Title:Industry Experience Preparation

Category:Assessment Example

Subject:Any Service Industry


This example enables the assessment of student preparation for their industry experience in Edexcel (H2) Unit 4 . It covers a personal skills assessment and skills development activity, the sourcing of a suitable placement and the agreement of objectives for the report to be completed inthe workplace.

Summary of Outcomes:

1Use appropriate methods to investigate and arrange industry experiencethat will support the development of a management report in an appropriate services industry context.

2 Prepare and agree the objectives for the industry experience report with the appropriate manager within the selected organisation.


You will need to research the skills you want to acquireand enhance during your work experience and match these to a career opportunity. In order to do this you will need to:

  • Conduct a personal skills audit.
  • Investigate work opportunities that fit your personal skill development needs using the library and careers resources at your college.
  • Identify 2 employers and jobs that are suitable for you to pursue.
  • Compare your existing skills with those specified for the two jobs that you are interested in.
  • Justify your chosen placement options.

When you have agreed your skills needs and employment opportunities with your tutor you will:

  • Negotiate the objectives for the industry placement management report with your prospective employer and your tutor.
  • Justify how the aims, objectives and targets will benefit the organisation and you as a learner.

The assessment for this unit will be a 15 minute presentation using Powerpoint(or a Smart Board) and a 5 minute question and answer session with your tutor.

Industry Experience Preparation,Teaching Resource Exchange, Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism Network


Unit 4 Industry Experience
Learning Outcomes for this assignment / Assessment Criteria
To achieve a pass for each outcome a student must demonstrate the ability to:
1 Use methods to arrangeindustry experiencethat will support thedevelopment of a management report in anappropriate services industry context. /
  • Research and select a range of suitable organisations that could provide industry experience in an appropriate context
  • Explain how the industry experience would support the development of an appropriate management report

2 Prepare and agree aims,objectives and targetsof themanagement report with theappropriate manager withinthe selected organisation. /
  • Set, prioritise and agree appropriate aims, objectivesand targets for the management report with the linemanager and tutor.
  • Justify how the aims, objectives and targets willbenefit the organisation and the learner.


The criteria for attaining the following grades


Work will be communicated by a presentation which covers learning outcomes 1 and 2 above
Effective use of texts, materials and web resources as appropriate with referencing and bibliography in line with accepted conventions.
Research and selection of a range of suitable organisations that could provide industry experience in an appropriate context.
Explanation of how the industry experience would support the development of an appropriate management report.
Set, prioritise and agree appropriate aims, objectives and targets for the management report with the line manager and tutor.
Justify how the aims, objectives and targets will benefit the organisation and the learner.


Descriptors / Indicative Characteristics / Evidence you can use to prove your achievement
Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate solutions. /
  • Effective judgements have been made.
  • Complex problems with more than one variable have been explored.
  • The choice of employers and jobs is justified with reference to the skills audit.

Select/design and apply appropriate methods/techniques. /
  • A range of sources of information has been used.
  • The selection of methods and techniques/sources has been justified.
  • A suitable skills assessment method has been used.
  • You demonstrate familiarity with underpinning theory of skills acquisition.

Present and communicate appropriate findings. /
  • The appropriate structure and approach has been used.
  • Coherent, logical development of principles/concepts for intended audience.
  • See grading criteria for PowerPoint and Smart Board presentations.


Descriptors / Indicative Characteristics / Evidence you can use to prove your achievement
Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusions. /
  • Justification is made for decisions taken and conclusions drawn.
  • You have made insightful and relevant observations on the suitability of placements after careful consideration of your current skills, your skills development plan and your long-term career plans.

Take responsibility for managing and organising activities. /
  • Substantial activities, projects or investigation have been planned, managed and organised.
  • Your research methods and techniques have followed a rigorous academic procedure.

Demonstrate convergent/lateral/critical thinking. /
  • Ideas have been generated and decisions taken.
  • Problems have been solved.
  • Receptiveness to new ideas is evident.


  • You may wish to consider bringing in first year students to observe these presentations made by the second year students.
  • See also guidance on the assessment of Powerpoint or Smart Board presentations.


Industry Experience Preparation,Teaching Resource Exchange, Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism Network