Bispham Endowed Church of England
Primary School
Nursery Prospectus
Welcome to Bispham Endowed Church of England (CE) Primary School’s Nursery. Your child will soon be starting their school life by joining our Nursery. We hope that the following information will ease the transition into school life for your child and your family and we look forward to the exciting times ahead.
The name, address and telephone number of our school is:-
Bispham Endowed Church of England Primary School
Bispham Road
Tel: 01253 354672
Our email address is:
Our website address is:
Bispham Endowed Nursery is the first class in Bispham Endowed Church of England Primary School and although not all the children will later join our Reception classes, our Nursery children are involved in whole school activities and develop links with the rest of the school through a variety of opportunities during the year.
The Nursery is a purpose built unit which opened in January 2003. It has an extremely well-resourced classroom and an outdoor learning area with a large soft play surface and garden area. All seven areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum are delivered using up to date equipment, resources and technology.
The Staff you will meet are:-
Head TeacherMrs Hirst
Deputy Head TeacherMrs McCormick
Foundation Stage LeaderMiss Haslam
Nursery TeacherMrs Bowie
Nursery NurseMiss Bornand
Nursery Teaching AssistantsMrs Latham
Miss Green
Nursery Lunchtime SupervisorMiss Downie
School Administration ManagerMrs Baron
School AdministratorMiss James
School Mission Statement
Dream it,
Believe it,
Work together to achieve it,
In our happy, Christian school.
Special Educational Needs
Our school places a great deal of emphasis upon the maximum development of each individual child. This applies to all children at Bispham Endowed Church of England Primary School, whatever their age and ability. A great deal of time and effort is given to supporting children with learning difficulties and we are very proud of the achievements and success of these children. The positive climate we have within the Nursery, alongside the caring nature of the teaching and support staff, helps to promote maximum individual development.
Our school strives to implement fully the new SEND Code of Practice (September 2014) on the identification and assessment of special needs and we seek to involve parents and carers from the earliest possible moment in supporting the education of their child.
Our SEND Policy is available in school and can be inspected upon request. The SEND School Offer is on our school website.
Children with Disabilities
The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 defines a disabled person as someone who has “a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day to day activities”.
Bispham Endowed Church of England Primary School aims to be an inclusive school and provide equal opportunities for all. The Governing Board aims to provide an education for all children within a mainstream education setting wherever possible. Children who are defined as disabled within the Act are admitted according to the Local Authority’s admission policy considered in conjunction with the school’s Inclusion Policy.
Upon admission the needs of each child are carefully and sensitively assessed by the Nursery staff and the school’s Inclusion and Integration Manager, working closely with other agencies such as Children’s Services, Social Care and the Local Primary Care Trust, and appropriate provision is made.
As a school, Bispham Endowed, strives to make every reasonable adjustment to enable pupils, parents and carers, staff, governors and visitors to take a full and active part in the everyday life and work of our school. Ramps at the front of the school, in the inner quadrangle and into the Burnside Pavilion facilitate wheelchair access to the building. The Nursery has a disabled toilet suitable for adults and children and adaptations for physically disabled children have already been made in three sets of children’s toilets. The front entrance to school has automatic doors and the administration block has a low level ‘reception’ window and wide doors to all rooms.
Ongoing adjustments are made to the building as part of our daily work. For example the Office Team readily provide assistance for sensory impaired and other disabled visitors to school. The school’s Disability Equality Scheme, which includes its accessibility plan, is in place and work has already been undertaken. Other alterations and improvements to the building which will make the school more easily accessible for people with disabilities will be made in the next few years as part of the overall plan to improve the building through minor works projects.
Statement on Religious Education
Bispham Endowed Church of England Primary School is a Voluntary Controlled Church of England School, which means we operate within a partnership between the Church of England and the Local Authority, which is Blackpool Council. The religious education taught in the school is mainly in accordance with the Local Authority's Agreed Syllabus but it is supplemented, where relevant, by specific Church of England teaching. Collective worship is an important part of each day in our Nursery. Parents and carers may withdraw their child from all or part of the religious education and collective worship provided.
Nursery Routines
Session Times:-
Morning 8:45 a.m. – 12 noon
Afternoon12:00 noon – 3:15 p.m.
Each session can accommodate up to 26 children. Children attend either five mornings OR five afternoons or a block of two and a half days. Children can attend for whole days if their parents and carers choose to supplement their five ‘free’ sessions with five ‘paid’ sessions or if they are eligible for the government’s new 30 hours of free child care (from September 2017). Details of the charges for extra sessions are available from the School Office. In order to maximise the opportunities provided, please make sure that your child attends their sessions regularly.
If however your child is ill, please keep them at home. We ask that if any child has had sickness or diarrhoea, there must be a 24 hour free period before their return (this is under guidance from NHS Early Years).
Please telephone school if your child is absent from the Nursery and then send a letter explaining their absence when they return. We do discourage holidays in term time as this does disrupt your child’s learning. If a holiday in school time is unavoidable a Holiday Request Form should be completed in advance of the holiday and submitted to the Headteacher.
It is essential that children are brought and collected by a responsible adult (not an older brother or sister from the main school). It is of great importance that you inform school if someone different will be collecting your child. Unless we are familiar with an adult, your child will not be allowed to leave Nursery.
Due to lack of space in the school car park, parents and carers are asked to park on Bispham Road, or on the Council land next to Bispham Community Centre, when collecting their child. Please do not come into the school car park unless you are a disabled driver and hold a current badge.
Milk is available for Nursery children whose parents and carers wish them to have it. This is currently provided free by Blackpool Council. Nursery children who do not wish to have school milk, may bring a named plastic bottle or drink container of still, unflavoured water for their snack time drink. As Nursery children are provided with a piece of free fruit each day, in accordance with the National Fruit and Vegetable Scheme, we ask that they do not bring a snack for break-time.
Our weekly newsletter, ‘Headlines’ is published every week on a Wednesday. A text message is sent to each family to remind them when it is available. The newsletter keeps you up to date with what is happening in school, celebrates our successes and gives you details of forthcoming events, clubs, fundraising and charity work as well as lots of other details and information about our school. On other occasions separate letters are sent home giving information about special events or information specifically for Nursery parents and carers.
Nursery Uniform
This is the same as the infant school uniform and can be bought from Bispham Clothing in Bispham Village.
White polo shirt
Royal blue round neck sweatshirt with school badge OR
Royal blue round neck sweatshirt or cardigan
Grey trousers (long or short), grey skirt, pinafore or culottes
Grey or white socks
Sensible black shoes [velcro fastenings and not laces please]
(Trainers, pumps and long or short boots should not be worn for Nursery)
Jewellery is not allowed. Earrings may be worn – studs only.
Health, Safety and Welfare
We are most concerned with the safety, security and happiness of every child and ask that you respect our entry and exit procedures, which aim to benefit everyone in the school community. These procedures are described in detail on a separate sheet.
The Nursery internal door is made secure throughout all session times and has a keypad on it for extra security. The outer Nursery gate is kept locked during all session times. Our fire alarm system and our emergency lighting are tested regularly. The whole school community have regular fire practices when we evacuate the building under timed conditions. All fire exits are always kept free.
Parents and carers are responsible for the administration of medical treatment during the school day and Nursery staff cannot administer medicines to any child. Please do not send any form of medication, including prescribed or over the counter medicines, treatments, creams, lotions, lip balms, cough sweets etc. into school with your child. However you are welcome to come into Nursery during the day and administer any medicines or treatments. Exceptions are made to this policy for those children who have long term medical conditions, such as asthma, epilepsy, severe allergic reactions and diabetes, which require ongoing, daily treatment. With the agreement of the Headteacher, specific arrangements are made in such cases for the children to have and use medication in Nursery.
Many members of our staff are qualified First Aiders and the Nursery Team includes a qualified Paediatric First Aider. A first aid kit is kept in the Nursery. If your child becomes unwell during the school day, the Nursery staff may recommend that parents or carers be contacted. It is therefore vital that you keep us informed and up to date with the emergency contact numbers for your child so that we can reach you or someone on your behalf if necessary.
The Nursery Curriculum
The importance of play in the Early Years cannot be emphasised enough. It is a great tool for learning, bringing pleasure and enjoyment to children and is fundamental to their development. The Nursery curriculum is based on seven areas of learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum which are
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development
- Communication and Language
- Physical Development
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Understanding the World
- Expressive Arts and Design
Objectives from the above areas of learning are carefully planned and structured into a wide range of play based activities. These may take place both indoors and outdoors and allow the children to develop, consolidate and apply new skills and ideas in different situations.
Areas found within the Nursery Classroom include:
- Creative workshop
- Sand tray
- Water tray
- Computers
- Home corner
- Small world play
- Malleable table
- Painting
- Writing / mark making area
- Small construction
- Large construction
- Outdoor area
Please note the outdoor area is used on a daily basis and therefore children will need appropriate clothing, including wellington boots.
Assessment and Record Keeping
The children’s skills and development are continually assessed throughout the year based on adult observations. This information then allows us to plan towards each individual child’s needs. Parent/Carer–Teacher Consultation Evenings are held twice a year and an annual report is sent home at the end of the year. The Nursery teacher is happy to discuss any concerns you may have with your child’s progress, but we do ask that you make an appointment first.
Settling In
Children are admitted into the Nursery a few at a time over a period of weeks so that extra attention can be given to each child during their first few days. We hope this will enable us to establish routines and build confidence in each child.
Prior to your child starting Nursery we hold ‘Information and Play Sessions’ during which we ask that parents and carers stay and play with their child. This will enable you to see what happens in Nursery during a session so that you can then talk to your child at home about their experiences.
Parental Involvement
We place great emphasis on parents and carers being involved in school. We value the help given by you and you will always be most welcome. If you feel you are able to give up any spare time and join us in school as a keen baker, gardener or even to read stories please do not hesitate to contact school. This does not need to be on a regular basis, any time given is greatly appreciated!
We hope we have answered some of the queries you may have had about your child starting Nursery. We are looking forward to meeting you and your child and hope you will be very happy with us. If there is anything you wish to discuss please do not hesitate to ask.