Minutes BCH PC Oct 2014
Minutes of Biochemistry Programme Committee
meeting held on Thursday 23 October 2014 in Biology Williamson Rooms
- Present: Daniela Barilla, Christoph Baumann, James Chong, Reza Danesh-Azari, Gideon Grogan, Mike Haydon, Jason Lynam, Frans Maathuis, James Moir, Michael Schultze, Seishi Shimizu, Maggie Smith, Gavin Thomas (Chair), Marjan van der Woude, Richard Waites, Carol Wales, Bob White, Jenny White (secretary)
- Apologies for absence: Ian Bancroft, Neil Bruce, Marek Brzozowski, Set Chong, Gideon Davies, Pierre Dechant, Rod Hubbard, Louise Jones, Peter McGlynn, Alison Parkin, Luke Pettengell, Michael Plevin, Jennifer Potts, Katie Smith, Dani Ungar, Tony Wilkinson, Keith Wilson
- Report on current activity
Gavin Thomas reported that this year’s intake of Biochemists was unusually large at 68. Timetabling had successfully been integrated across Biology and Chemistry, with improved facilities for the overflow room in Chemistry. The Committee noted that next year’s intake was likely to be 58 students, and that larger lecture theatres would be needed to accommodate larger cohorts, but Chemistry had indicated that they would use Central Hall to teach the whole cohort in a single group.
The Committee noted that scores from the National Student Survey, which were slightly lower than previous years for overall satisfaction, assessment and feedback, were being addressed at Departmental level.
- Minutes of the previous meeting of Biochemistry Programme Committee
The Committee approved the minutes of the meeting held on 5 June 2014 with the following amendments:
Minute 14/13b - Overflow room was A101 (not A001)
Minute 14/14f - Annual report on 32I PCR - Change to state that “word count and other modifications” had resulted in better student feedback.
- Matters arising
- PGWT (arising from 14/13c) The Committee noted that postgraduate students may not assist in marking after Stage 1.
- BCH Research projects (arising from 14/13e) Gavin Thomas reported that he was to have discussion with Anjelika Sebold regarding timing of MChem and BSc project allocation to ensure no group is disadvantaged. This will also consider how future MBioChem student projects might also be allocated.
- Annual reports on modules 2013/14 (arising from 14/14) The Committee considered the following annual reports which were not available for the meeting on 5 June:
04C Molecular biology and biochemistry: Set Chong’s report stated that students did well on assessment and were happy with timing (amended from the previous year).
09C Foundation chemistry: Seishi Shimizu reported that students found it difficult to answer three questions in an hour (whereas Chemists have 6 questions in two hours) and might like longer time in the exam.
ACTION: Jason Lynam will take this back to Chemistry for consideration.
18I Postgenomic biotechnology: James Chong reported that this module had undergone changes and as a result was not well integrated and had received poor feedback. Staff teaching on the module will be meeting to amend the content & delivery of the module to improve it.
ACTION: All module organisers - revised synopsis for this and all other modules to be finalised before meeting of Teaching Committee on 26 November.
08I Chemistry and disease: Anne Routledge’s report referred to a student enquiry regarding continuation of the material into Stage 3. It was noted that Proteins and disease would be a good module to follow on, and that staff need to consider themes and routes.
15H Analytic and forensic chemistry: The Committee noted that feedback from Chemistry modules did not include information on student performance, and noted it would be useful to see Biochemistry student performance statistics.
ACTION: Jason Lynam/Kirsty Penkman to provide results showing Biochemistry/Chemistry student performance.
16H Bio-inspired chemistry: Paul Walton reported no comments on this module, which had been running successfully for a number of years.
- Update on Stage 2 Cell biology teaching (arising from 14/16a)
The Committee noted that, after discussion of issues including metabolism teaching, no changes were proposed for 2015/16.
- Stage 3 module 43H Antibiotics (arising from 14/16b)
Maggie Smith proposed a new name for this module as “Natural products from microbes”
- Academic year 2014/15
Gavin Thomas invited comments on issues in the current academic year.
a)Set Chong commented that catch-up chemistry teaching for students without A2 background, currently in week 5, came too late to support teaching in 04C Molecular biology and biochemistry.
ACTION: Gavin Thomas to raise with module organisers Adrian Harrison/Paul Pryor.
b)The Committee noted that open assessment has been introduced for Stage 2 modules 34I Metabolism in health and disease and 08I Molecular biotechnology, with a corresponding reduction in closed assessment (eg problem question removed). Module organisers are encouraged to introduce different forms of assessment, but need to bear in mind clashing deadlines, particularly in skills and group work modules, and it was agreed more centralised information on deadlines was needed.
ACTION: Gavin Thomas to review the current pattern of open assessment as it relates to Biochemistry students, particularly in the Autumn term.
c)The Committee noted changes to Stage 3 Biochemical skills proposed at Biology Exams Committee; at the suggestion of External Examiners, students will see the paper for the Comp & Crit assessment before taking the exam. It will be released at the start of the common assessment period, with the closed assessment in late week 6 or early week 7. The movement of the Open Essay paper to the Autumn term will come into effect in 2015/16.
- Annual Plan for academic year 2015/16:
- Approval of modules within BCH PC remit
Gavin Thomas reminded module organisers that synopses on google drive should include up to date information on learning outcomes and teaching activities, and ensure that “prerequisite” as students would select modules online in the spring term 2015. Non-standard students might be exempted from prerequisites. Module organisers must also be aware of how Stage 2 modules feed into Stage 3 module choices.
ACTION: All staff to update module synopses as soon as possible, certainly prior to meeting of Teaching Committee on 26 November.
- Stage 1 modules
●04C Molecular biology and biochemistry - Set Chong reported concern at the increase in number of students who do not have Chemistry, and a possible increase in overall number if it is taken by Natural Science students.
●08C Biochemical skills I - Set Chong proposed no significant changes.
●CHE 08C Foundation chemistry I - The Committee noted that module synopses from Chemistry generally gave much less information to students than those from Biology, and requested more detail be included.
ACTION: Jenny White/Seishi Shimizu to ensure module information provided for Biochemistry students was up to date; Gavin Thomas to convey comments to Chemistry Teaching Committee.
●CHE 09C Foundation chemistry 2 - Seishi Shimizu reported no significant changes.
- Stage 2 modules
●01I Biochemical skills II - Christoph Baumann reported that the synopsis was updated to incorporate new numerical content and changes to assessment (which might be amended after 2014/15 delivery). Gavin Thomas noted that a forthcoming review of open assessments will need to take account of these changes.
ACTION: Gavin Thomas to note changes when considering pattern of assessment (see action above).
●Previous 20 credit module From gene to function - the Committee noted that the University had allowed deviation from the standard pattern of module delivery, splitting this into two 10-credit modules. This results in some asymmetry in 20 credit modules in Stage 2, and increased assessment in January for students who take the 10-credit autumn term part of this former 20-credit module. Both new 10-credit modules would remain as core modules for certain specialist degrees. Approval was needed from both Biology and Natural Sciences Boards of Studies.
●NEW 10-cr Molecular microbiology (was the first 10-credits in the 20 credit From gene to function module)
James Moir introduced the revised synopsis, with the same contributors and the introduction of a bioinformatics workshop.
ACTION: to raise at BIO PC to ensure that all students (including Biology and Natural Sciences) have adequate background in bioinformatics.
It was proposed that this module have open assessment for 30% of marks, however the Committee was concerned about the increase in workload for students in the Autumn term.
ACTION: Gavin Thomas/James Moir to bear in mind for review under item above.
●NEW 10-cr Eukaryotic gene expression (was From gene to function)
Bob White agreed to be organiser of this half of the module, which had much the same content as when delivered by Debbie Smith. The name is similar to that of a Stage 3 module, but the latter may changes its name (eg to Transcription in cancer).
ACTION: Bob White to liaise with module organiser for 11C Cell Biology (Paul Genever) regarding modification/eliminate possible overlap of module content.
●08I Molecular biotechnology - Gavin Thomas reported no changes to the synopsis.
●18I Postgenomic biotechnology - James Chong proposed some change in content and was reminded of the deadline of 26 November for synopses revisions.
●33I Mechanisms of genetic change - Michael Schultze reported minor changes to the synopsis.
●Group A skills 32I PCR - Michael Schultze reported minor changes to the synopsis.
●Group A skills 32I Protein interactions - the synopsis is not yet updated.
ACTION: Dani Ungar
●Chemistry modules CHE 12I Biochemical reaction mechanisms (Gideon Grogan) / CHE 11I Protein in 3D (Keith Wilson) / 08I Chemistry and disease (Anne Routledge) / 13I Strategy to synthesis in organic chemistry (David Smith) - the Committee noted a desire for clearly defined learning outcomes and more detail on what is included in each session.
ACTION: Jenny White to provide examples of Biology module synopses for Jason Lynam, to encourage adoption of similar format for Chemistry modules.
- Stage 3 modules
●27H/29H BIO/BCH Final year research skills - the Committee noted that these modules will be merged. Since the Open Essay will from 2015/16 be assessed in the Autumn term, questions will not be taken from research seminars, however the latter remain an optional part of module content, with students encouraged to attend around 14 sessions.
●30H BCH Research project - it was agreed that the BCH PC Chair should be organiser for this module. The Committee thanked Chemistry directors Martin Fascione and Alison Parkin for taking BCH project students, which were enjoyed by students, and looked forward to more Chemistry staff involvement.
●ACTION:Gavin Thomas to prepare a modules synopsis for this module
●New xxH Stage 3 project for Integrated Masters students - James Moir introduced the synopsis for this new 40-credit module where groups of 6-10 students work in teaching labs (to locate in phase 2 of new build eventually) with 10-12 slots over the year. Projects will be experimental design rather than technically sophisticated.
ACTION: All staff to consider offering a project, Gavin Thomas to speak to YSBL staff to invite participating. James Moir to co-ordinate offerings.
●04H Biocatalysis (Neil Bruce) - module synopsis to be updated.
●06H Biofuels and biotechnology - Gavin Thomas reported no major changes.
●13H Epigenetics in development and disease - Louise Jones had made no major changes.
●16H Glycobiology (Dani Ungar) - module synopsis to be updated.
●19H Molecular machines - Christoph Baumann reported no major changes.
●23H Plant biotechnology - Michael Schultze reported no major changes.
●24H Protein nucleic acid interactions - Christoph Baumann reported no major changes.
●25H Protein protein recognition (Tony Wilkinson) - module synopsis to be updated.
●43H Antibiotics - Maggie Smith proposed a change of name to Natural products from microbes which was agreed; it was hoped we could keep the same module number.
ACTION: Jenny White to change paperwork, notify University. Maggie Smith to update synopsis.
●44H Chromosome dynamics - no changes noted (Peter McGlynn)
●45H Eukaryotic gene transcription (Bob White) - module synopsis to be updated, including consideration of name change to Transcription & Cancer.
●CHE 19H Proteins and disease (Marek Brzozowski) - module synopsis to be updated.
ACTION: Jenny White to chase module organisers for updates prior to meeting of Biology Teaching Committee.
- Optional core modules for Biochemistry students
Stage 2:
Gavin Thomas introduced the proposed classification of modules, with both 10-credit parts of From gene to function remaining as core modules. This would result in more assessment in January from Autumn term teaching. Students would be advised on which modules were/were not available to them, in order to allow modules in Biology to be timetabled as mutually exclusive. The Committee agreed that students should be advised to take modules across Autumn / Spring terms with a 1 / 3 split, although 2 / 2 was acceptable.
Stage 3:
The Committee noted changes to modules in Stage 2 might result in a changed pattern of Stage 3 module choices, and recommended no changes in Stage 3 core/optional classifications until the effects were observed.
BCH Integrated Masters students will be taking eight 10-credit modules (BSc students take six) and it was agreed that they would take 40 credits from BCH core modules and 40 from the OC modules, thus giving them more depth in core areas and also more choice of additional related modules.
- Forward planning for 2016/17
The Committee noted that Frans Maathuis proposed a Stage 3 module in Membrane transport and disease, and requested more details for consideration at the Spring meeting of BCH PC. The committee were supportive of this idea.
10.Dates of next meetings
●BIO PC - Friday 31 October at 9.30
●Teaching Committee - Wednesday 26 November - considers modules from all PCs, and finalises course plans for 2015/16
●Biology Board of Studies - Friday 5 December - approves modules and course plans for 2015/16
●Chemistry Teaching committee - tbc - receives minutes of the Autumn term BCH PC meeting.
●BCH PC - tba Spring term 2015 - receives reports from Autumn term modules associated with BCH
●BCH PC - tba Summer term 2015 at 9.30 - receives reports from Spring/Summer term modules associated with BCH and begins planning process for 2016/17