THE ANSON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS convened for their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, January 8, 2002 at 6:00 p.m. in Courtroom #1 located in the Anson County Courthouse.

Commissioners present:Blake Hildreth, Chair

Ross Streater, Vice Chair

Steve Lear

Michael Livingston

Dr. Jim Sims

Harold C. Smith

Bill Thacker

Staff members present:Chris Wease, County Manager

Bonnie M. Huntley, CMC, Clerk to the Board

James Bennett, Human Resource/Asst. Co. Mgr.

George C. Bower, Jr., County Attorney

Dorothy Tyson, Finance Officer

Chairman Hildreth called the meeting to Order, welcoming those present. Reverend Junior Streater of New Grove Baptist Church in Polkton delivered the Invocation.

Approval of the Agenda by Commissioners: Commissioner Lear asked to add an item under Commissioner Concerns and asked the Board to hear this issue right after Administrative Matters. County Manager Wease noted the staff at Parks and Rec. is ready to submit their grant application for the Parks and Rec. Trust Fund Grant and asked the Board to add approval of this submission to the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Smith asked that the Parks and Rec. submission, along with items f, g and I in the Consent Agenda be pulled and added to Administrative Matters. Commissioner Sims noted he had spoke with the Clerk and understands the correction has been made but wanted it known that he had seconded the nomination for Commissioner Hildreth to become Chairman, not Commissioner Streater as noted in the minutes. Commissioner Smith questioned why certain tax releases were showing up again this month and if they were fair to each and every citizen with County Manager Wease answering that last month, they were withheld pending more information and yes they were fair. Motion by Commissioner Lear, seconded by Commissioner Thacker, to approve the Agenda with the changes. Motion carried unanimously.

County Manager Wease introduced Merrill Naylor, our new Emergency Management Coordinator and Fire Marshall. He reminded Board members of the NACo Legislative Goals conference scheduled for March 1-6 in Washington DC and if anyone is interested in attending to notify the Clerk. He announced a one-day seminar on Mental Health to be held in Raleigh on January 17 and if interested in attending to contact the office. County Manager Wease referred to the recent revaluation notices and reminded Board members that every person has the ability to appeal before the Board of E&R this spring. Those with land use deferment need to have a plan on file in the Assessor’s office.

At this point, Commissioner Livingston joined the meeting.

Public Hearing-2021 Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Motion by Commissioner Lear, seconded by Commissioner Livingston, to open the public hearing. Motion carried unanimously.

Chairman Hildreth called on Mike Nunn and Marshall Downey of Benchmark to make the presentation. Mike commented that it had been one year since they began this process and the first item was the appointment of the Land Use Planning Committee. He then introduced Anna Baucom to speak on behalf of that committee. Anna recalled that in August 1999 she first appeared before this Board representing the Chamber of Commerce, and at the time the Commissioners had a series of lengthy issues related to how we use land in this county. They had very difficult decisions and serious problems to solve with no tools. She talked about the need in our community for a master countywide land use plan and as a result of that talk, the Board appointed a steering committee to deal with this issue. Commissioner Lear led the group and at one of the first meetings, they developed the following mission statement: Our mission is to recommend to the Anson County Commissioners a land use plan for the orderly growth and development of Anson County, through an inclusive process based on community consensus.

On behalf of the committee, she thanked all the communities that hosted meetings and the Board of Commissioners for acquiring the services of Benchmark. The thing heard most from the citizens is that they want to see the county maintain its rural atmosphere, acquire industry for jobs so people can remain in the county and she feels the plan represents the thinking of a good cross section of the county. At this time, she called upon members of the committee that were present: Russell Sikes, John Sikes, Richard Harrington, Bonnie Huntley and Jan Benton all noted they were impressed with the number of people that participated and urged the Board to take advantage of this opportunity to bring us into a new era. Anna commented that it was without reservation that the Land Use Committee unanimously presents this plan to the Board for approval. She then called on Mike Nunn to present a power point presentation of the events that led to the development of the plan. Mike noted reasons for creating a comprehensive plan were to ensure consistency between adopted policy and land development decisions, to discourage incompatible growth/development, to ensure that infrastructure investment is done in the most effective way possible and to provide a sound basis for land development ordinances or policy. He noted the draft plan is a document that guides the type and location of county growth & development, a statement of the planning goals, policies and intentions of the county and an assembly of elements that describe the recommended growth pattern of the county. He noted the plan is NOT zoning, final action or a final solution to land use issues. Day to day use of the plan will be to evaluate private and public land development proposals and proposed development and land use requests will be compared to the Plan to ensure compatibility with the goals of the county. The draft plan includes goals for the future and strategies to achieve them, an inventory of existing conditions, existing and future land use maps and an action plan to enact positive change. He encouraged the Board to update the County Thoroughfare Plan, the last update being done in 1989. Commissioner Sims noted that while this is excellent for growth, it will also protect us from someone coming to our county to do things they cannot do in other counties. He feels is it equally important not to lay this document aside but that it be ongoing and that is be coupled with the necessary Ordinance to make it a strong plan. Commissioner Lear congratulated those that worked on the plan for staying the course and feels this is a good tool for future development of the county. Chairman Hildreth called for any comments from the audience but there were none. Motion by Commissioner Thacker, seconded by Commissioner Lear, to close the public hearing. Motion carried unanimously.

In regular session, Chairman Hildreth called for comments form the Board. Commissioner Thacker, after thanking all committee members that worked long and hard on the plan, made a motion that we go forwards and accept the plan as presented and approve the Resolution. Commissioner Livingston seconded the motion. Jarvis Woodburn, Chairman of the Planning Board, commented that this was just the first step and there is a lot of work to be done to put things in place to support this plan. Motion carried 6 to 1 with Commissioner Smith opposed.


A Resolution by The Anson County Board of Commissioners Adopting the

Anson County 2021 Comprehensive Plan

WHEREAS, the Anson County 2021 Comprehensive Plan has been prepared by the Land Use Planning Committee; and

WHEREAS, hearings and briefings have been held by the Land Use Planning Committee and this Board; and

WHEREAS, the Anson County 2021 Comprehensive Plan has been presented to this Board for adoption by the Land Use Planning Committee;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Anson County Board of Commissioners:

  1. That the Anson County Board of Commissioners adopts the Anson County 2021 Comprehensive Plan as a recommended course of action for the future development of the County,
  2. That the Anson County Board of Commissioners directs that the Anson County Planning Board prepare an annual report to the Board of Commissioners during the first quarter of each calendar year on the status of the Plan including recommended actions and priorities.

Adopted this the ______day of January, 2002 by the Anson County Board of Commissioners.

Consent Agenda: Motion by Commissioner Lear, seconded by Commissioner Thacker, to approve the Consent Agenda with the exception of items f, g and h, which have been added to Administrative Matters.

Approval of Minutes: Approved minutes of December 4, 2001.

Tax Releases: Approved the releases as follows:

Vehicle Tax Releases – Nov 01:

Adams, Delisa2000 47.22Proration

Adams, Vanessa2000 11.52Proration

Adams, Willie2000 2.66Proration

Airington, Bruce2000 3.04Proration

Allen, Herley2000 5.05Proration

Allen, Irene C2000 59.85Proration

Allen, Lucy1999 14.32Proration

Barber, Carrie T2000237.20Proration

Bennett, Otis2000 23.64Proration

Borden, Lathia1999 2.58Proration

Burr, John F2001 19.50Proration

Burris, Terri R2000 19.68Proration

Burroughs, Melissa2000 12.03Proration

Cannon, Cynthia2000 51.87Proration

Cashell, George1999 66.59Proration

Chalflinch, Patrick t2001121.50Value

Clark, Kisha2000 38.61Proration

Covington, Corry A1997 79.02Proration

Covington, Judith L2000 33.04Proration

Cowick, Cathy1999 30.05Proration

Cowick Contract Services2001 78.02Situs

Cowick Contract Services2001 10.14Situs

Davis, Frederick Antonia2000153.64Proration

Davis, Julie Ann2001 11.56Value

Dunlap, Fred2001 46.18Situs

Estrada, Gerardo2000 14.77Proration

Flake, James David1999 3.22Proration

Flores, Salomon2000 5.67Proration

Fraley, Kim H1998 34.80Proration

Frizzell, Robert2001 21.83Value

Hamrick, Amber2001 37.98Proration

Harrington, Chris2001 14.10Proration

Harris, Stephanie2000 33.44Proration

Harris, Wanda2001 40.37Situs

Harward, Henry Thomas JR1999 8.03Proration

Harward, Henry Thomas JR2000129.47Proration

Havranek, Radoslav1999 42.75Proration

High, Donna Thomas2001 34.89Situs

Huntley, Jay Clayton2000135.59Proration

Ingram, Cerisyl L1998 72.06Proration

Liles, Joann1999 11.28Proration

Lilly, Edna C1997 7.01Proration

Lindsey, Lee Vester2000 1.14Proration

Little, Sharon1997 73.25Proration

Marshall, Carla2000 79.60Proration

Merriman, Cassandra1999 37.67Proration

Miller, Laura2000 27.64Proration

Morris, Christopher2000 17.16Proration

Murdock, Joseph2001 45.00Proration

Parrish, Thomas2001 92.79Proration

Seigler, William Wyatt2001 26.06Value

Seigler, William Wyatt2001 12.01Value

Sigmon, James S JR2001101.60Proration

Sims, Johnny1999 1.24Proration

Skipper, Judy B2000 36.52Proration

Skiridulis, Heather2001 9.15Value

Smith, John Frank1999 24.58Proration

Teal, James2001 9.45Proration

Thompson, Shirley1998 40.52Proration

Underwood, Ann2000 28.07Proration

Williams, Rick L2000 16.72 Proration

Total $ 2,505.94

*due to delinquent notices mailed the first of November, we had a high volume of vehicle tax releases.

Vehicle Tax Adjustments – Nov 01:

Cowick Contract Services2001 1.84Situs

Cowick Contract Services2001 .92Situs

Harris, Wanda2001 4.03Situs

High, Donna Thomas2001 5.66 Situs

Total$ 12.45

Vehicle Tax Refunds – Nov 01:

Allen, Lucy1999 10.97Proration

Hyatt, Michael2001 25.52Proration

Ingram, Margaret2000 8.26Proration

Johnson, Stanley2000 44.16Proration

Martin, Richard2000 39.28Proration

Mcallister, Annie Mae2000 4.16Proration

Powell, Steve2000 36.60Proration

Scarborough, Nolan2000 10.01Proration

Sturgill, John Michael2000 3.03Proration

Taylor, Mary Lilly2000 3.35Proration

Tidwell, Juanita2001 11.79Proration

U S Pipeline Inc2000 5.49Proration

U S Pipeline Inc2000 2.04Proration

U S Pipeline Inc2000 2.22Proration

U S Pipeline Inc2000 3.12 Proration

Total $ 210.00

Property Tax Releases – Nov 01:

B & M Lee Oil 1996830.36Adjusted Late Listing Penalty

B & M Lee Oil1997463.65Adjusted Late Listing Penalty

B & M Lee Oil1998450.13Adjusted Late Listing Penalty

B & M Lee Oil1999381.31Adjusted Late Listing Penalty

B & M Lee Oil2000213.56Adjusted Late Listing Penalty

Buchanan, Perry1992114.07Listing error

Buchanan, Perry1993106.29Listing error

Buchanan, Perry1995183.14Listing error

Buchanan, Perry1996159.27Listing error

Buchanan, Perry1997105.23Listing error

Buchanan, Perry1998 98.86Listing error

Buchanan, Perry1999101.14Listing error

Buchanan, Perry2000 86.81Listing error

Buchanan, Perry2001 37.14Listing error

Henry, Elizabth1992 79.33Listing error

Hightower Ice & Fuel1996816.35Adjusted Late Listing Penalty

Hightower Ice & Fuel1997746.15Adjusted Late Listing Penalty

Hightower Ice & Fuel1998643.68Adjusted Late Listing Penalty

Hightower Ice & Fuel1999491.54Adjusted Late Listing Penalty

Hightower Ice & Fuel2000355.63Adjusted Late Listing Penalty

Poe, Shazel Coleman1992 57.99Listing error

Polkton Mfg Co.1996 3,567.97Adjusted Late Listing Penalty

Polkton Mfg Co.1997 3,428.76Adjusted Late Listing Penalty

Polkton Mfg. Co.1998 3,176.42Adjusted Late Listing Penalty

Polkton Mfg Co.1999 6,147.82Adjusted Late Listing Penalty

Polkton Mfg. Co.2000 9,041.26Adjusted Late Listing Penalty

Powe, Jerry Alvin2001123.87Listing error

Pratt, Levander1992241.32Listing error

Pratt, Levander1993224.93Listing error

Pratt, Levander1994290.13Listing error

Pratt, Levander1995261.11Listing error

Pratt, Levander1996232.71Listing error

Pratt, Levander1997169.92Listing error

Pratt, Levander1998157.45Listing error

Pratt, Levander1999154.21Listing error

Pratt, Levander2000133.33Listing error

Pratt, Levander2001 78.27Listing error

Puckett, Joan2001 36.55Listing error

Ritter, Bertha2001146.03Exempt

Spencer, Thedis1992 34.42Listing error

Strickland, Kecia1993266.21Listing error

Strickland, Kecia1994302.96Listing error

Strickland, Kecia1995288.14Listing error

Strickland, Kecia1996258.20Listing error

Strickland, Kecia1997192.87Listing error

Strickland, Kecia1998177.83Listing error

Strickland, Kecia1999172.56Listing error

Strickland, Kecia2000149.56Listing error

Strickland, Kecia2001 92.66 Listing error

Total 36,087.10

Property Tax Refund – Nov 01:

McSwain, Claudia2001 95.68Billing error

Ritter, Bertha2000141.53Exempt

Total $ 237.21

Vehicle Tax Releases – Nov 01:

Austin, Anthony2001 77.11Proration

Autry, Jamie T1997 18.40Proration

Beaver, David J2000 60.54Proration

Bennett, Kimberly2001 15.26Value

Biles, Danny N2000 5.06Proration

Bradshaw, Ronnie L2000 5.63Proration

Brauns, Naomi M2001 72.85Situs

Burns, Roger William2001 30.66Proration

Byrd, Marie Rayfield1999 44.78Billing error

Callahan, Brian2001 27.60Value

Capel, Willie JR2001 11.65Situs

Carpenter, Debora B2001 26.97Situs

Clark, Lasonya Jean2000 76.24Proration

Curran, Kenneth2001 2.29Value

Davis, Charles Rodney2001 74.81Value

Dunlap, Fred2001 5.13Situs

English, Margaret Knotts2001 95.92Proration

Farmer, Augusta Pressly2000 40.89Proration

Gainey, Ronald Clayton2001 30.54Situs

Galligher, Alison1998 27.60Proration

Griffin, Daryl Bruce2001 4.60Situs

High, Monte Blake2001 21.81Situs

Hinson, James Harold2000101.68Situs

Horne, Kathy H2001 61.20Proration

Howard, Craig Lamont2000 16.08Proration

Hudson, Susan S2001 42.66Proration

Hyatt, Fred Michael2001 2.95Situs

Jenkins, Robert Louis2000 95.24Exempt

Kendall, David Brian2000 38.77Proration

Kendall, Rosie Caudle2000 25.83Proration

Kendrick, Anthony James-Marshall 1998 49.94Proration

Kifer, Raymond Leslie1998 22.68Proration

Leary, Robert DBA Bashful Trucking 2001 19.52Value

Marshall, Lavon S2001 78.85Situs

Monge, Moises P2000 45.24Proration

Owens, Julia Douglas2001 17.92Situs

Parrish, Robert2001 12.43Proration

Richardson, Jimmie C2001 20.83Value

Tatro, Pamela Holmes1998 6.79Proration

Temple, Jeffrey Scott2000105.14Proration

Watkins, Jesse C2001 9.37Situs

Webb, Carla Williams2000 6.95Proration

Wereski, Gregory L2001 20.24Proration

Williams, Michael2001 37.45Value

Total $ 1,614.11

Vehicle Tax Adjustments- Dec 01:

Brauns, Naomi M2001 6.75Situs

Capel, Willie JR2001 1.19Situs

Carpenter, Debora B2001 4.50Situs

Dunlap, Fred2001 0.54Situs

Gainey, Ronald Clayton2001 18.48Situs

High, Monte Blake2001 3.54Situs

Hyatt, Fred Michael2001 1.73Situs

Owens, Julia Douglas2001 1.86Situs

Watkins, Jesse C2001 1.52Situs

Total$ 40.11

Vehicle Tax Refunds – Dec 01:

Batykefer, John William2000 49.68Proration

Chewning, William B2000 33.44Proration

Diggs, Clara Mae2001 5.22Proration

Firstar Bank NC2000 32.67Proration

Grace, Deborah Ann2000 7.66Proration

Hannah, Jerreal Edward2001 15.54Proration

Howard, James R2000 29.16Proration

Kiker, Billie Jackson2000 3.45Proration

Martin, Guy2001 23.31Proration

Martin, Guy2000 16.17Proration

Mickle, Harold Lee2000 66.29Proration

Oliver, Shirley2000 6.78Proration

Vaughn, Susie Kythia2001 2.40Proration

Wilhoit, Larry W2000 13.77Proration

Total $305.54

Property Tax Releases – Dec 01:

B & M Oil Co Inc1996 92.26Released Penalty

B & M Oil Co Inc1997 51.52Released Penalty

B & M Oil Co Inc1998 50.01Released Penalty

B & M Oil Co Inc1999229.13Released Penalty

B & M Oil Co Inc2000 23.73Released Penalty

B& M Oil Co Inc2001 47.68Released Penalty

Brewer, Charles2001 48.65Value

Brown, Linda2001 25.81Clerical Error

Capel, Harold JR2001361.68Value

Carolina Comfort2001 21.15Situs

Carpenter, Curtis2001109.48Clerical Error

Chewning, Mary2001184.00Exempt

Diggs, Develyn2001179.40Listing error

Gaddy, James B1992 41.48Listing error

Gaddy, James B1993 42.23Listing error

Gaddy, James B1994155.60Listing error

Gaddy, James B1995141.23Listing error

Gaddy, James B1996120.36Listing error

Gaddy, James B1997 70.01Listing error

Gaddy, James B1998 67.77Listing error

Gaddy, James B1999 72.88Listing error

Gaddy, James B2000 62.02Listing error

Gaddy, James B2001 15.11Listing error

Gallagher, Bob1999 66.20Billing Error

Gallagher, Bob2000 63.80Billing error

Gallagher, Bob2001 57.91Billing error

Kendall, Larry2001469.20Clerical error

Landen, Lemual Thomas JR ETAL 2001232.76Listing error

Lyon Financial2001251.25Listing error

McElroy, Dabney2001355.22Clerical error

McElroy, Sarah2001628.37Clerical error

McElroy, Sarah2001 97.13Clerical Error

Short, George2001 14.72Clerical Error

Springer Farms2001248.49Clerical Error

Total $ 4,698.24

Property Tax Releases – Dec 01:

Capel, Harold K2000329.30Value

Diggs, Develyn2000220.40Listing error

S D Faibers Corp2001 20,929.39Value

Total $ 21,479.09

Budget Amendments: This amendment reflects the following: $38,117 for insurance reimbursement for 65% of the legal fees related to the Corr Services lawsuit; $11,000 reflects an appropriation of fund balance to the Health department for the adult health program as approved in December; $1,000 is a donation from the Cattleman’s Association to the travel budget for cooperative extension; $7,822 is an appropriation from the Capital Improvement Plan for capital items in the data processing department; $822 from the CIP to purchase a printer in the Assessor’s office; $20,117 reflects the receipt and appropriation of a Law Enforcement Block Grant for the Sheriff’s department; $5,000 decrease in funding for the Juvenile Crime Prevention Council’s state funding appropriation and $4,500 for part time assistance to the Assessor’ office to assist in handling appeals and other revaluation related activities and to assist in the listing process.



BE IT ORDAINED by the Anson County Board of Commissioners that the 2001/02 FY Budget be amended as follows:

Section 1. Expenditures:

Increase11-4110$ 38,117.00

Increase11-5110-5182 11,000.00

Increase11-4950 1,000.00

Increase11-4210 (CIP) 7,822.00

Increase11-4140 (CIP) 820.00

Increase11-4310 20,117.00

Decrease11-5840 5,000.00

Increase11-4150 4,500.00

Total Increase$ 78,376.00

Section 2. Revenues:

Increase11-4110$ 38,117.00

Increase11-4100 11,000.00

Increase11-4950 1,000.00

Increase11-4110 8,642.00

Increase11-4310 20,117.00

Decrease 11-5840 5,000.00

Increase11-4110 4,500.00

Total Increase$ 78,376.00

The next amendment applies the previously accumulated and reserved $218,089 in airport funding to the airport construction fund as part of the county match for the project.


Anson County Budget Ordinance FY 2001/2002

BE IT ORDAINED by the Anson County Board of Commissioners that the 2001/02 Budget Ordinance be amended as follows:

Section 1. Expenditures:

Increase11-4110$ 218,089.

Total Increase$ 218,089.

Section 2. Revenues:

Increase11-4110$ 218,089.

Total Increase$ 218,089.

Adopted this ______day of January, 2002.

Accepted the Budget Report as presented.

Accepted the Economic Development Report as presented.

Personnel Policy Revision – Drug Test: The revised proposal for the drug test policy as recommended by the Personnel Advisory Committee. This should address the previous concerns while achieving compliance with the appropriate state laws.

Town of Peachland-Request for Inspections: They are requesting the County assume the operation of the inspections services for the Town of Peachland. The County will be responsible for the service and charging and collection of the appropriate fees. Our Chief Building Inspector says we have adequate staff to perform the services. The County Manager and Chief Building Inspector recommend we enter into the agreement and provide the service.



In consideration of the Town of Peachland’s request that the County of Anson allow its Building Inspectors to conduct building inspections in the Town of Peachland and the County of Anson’s agreement to allow this request, it is agreed as follows:

  1. County of Anson Building Inspectors will conduct building inspections in the Town of Peachland on a time available basis after completing required work in the County.
  2. There will be no charge for inspections but all permit fees will be paid to the County of Anson.
  3. The County of Anson shall issue all permits and verify licenses and insurance on contractors and builders.
  4. The Town of Peachland agrees to save and hold harmless the County of Anson, officers and employees of and from any and all actions, suits, damages, claims and demands for personal property and violations that may arise out of or in respect to or by reason of County of Anson’s Building Inspectors performing field inspections as set out herein. Furthermore, the Town of Peachland shall assume the responsibility defending any such action, suit, claim or demand upon or against the County of Anson arising there from.
  5. Beginning ______, the County of Anson will conduct inspections in the Town of Peachland and the County of Anson will continue to conduct building inspections until either party notifies the other of its intent to end this Agreement.

Adopted this ______day of January, 2002.


By: ______

Blake E. Hildreth, Jr., Chairman



Bonnie M. Huntley, CMC

Clerk to the Board


By: ______

Tim Carpenter, Mayor


Becky Martin

Clerk to the Board

Water Supply Plan: The resolution approves the plan for Anson County as required by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Resources. This is something that is required every five years.


WHEREAS, North Carolina General Statute 143-355 (1) requires that each unit of local government that provides public water services or plans to provide such services shall, either individually or together with other such units of local government, prepare and submit a local water supply plan; and

WHEREAS, as required by the statute and in the interests of sound local planning, a water supply plan for Anson County has been developed and submitted to the Board of Commissioners for approval; and