which court made its decision.
Applesmith: looked at facts, court said given this, offer was made by regent, accepted by grad students.
Schaeffer: Is it campus’s opinion that student votes are contracts?
Applesmith: depends on parties, fees. Our practice is to follow words and intent of referendum.
Schaeffer: you use approved version, not student version. How can we make a judgment if we don’t have the binding contract? Yield.
Bach: You guys dictate where that money goes to for ICA? Or where does it officially go.
Nichnen: Specific to student services fee. 30 million dollars allocated prior to year. Athletics has 2 million dollars of student services fee. Defer to Kabir
Kapur: when CURB/SFACT is acting, what version of fee initiative is used? Our campus doesn’t seem to have approved.
John: We were following version we had to work with.
Kapur: we don’t have that version. What document is given to the committee reviewing?
Applesmith: 2 things. 1 we’ve been using is the exact one you guys should be using from UCOM. But what you guys should be using is the certified version. And 99% of the time it is, but there is the possibility it’s not the same.
Schaeffer: Final version is binding. Student vote version is not binding. What is the basis behind this policy that the student vote is not binding?
Sweeney: PIKAES. Policy 80. Standing order to regent comes down to student affairs created a series of policies. Policy 80: student referendum are advisory to chancellor.
Applesmith: Some state laws apply to UC, some do not. When campus passes policy: is regulation.
Schaeffer: When exactly was Policy 80 enacted? Do you have previous copy of this policy?
Applesmith: we can get you one.
Watson: Where do we get flow of student fee initiatives? How do we get access to that information?
Applesmith: We have a website, but it takes a legal ed. to navigate it, but we will walk you through it.
Sweeney: Work group creating guide for ASUCD. Gives guidance on every step of the way for how it to be successful. It’s waiting for that stamp.
Applesmith: come in and talk to us. Yield.
Watson: Specific questions about budget overview (handout). Allocate 2 mill to athletics. Autonomous how to spend from there. Do we have a public record on how they spend that money?
Nichnen: Not sure.
John: Advisory council meetings.
Watson: Made public?
John: From ICA.
Bonser: question for Schaeffer. What service of athletics to students?
Schaeffer: service doesn’t have to be person paying. You can attend games for free.
Bach: everything for free except basketball and football for other UCs.
Schaeffer: defer to administration
John: enhances community you live in.
Huey: yield.
Applesmith: Watson, information about athletics is a public record, we’ll get you that report. Yield.
Schaeffer: The problem I have with this policy 80: CEI is invalid. Did ASUCD vote in favor of it? Court declared we did not pass CEI. How can policy 80 be enacted?
Applesmith: Never heard of it.
Schaeffer: I think that both by UC policy and state policy, student votes should be legally binding and should constitute contracts. This is a disagreement that we have.
Kapur: Yield.
Smythe: It’s in our bylaws on how to pass a referendum.
Schaeffer: Defer to Applesmith.
Applesmith: Regents have a right to set policy. Rule 80 is a prerogative. You may disagree, but that’s how it is.
Schaeffer: Thank you.
Watson: Who else is covered under SASI and FACE? Who gets what money from those initiatives? Who else is bundled under those fee initiatives?
Watson: Are these (back of handout) set? They won’t change?
Campbell: each year it’s possible that CEI can view as cost of living increase. If viewed as such, can be recommended/propose increase.
Watson: who proposes?
Campbell: present to advisory groups, both groups affirm vote support/deny, send it back
Chow: On the back of the handout, LEEAP fees. Applies to undergraduates?
Nichnen: Just graduates.
Schaeffer: I agree with you, totally regent’s prerogative. Interpration of 80 Is wrong. Results are final, not the text. CEI has 7 principles. Campus council says principles violated when teams were cut. Is that your opinion?