MGLA210409-5794 LB Merton and Mayor’s QuestionsATTACHMENT [U]
-----Original Message-----
From: John Lett
Sent: 23 March 2009 16:29
To: 'Valerie Mowah'
Subject: RE: Commonside East
many thanks valerie
-----Original Message-----
From: Valerie Mowah [mailto:
Sent: 23 March 2009 15:00
To: John Lett
Subject: RE: Commonside East
Hello John,
Many thanks for the e-mail.
In response to your query I would advise that the site that Dr. Mooney is referring to comprises a group of 35 individual properties in Commonside East & Cedars Avenue Mitcham, of which are NOT included in the list of sites provided to the Council by the GLA for assessment as part of the HCS 09. The properties within this site contain established, privately owned homes and therefore when the Council sent a questionnaire to the landowners requesting information on the availability of each property for future housing potential in accordance with the SHLAA guidance, asignificant level of feedback expressing concernwas received by the Council.
We have assessed the responses and determined that the site is not available having regard the SHLAA guidance ,and have excluded it from further consideration. The prime justification for this was the fact that the site is within multiple ownership and there is extreme objection to any form of redevelopment from the majority of landowners. Our exclusion method in this instance is similar to the SHLAA guidance and the GLA SHLAA2009 exclusion reason based on multiple ownership and no known redevelopment plans.
All consultees and respondents including Dr Mooney werefully informed that the purpose of the research exercise and consultation was to look at theoretical housingpotential and that this in itself will not determine whether or not a site is developed for housing in the future.
Kindest regards
Valerie Mowah : :principal planner, policy + info team
Spatial Planning Policy Team |Environment + Regeneration | London Borough of Merton
13th Floor, Civic Centre | London Road |Morden |Surrey | SM4 5DX
moreMorden:Help develop a vision for regenerating Morden at
020 8545 3053
-----Original Message-----
From: John Lett [mailto:
Sent: 19 March 2009 20:31
To: Valerie Mowah; Tara Butler
Subject: Commonside East
Mayoral correspondence has been passed to me on the above from Siobhain McDonagh MP attaching a letter from Dr Jean Mooney asking for Commonside East to be removed from the SHLAA. Also two more general Mayoral Questions from Nicky Gavron AM.
We arechecking whether the site is actually covered in the SHLAA.Dr Mooney may be under a misconception as to what the London SHLAA/Housing Capacity Study is and how it differs from those elsewhere in the country ie the site's inclusion in the London study does not imply that it will be developed, only that it is one of some 9000 locations across London, the aggregate development probabilities of which provide the most authoritative indication of future housing provision. Moreover, the study operates under a set of transparent decision rules agreed by all stakeholders including the 33 boroughs which identify these locations - unless the decision rules are adhered to rigorously the authority of the study will be compromised and both the replacement London Plan and the borough DPD will be at risk of being found unsound at EIP.
Could you give me some background on the site (Dr Mooney indicates that it is currently identified in a DPD but Cllr Brierley has undertaken to remove it) to provide context for advice to the Mayor on how he might reply to these queries.
Many thanks,
John Lett
Strategic Planning Manager
Greater London Authority
City Hall, The Queen's Walk, London SE1 2AA
Telephone:+44(0)20 7983 4281
Fax: +44(0)20 7983 4706
ATTACHMENT U 2009-03-23 16.25 Emails between John Lett GLA and Valerie Mowah LB Merton RE Commonside East1 Page 1 of 2