Student Recognition Minutes – September 8, 2016
- Character Bulletin Board
September- A Team
October – PK & Special Ed.
November- 4th
December – 1st
January – 5th
February – PEAM & Specialists
March – Kinder
April – Third
May – Second
*Slides for PK & K will be added to the powerpoint.
* Teachers want more expensive items on the cart. Please talk with your team and email the items and the amount you would like them to cost. Also include who would “run” the event.
*Find out if any teachers want to be a part of “Lunch with a Teacher” and how much that should cost.
*Donations – Letters will be placed in your box for companies who might donate to the CATS CART. We welcome any and all donations. Examples – fast food toys (especially the ones still in the package), pencils, stickers, toys & cash.
*Self Managers – Will begin Monday, September 19th. Forms will be placed in your box next week. Email any ideas that your grade level has for possible activities.
- *Pencil Machine-The pencil machine will be at Open House on Tuesday, September 13th & Tuesday, September 20th. We will advertise it to the kids the day before during lunchtime.
- Staff members may NOT give quarters to students for the pencil machine; however, a staff member may give the student a coupon for the machine and give Mrs. Henderson the quarter. When the student gives me the coupon, I will place the quarter in the machine and the students will receive a pencil.
- PJ Day is scheduled for Thursday, October 27th. (Students and staff will pay $1.00 to wear PJ’s.) All $ will be used for the CATS CART.
- Lunch of the stage will begin in October. Please go ahead and begin using the Student Recognition pages. If you need more please email me. (Think about how we can decorate around the tables, Remember the custodians have to be able to wipe down the tables after each lunch).
Two things I forgot:
*Please come by my office to Sign In (so you can receive staff development credit)
*We need to choose a date to meet again. (This a committee decision on when and how often we meet.) Please reply back.
Staff Appreciation Committee Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
The committee will do something fun at least 1 time per month.
“Fill The Bucket” from last year will continue and more buckets will be added. The buckets will begin on September 21. Look for a flyer about the Buckets.
We will ask people and businesses to donate gift cards, drinks, food, coupons etc. for drawings, prizes etc. for the staff
This committee will meet once per month and plan for the next month.
Because we had 100% of the staff sign up for committees, we earned jeans and tennis shoes for this Friday.
Social Committee Notes
September 7, 2016
In Attendance: Mercilliott, Dameron, Low, Soliz, Carugati, Urrutia, Tarpley, Garnett, Byrd, Wright, Mosquera, White, Andrews, Wakefield
NEXT MEETING: October 19th 3:40-4:40 PM
*Bring ideas for December, March, April, May
***Hospitality Dues due by end of September!!
Maggie began the meeting by describing our purpose.. however, I wasn’t the note taker yet and didn’t write notes on that. However, we will be planning fun things for staff throughout the year. Maggie’s description was way more elegant!
We began coming up with ideas and activities for each month of the year. So far we are planning on the following…
September: Candy and Sweet Note Exchange – Staff will write favorite candy below their picture on the “Picture Wall Display”. Kim will have current messages erased by Friday. Staff will write the name of their candy by September 16th.
October: October 27this Read for the Record and pajama day to raise money for PBIS. Staff will also bring their favorite “midnight snack” to share. They will be placed in Kim’s office.
November: November 18th will be the Turkey Bowl Day. The Committee will help come up with gift ideas for the wheel.
November 29th will be a Jeans Day for $1.00 to raise money for PBIS.
December: TBD
January: Super Bowl Squares will be for sale. More info to come.
February: February 3rd will be “Souper” Bowl Day… teams will bring soup and sandwiches for potluck lunch. More info on sign up to come. Also, Valentine’s Day kiss with note for all staff from committee.
March, April and May TBD *Ideas so far… Talent Show Valentine “Kiss” Game
Social Committee Duties:
A-Team Chair: Dameron
Chair and e-mailer: MercilliottNote Taker: Low Art Designer/Graphic Artist: Wakefield
Set Up for Events: Soliz, Carugati, Urrutia
Monitors: Tarpley, Garnett, Byrd, Wright
Clean Up: Mosquera, White, Andrews