Science Leadership Network

January 23, 2013


New Teacher Evaluation Criteria Focus

8. Professional Practice: The teacher participates collaboratively in the educational community to improve instruction, advance the knowledge and practice of teaching as a profession, and ultimately impact student learning.

National Board for Professional Teaching Standards

Entry 4: Documented Accomplishments: Contributing to Student Learning

The level 4 performance provides clear, consistent, and convincing evidence of the teacher’s ability to impact student learning through work with colleagues, professionals, families, and the community, and as a learner.

Purpose of the Science Leadership Network

Science teacher leaders will meet regularly throughout the school year. This group’s role is to address district needs by engaging in professional learning experiences that:

·  use and model best instructional practices.

·  align instruction to Common Core State Standards.

·  are grounded in the research of the Framework for K-12 Science Education.

·  explore implementation of the Next Generation Science Standards.

·  support student success on state assessments.

·  make intentional connections between TPEP and effective science instruction.

Today’s Goals

1.  Identify work goals for the network.

2.  Engage in a powerful learning experience that connects to the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts.

3.  Compare and contrast how science and engineering practices relate to each other to learn about natural phenomena and solve problems.

4.  Analyze your current practice to identify building and district needs.

5.  Compose an action plan for sharing your work.

Teacher Principal Evaluation Project Framework Language

Danielson Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities (4d) Participating in a Professional Community

Distinguished: Relationships with colleagues are characterized by mutual support and cooperation, with the teacher taking initiative in assuming leadership among the faculty. Teacher takes a leadership role in promoting a culture of professional inquiry. Teacher volunteers to participate in school events and district projects, making a substantial contribution, and assuming a leadership role in at least one aspect of school or district life.

Marzano Component 8.1: Seeking Mentorship for Areas of Need or Interest

Distinguished: The teacher is a recognized leader in mentoring others in such a way as to enhance their pedagogical skill.

UWCEL 5D+ PCC2: Professional Learning and Collaboration: Professional and collegial relationships

Distinguished: Teacher develops and sustains professional and collegial relationships for the purpose of student, staff, or district growth. Teacher serves as a mentor for others’ growth and development.

National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Entry 4: Documented Accomplishments

Level 4, bullet 5: clear, consistent, and convincing evidence that the teacher has shared his or her expertise in a leadership role with other educators through facilitating the professional development of other teachers, improving instructional practices, or advocating for a positive change in educational policy.

Based on your district’s framework or NBPTS, how has participating in today’s Science Leadership Network demonstrated that you are working towards a distinguished level?

