A guide to buying and loaning music from RNIB
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Updated November 2016
RNIBsells, loans and transcribes music in various accessible formats. These include Braille Music, Modified Stave Notation and audio. This short guide is intended to help you find what you want. If you cannot find what you are looking for, you may wish to use our Braille music or MsN transcription services.
1. Braille music
1.1. Braille music for loan
Browsing the collection of Braille music and finding what you want
Managing your loans
Further assistance
Further information
1.2. Braille music to purchase
What Braille music is available to purchase?
Browsing available Braille music scores and finding what you want
Further information
2. Modified Stave Notation (MSN)
What Modified Stave Notation (MSN) is available?
Browsing the collection of MSN and finding what you want
Further assistance
Further information
3. Audio
What audio materials are available?
Browsing the collection of audio materials and finding what you want
Further information on playing by ear
4. Books on music
What books on music are in the collection?
Browsing the collection of books on music and finding what you want
5. Music transcription from RNIB
How much does it cost?
Further information
6. Information about the RNIB Library
7. Keeping up-to-date with what’s available
8. General support for Music
1. Braille music
1.1. Braille music for loan
What is in the Braille music collection?
There are approximately 16,000 Braille music scores available to loan in hard copy.The Braille music collection includes:
- vocal music,
- music for piano, flute and guitar as well as other instruments,
- works in full score,
- general music study resources such as A level set works,
- instrumental tutor books and grade examination practice materials,
- theory of music materials.
The collection includes scores that may be considered of historic interest, for example those that are by blind composers, sole surviving copies of a particular piece or scores which are significantly old. Some scores may be in Braille music formats no longer in regular use. Most of the braille music scores in the library are from RNIB but there are braille music scores from other libraries and collections.
There is currently no means of searching for such titles.
Browsing the collection of Braille music and finding what you want
To browse the collection or to search for something specific, either
- visit the RNIB Library, select “music only” from the drop down list of categories and enter a search term, for example Wolstenholme. You can view additional information for each record and add items to a wishlist or temporary list. Or
- contact the Music Librarian by telephone on01733 375105 or by email to .
The ‘my library’ section of the RNIB Library enables you to change your search settings to filter the results you are shown. However, it is not currently possible to filter your results to show just Braille music.
If you are only interested in braille music, not large print or audio, first contact the music librarian who can amend your profile behind the scenes so that when you are logged in and searching for a specific piece or composer, you will only get the option to ‘add to wishlist’ for entries in braille music. Within the entry for your selected record, you will be able to see if the item is also available for purchase.
Managing your loans
To add a Braille music score to your wish list, you will need to register as a member of the RNIB Library.
You can register for free by contacting the RNIB helpline by telephone on 0303 123 9999.
Note: If you’re an existing member of the RNIB Library using the new catalogue for the first time, you’ll need to find out your password. Just call our Helpline on 0303 123 9999. They’ll also be able to help you if you’re unsure of your RNIB customer number. If you know your RNIB customer number, you can visit the log in page, enter your RNIB customer number and select the option “receive your password by email”. If you need help using the catalogue, or would prefer to talk to someone, just call our Helpline on 0303 123 9999.
The “My Library” section of the RNIB Library allows you to view your current loans, overdue titles and wish list. You can also reserve items that are currently unavailable.
Available braille music scores are usually sent out the day after orders are received and can be loaned for 3 months
Further assistance
There is further assistance in the ‘help’ section of the RNIB Library. Guides specifically for users of access technology are in preparation. If you require personal assistance, please contact our Helpline by telephone on 0303 123 9999 or by email to .
Further information
There is further information about Braille music available on the RNIB website.
1.2. Braille music to purchase
What Braille music is available to purchase?
RNIB has around 2,500 scores in braille music available to buy and this number is growing all the time.
The Braille music collection includes:
- vocal music,
- music for piano, flute and guitar as well as other instruments,
- works in full score,
- general music study resources such as A level set works,
- instrumental tutor books and grade examination practice materials,
- theory of music materials.
Browsing available Braille music scores and finding what you want
To browse the collection or to search for something specific, either
visit the RNIB Library, select “music only” from the drop down list of categories and enter a search term, for example Wolstenholme. You can view additional information for each record and add items to a temporary list. Or
- contact our Helpline by telephone on 0303 123 9999 or by email to .
The catalogue contains scores that are available for loan and/or purchase. There is currently no way to filter results to show only those titles available to purchase. However, if a title is for sale this is clearly indicated on the initial results list. The purchase order number will also be displayed here but for older records it may be necessary to contact the Music Librarian.
Each music score that is available for purchase is assigned a unique order number. ISBN or ISMN numbers are not used.
In the case of new records, the order number can be found next to the title in the list of records in the RNIB Library.
For older records, this information can be obtained from the Music Librarian.These numbers will typically have between six and eight digits, starting with either a two or a five. Once you have the order number, you will need to place your order with the Helpline by telephone on 0303 123 9999 or by email to .
Braille music scores purchased from RNIB are usually Brailled on demand and shipped within 7 to 10 working days.
Further information
There is further information about Braille musicon the RNIB website.
2. Modified Stave Notation (MSN)
What Modified Stave Notation (MSN) is available?
RNIB has a small but growing number of large print music scores available for loan. The notation is 16mm or 24 pt size print and on a cream background. These are MSN scores produced to a generic standard, rather than tailored for an individual’s needs.
RNIB does not currently sell any scores in MSN.
Browsing the collection of MSN and finding what you want
To browse the collection, either
- visit the RNIB Library, select “music only” from the drop down list of categories and search for “MSN” in the search box.
- Contact the Music Librarian by telephone on 01733 375105 or by email to
The ‘my library’ section of the RNIB Library enables you to change your search settings to filter the results you are shown. However, it is not currently possible to filter your results to show just Modified Stave Notation.
Further assistance
There is further assistance in the ‘help’ section of the RNIB Library. Guides specifically for users of access technology are in preparation. If you require personal assistance, please contact our Helpline by telephone on 0303 123 9999 or by email to .
Further information
There is further information about Modified Stave Notationon the RNIB website.
What audio materials are available?
RNIB has specialist CDs for loan of choral scores for learning and rehearsal from Saffron Choral Prompt, Choraline as well as tutor books and the Learn to Play series covering several instruments from Bill Brown. These are available to loan only.
Browsing the collection of audio materials and finding what you want
To browse the collection, either
visit the RNIB Library, select “music only” from the drop down list of categories and search for “Saffron”, “Bill Brown” or “Choraline” in the search field.
Contact the Music Librarian by telephone on 01733 375105 or by email to
Further assistance
There is further assistance in the ‘help’ section of the RNIB Library. Guides specifically for users of access technology are in preparation. If you require personal assistance, please contact our Helpline by telephone on 0303 123 9999 or by email to .
Further information on playing by ear
There is further information on playing and learning music by ear available on the RNIB website.
4. Books on music
What books on music are in the collection?
Our Library contains many books on all aspects of music.The collection of books on music includes titles covering the following areas:
- Rock and pop;
- Jazz;
- Folk;
- World music;
- Opera;
- Classical;
- Biography and autobiography;
- Study materials;
- Music technology and recording;
- Music history;
- Music theory;
- Learning Braille music.
Browsing the collection of books on music and finding what you want
To browse the collection, either
visit the RNIB Library and select your preferred format from the drop down list of categories.
contact the Library Team by telephone on 01733 375105 or by email to .
You can also browse by category and select ‘Music’ from the non-fiction options. Once the results list is displayed you can limit the results to your preferred format. In addition to a great many titles in braille for loan or purchase, there are some biographies in giant print and many titles in audio that can be loaned through a subscription with the RNIB Talking Books service or RNIB Overdrive.
5. Music transcription from RNIB
If the piece you want is not available in your preferred format, RNIB also undertakes to transcribe print music into Braille music or MSN for individual customers.
How much does it cost?
RNIB transcription service offers a sliding scale of subsidised prices, dependent on the complexity of the original material and the format required.
The charges for music transcription are not currently published though RNIB members receive an allocation of transcription for free.
Further information
Accessing personal transcription is quick and easy. Call your regional centre in Belfast, Cardiff, Glasgow or Ivybridge or RNIB Helpline on 0303 123 9999. They will be able to advise on cost and delivery date.
- Ivybridge - Telephone: 01752 690 092.
- RNIB Scotland Transcription Centre - Telephone: 0141 337 2955.
- Reading and Transcription RNIB NI Accessible Media -Telephone: 028 9050 1888.
- RNIB Cymru Accessible Information Centre - RNIB Cymru is also a producer of Welsh braille and audio. Telephone: 029 2044 9575.
6. Information about the RNIB Library
You can find out more about the RNIB Library by visiting
Once you have joined the RNIB Library, you can borrow six books at a time. You may request up to 20 additional titles a year.
Scores and CDs requested are delivered and returned free of charge under the Articles for the Blind scheme. Items can be borrowed for up to three months. You may renew items by logging into the ‘my library’ section of the RNIB Library website, or by phone, letter or email, unless they are required by another reader. A self-adhesive return label is included. There is no charge and no forms to complete at this stage.
7. Keeping up-to-date with what’s available
You can sign up to receive our free bi-monthly New Books Magazine which contains details of new publications including music transcriptions.
The RNIB Library allows you to view recent additions to the collection in your preferred category.
8. General support for Music
Please contact RNIB's Music Advisory Service for assistance, by telephone on 0207 391 2273 or by email to
Last updated: November 2016