Friends of Mayer (“FOM”)

Board of Directors Meeting

Held at Starbucks at 1100 Block of West Fullerton

July 14th, 2017

Board Members Present:

Melissa Kaeser

Reatha Kay

Olivia Lopez, Assistant Secretary

Millie Mast

Deni Mayer

Natalie Patterson

Julie Schulhof

Erika Vogel

Board Members Not Present:

Sandy Baccam

Nisha Hazra

Melissa Seiler

Roona Shah

Julie Zwick

Guests: Mark Sassower, President, Oscar Mayer Magnet School (“Oscar Mayer”) Local School Council (“LSC”).

Welcome and Introductions: Ms. Vogel called the meeting to order at approximately 11:05 am and welcomed all board members and guests and thanked them for volunteering their time. A quorum was present.

Elections of Officers: Ms. Vogel presented the proposed slate of officers up for election as follows: President - Erika Vogel, Secretary - Reatha Kay; Treasurer – Sandy Baccam; Assistant Treasurer – Olivia Lopez; VP communications – Roonah Shah; VP of Community – Julie Zwick; VP Fundraising – Melissa Kaeser; and VP Sponsorship – Millie Mast. Ms. Kay made a motion to approve the slate of officers, Ms. Mast seconded the motion, and the officers were elected unanimously.

Bylaws: President Vogel presented the proposed revised bylaws to the change and summarized many of the changes. Vice President Kaeser made a motion to adopt the amended bylaws, Mr. Mayer seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.

Teacher Advisors to the FOM Board: President Vogel announced that two teachers at Oscar Mayer, Katie Edmonds and Norah O’Brien, submitted their names to be teacher advisors to the FOM Board. The teacher advisors would not be members of the board, but would advise the board on issues, providing teacher perspectives and assist the board with communications to the staff at the school. President Vogel made a motion to approve both Ms. Edmonds and Ms. O’Brien as Teacher Advisors; Vice President Kaeser seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.

Report on LSC Meeting/Principal Search Committee: President Vogel introduced Mark Sassower, the President of the Oscar Mayer LSC to provide an update on the status on the principal search committee, the process and the search to date. The President of Friends of Mayer, Erika Vogel, along with the members of the LSC and some Oscar Mayer staff, are members of the principal search committee.

Board Meeting Dates and Times: President Vogel stated that the FOM Board Meeting dates will be the third Tuesday of every month, alternating between morning and evening meetings.

President Vogel reviewed the upcoming calendar of FOM events:

September 1 is the meet the teacher event;

September 11 is the “Boo Hoo/Yahoo Breakfast,” which is the 3 year-olds’ first day of school;

The October “Meet and Mingle” event will be changed to October 5 (formerly, October 6) because of the Columbus Day holiday;

Treasurer’s Report: Assistant Treasurer Lopez provided a review of the 2016/2017 figures. Assistant Treasurer Lopez stated that the total revenue for the previous year went up from last year for a total revenue of $673,912.

Communications: President Vogel stated that all communications will go through Ms. Roonah Shah, Vice President of Communications. President Vogel stated that Vice President Shah will maintain the Bull Dog Blast, and that any information you want included in the Bull Dog Blast will need to be sent to Vice President Shah by Tuesday of that week to be included in that Friday’s edition.

Sponsorship: Vice President Mast presented an overview of how sponsorship was handled last year and how she envisions coordinating sponsorship not only with fundraising but with cutting expenses as well.

Community: Ms. Schulof reported that the FOM social event at the Columbia Yacht Club is scheduled for July 25, 2017.

Beyond the Classroom: President Vogel stated that Melissa Seiler is heading up this program and is planning Fall activities, to be announced at a later date, and in February, will be holding a “Random Acts of Kindness” event at the school.

Fundraising: Vice President Kaeser is heading up the pledge drive, which is scheduled to begin on October 16, 2017, and proposed some new ideas to increase support for this fundraising event, including developing a video – which would require the approval of the LSC.

Benefit: The FOM benefit is scheduled for March 9, 2018.

Walkathon: Scheduled for June 1, 2018.

Other event dates: September 1 – Meet the Teacher;

September 11 – Boo hoo/Yahoo Breakfast.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:45 pm.