Nursing Science 109 Theory Syllabus


FALL 2016


Instructor: Geraldine Weber, RN, MSN, FNP

Room: AHS 104

Office Phone: 818-947-2839


Revised 02/03/16 am/gw


COURSE TITLE: Gerontology & Community –Based Nursing Nursing Science 109
TOTAL COURSE HOURS: 2.25 Units (1.0 Units Theory; 1.0 Unit Clinical; 0.25 units skills lab)

PLACEMENT OF COURSE: second semester

Course/Clinical Description:

This course integrates the components of theory, clinical and simulation that focus on evidence-based, patient-centered nursing care of the older adult patient within acute care and community based settings. Emphasis will be placed on the assessment of risk factors affecting older patients health and wellness. Students will implement the nursing process and integrate Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human Needs concepts to assess, analyze and prioritize the needs of the older adult with normal age related changes and common age-related disorders to formulate, organize and implement a plan of nursing care. Pharmacological principles specific related to older adult patients are discussed. The course builds upon concepts introduced in Nursing Science 101, Nursing Science 102, Nursing Science 103, Nursing Science 104 and Nursing Science 105. Professional Standards, patient advocacy, spiritual- cultural diversity, legal/ethical issues, and effective communication and collaboration with members of the healthcare team will be dicussed.

Skills Lab Description:

This segment of the course is designed to assist students to develop prioritization and decision making in a simulated patient care setting. Realistic simulations and scenarios will be presented in a safe non-threatening environment. Clinical scenarios will guide the student in the transfer of theoretical concepts into clinical practice.

Student Learning Outcomes:

At the completion of Nursing Science 109 Gerontology and Community- Based Nursing, the student will be able to: Assess, analyze, prioritize the needs of older adult patient and to formulate, organize and implement a plan of nursing care.

Students With Disabilities:

If you are a student with a disability requiring classroom accommodations, and have not contacted SSD, you are advised to do so in a timely manner. The SSD office is located in the “Student Services Annex”, Room 175 or call SSD at (818) 947-2681, or TTD (818) 947-2680 to schedule a meeting with an SSD Counselor. If SSD has already sent a memo to your instructor describing the accommodations required by student for this class, please meet with your instructor to discuss these arrangements prior to the beginning of class.


At the completion of the course the student will:

1.  Apply Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human Needs concepts, the nursing process and psychosocial assessments to assess, analyze, prioritize, formulate, organize and implement a plan of care for older adults with age related changes and common age related disorders /disorders, including pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies.

2.  Assess spiritual- cultural diversity as it affects the older adult’s responses to nursing care, treatments, disease process and the aging process.

3.  Utilize therapeutic communication techniques that are spiritually, culturally, cognitively and developmentally sensitive for the older adult.

4.  Implement the NLN Educational Competencies for the Associate Degree Nurse: Human Flourishing, Nursing Judgment, Professional Identity and Spirit of Inquiry.

5.  Demonstrate beginning time management and leadership skills with effective use of resources when managing care of 1-2 older adult patients.

6.  Use community resources to supplement the nursing care for older adult patients with a disruption of the wellness – illness continuum.

7.  Assess, analyze, prioritize, formulate, organize and implement patient needs and provide nursing care related to physiologic and psychologic integrity for older adult patients with common age related changes, and chronic disorders.

8.  Apply the principles of Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN): Patient-Centered Care, Teamwork and Collaboration, Evidence-Based Practice (EBP), Quality Improvement (QI), Safety, and Informatics to guide the utilization of knowledge, skills and attitude (KSA).


When caring for older adult patients with common health and wellness needs related to a acute and chronic disorders within hospital and community settings, the student will demonstrate:

I. Human Flourishing

1.1 Identify cultural, learning needs, developmental level and uniqueness of the older adult and family. (PCC,EBP,R) Evaluated in–Psychosocial Assessment: Love and Belonging, Self-Esteem

1.2 Demonstrates caring interventions sensitive to the older adult’s sexuality, culture, values and beliefs. (PCC,P)

Evaluated in DWS and NCP: NSG DX-Interventions

1.3 Demonstrates the behaviors of advocacy for the older adult in acute, community, residential and long term

healthcare settings. (PCC, C) Evaluated in DWS and NCP: NSG DX-Interventions

1.4 * Maintains patient/resident confidentiality in accordance with HIPAA and Agency guidelines. (T/C, EBP, S, QI, P)

Competency embedded throughout NCP and DWS

1.5 * Reports suspicious behavior as outlined by the CA-BRN and Abuse Reporting Requirements articles II and III. (Refer to Student Handbook) (PCC, T/C, S, P) Evaluated in Psychosocial Assessment-Love and Belonging “2C”

II. Nursing Judgment


2.1 Collects data via physical assessment, observation, interviews and chart review that contributes to

database for up to 2 residents or patients. (PCC, T/C, I, T) Evaluated in DWS: Patient Data, Pathophysiology and

Neuro-pathophysiology-patient signs and symptoms and physical assessment

2.2 Interprets relevant data, organizes resident/ patient/family needs and formulates appropriate nursing diagnoses utilizing Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human Needs framework for the older adult in acute, community, residential and long term healthcare settings. (PCC, R) Evaluated in NCP: NSG DX, DWS: NSG DX and Lab/Diagnostic Test Section

2.3 Utilizing the health and wellness continuum, differentiates nursing diagnoses for up to 2 older adult residents/patients in acute, community, residential and long term healthcare settings. (PCC, EBP, R) Evaluated in DWS and NCP:NSG DX

2.4 Examine problems unique to the older adult’s culture, gender and developmental level. (PCC,T/C, R) Evaluated

in Psychosocial Assessment: Love and Belonging and Self-Esteem


2.5 Functions as a member of the healthcare team with a focus on health and wellness in planning care for older

adults. (T/C, C) Evaluated in DWS and NCP: NSG Dx- Outcomed/Goals.

2.6 Utilizes reasoning and critical thinking strategies to formulate, organize and implement a plan of care for older adults. (PCC, T/C, R) Evaluated in DWS and NCP: NSG DX- Outcomes/Goals.

2.7 Implements goals that are attainable and measurable, specific to meet the needs of the older adult

resident/patient/and family. (PCC, EBP, R) Evaluated in DWS and NCP: NSG DX-Outcomes/Goals.


2.8 Applies second semester time management skills for up to 2 older adult residents/patients. (PCC, T/C, R) Evaluated in DWS and NCP: NSG DX-Interventions

2.9 Implements interventions with rationales that are evidence-based and demonstrates application of

theoretical concepts specific to the older adult. (PCC, EBP, R) Evaluated in DWS and NCP: NSG DX-Interventions

2.10 Utilizes resources to organize the needs of older adults’ health and wellness within acute, community,

Residential and long term healthcare settings. (PCC, EBP, I, QI, R) Evaluated in DWS and NCP: NSG DX-


2.11 Demonstrates proficiency in previously learned and newly acquired skills in acute, community, residential and long term healthcare settings. (PCC, EBP, QI, T) Evaluated in DWS and NCP: NSG DX-Interventions

2.12 Implements teaching/learning strategies based upon assessed learning needs, developmental

level, culture, and the uniqueness of the older adult resident/patient and families. (PCC, T/C, EBP, R) Evaluated

in DWS and NCP: NSG DX-Interventions

2.13 Demonstrates various caring interventions that reflect cultural sensitivity and the promotion of physical,

emotional and spiritual health and wellness. (PCC, EBP, P) Evaluated in DWS and NCP: NSG DX-Interventions

2.14 2.14 Demonstrates the effective use of therapeutic communication skills to develop a caring patient/ family relationship. (PCC, T/C, C) Evaluated in DWS and NCP: NSG DX-Interventions.

*2.15 Safely calculates, administers, and manages medications for up to 2 older adult residents, or patients incorporating knowledge from drug pharmacology, medication dosage calculations/ administration principles and pathophysiology. (S, I, EBP, T) Evaluated in DWS and NCP: NSG DX-Interventions.


2.16 Evaluates the older adult resident/patient responses to pharmacologic and physiologic therapies/interventions. (PCC, S, R) Evaluated in DWS:Medication: Evaluation of Effectiveness NCP: NSG DX-Evaluation of Outcomes

2.17 Evaluates the older adult resident/ patient and family responses to teaching and learning.(PCC, R) Evaluated in NCP: NSG DX-Evaluation of Outcomes

2.18 Evaluates the effectiveness of individualized and measurable goals/outcomes for up to two residents/patients at 2nd semester level. (PCC, EBP, R) Evaluated in NCP: NSG DX-Evaluation of Outcomes.

III. Professional Identity

3.1 Demonstrates ongoing self-evaluation; identifies strengths and areas needing improvement. (EBP, P) Evaluated in Clinical Evaluation Tool: Midpoint/Final Student Self-Evaluation

3.2 Acts as a clinical resource for peers. (T/C, R) Evaluated in Clinical Evaluation Tool: Midpoint/Final Student Self-Evaluation

3.3 Applies knowledge and transfer of theoretical concepts into evidence-based clinical practice. (QI, EBP, S, R) Evaluated in DWS: NSG DX-Rationale, NCP: Evidence Based Rationale

3.4 Contributes and participates in pre or post conference. (PCC, T/C, EBP, S, C) Evaluated in Clinical Evaluation Tool: Midpoint/Final Student Self-Evaluation

3.5* Demonstrates responsibility and accountability when utilizing information and technology to communicate,

reduce errors and support clinical decision making. (I, QI, S, P) Competency embedded throughout NCP and DWS

3.6 * Performs in a manner that reflects:

·  The LAVC Student Code of Behaviors and Professional Appearance per the Nursing Student Handbook

·  CA-BRN Scope of Registered Nursing Practice

·  Agency Rules and Regulations. (PCC, EBP, T/C, I, QI, S, P) Competency embedded throughout NCP and DWS.

3.7 Demonstrates reduced need for supervision as course progresses.

(QI, R) Competency embedded throughout NCP and DWS.

IV. Spirit of Inquiry

*4.1 Recognizes quality improvement projects and National Patient Safety Goals in various patient care settings. (QI, S, I, P) Evaluated in DWS: NSG DX- Interventions and NCP: NSG DX- Interventions-Patient Teaching, Evidence Based Rationale.

4.2 Demonstrates ability to research data for one to two residents/patients by reviewing various resources. (I, QI, S, EBP, C) Embedded throughout DWS and NCP.

4.3 Provides oral report for one to two older adult residents/patients via SBAR to instructor, nurse and members of the healthcare team. (PCC, T/C, I, S, C) Evaluated in DWS/SBAR.

4.4 Demonstrates intellectual curiosity by participation in professional developmental activities, which promote lifelong learning that improves quality of care. (QI, EBP, P) Evaluated in Clinical Evaluation Tool: Midpoint-Final Student Self Evaluation

*These critical components must have a zero (0) or above in order to receive a passing grade for the clinical component of the course.

Quality and Safety Education for Nurses
●  PCC- Patient Centered Care
●  EBP- Evidence-Based Practice
●  QI- Quality Improvement
●  I- Informatics
●  T/C- Teamwork and Collaboration
●  S- Safety
Career Technical Education Outcomes
●  C- Communication
●  R- Reasoning/Critical Thinking
●  P- Professional Behavior
●  T- Technical Skills
Abbreviations for Paperwork
·  SBAR- Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation
·  DWS- Daily Worksheet
·  NCP- Nursing Care Plan
·  NSG DX- Nursing Diagnosis

This Table will assist the student on a weekly basis to understand what Course and Unit competencies will be discuss. The left hand column is your Course Competencies, the middle column is your Weekly Unit Competencies and the right column is the activities assigned each week including transfer of knowledge from Theory to Clinical and Skills Lab.

Course Competencies / Weekly Unit Competencies / Weekly Activities
Week 1 Course Orientation.
1.  Apply Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human Needs concepts, the nursing process and psychosocial assessments to assess, analyze, prioritize, formulate, organize and implement a plan of care for older adults with age related changes and common age related disorders /disorders, including pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies.
2.  Assess spiritual- cultural diversity as it affects the older adult’s responses to nursing care, treatments, disease process and the aging process.
3.  Utilize therapeutic communication techniques that are spiritually, culturally, cognitively and developmentally sensitive for the older adult.
4.  Implement the NLN Educational Competencies for the Associate Degree Nurse: Human Flourishing, Nursing Judgment, Professional Identity and Spirit of Inquiry.
5.  Demonstrate beginning time management and leadership skills with effective use of resources when managing care of 1-2 older adult patients.
6.  Use community resources to supplement the nursing care for older adult patients with a disruption of the wellness – illness continuum.
7.  Assess, analyze, prioritize, formulate, organize and implement patient needs and provide nursing care related to physiologic and psychologic integrity for older adult patients with common age related changes, and chronic disorders.
8.  Apply the principles of Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN): Patient-Centered Care, Teamwork and Collaboration, Evidence-Based Practice (EBP), Quality Improvement (QI), Safety, and Informatics to guide the utilization of knowledge, skills and attitude (KSA). /

1.1  Identify factors that influence the aging experience and life expectancy.

1.2  Discuss the demographics of the aging population & the effects on the health care system.
1.3 Differentiate:
Primary, Secondary &
Tertiary Preventative Health
Care in community-based
health services.
(Tabloski Ch 1 p.9 -11)
Ch 3.p.59-62) (Mc Ewen p.5-7)
1.4 Discuss the 4 basic goals of the
“Healthy People 2020”
prevention agenda in relation to
the aging population in the
United States. (Ch.1 p.15, p.61)
1.5 Identify the ANA Scope,
Standards and Roles of
Practice for the Gerontological
Nurse in various community &
health care settings.(Ch. 2)
1.6 Discuss the Trends in
Financing Health Care for older
adult in the U.S. (Ch.2 p.41-42)
“Medicare vs. Medicaid” and
impact on health care in America
(McEwen p. 72-80)
1.7 Explain Medicare benefit and
recommended screening
1.8 Discuss guidelines and barriers
for communication & teaching
older adults and their families.
1.9 Identify the components of a
“Comprehensive Geriatric
Assessment” (Ch.3. p.52)
Week 1
Weekly Unit Competencies
1.10 Discuss the use & purpose of
“Recommended Instruments” &
“Best Practices” for Assessment
of the older adult (PULSES &
SPICES; Mini-Cog, GDS, Katz
ADL’s, IADL’s, Fall Risk &