Professional Learning Plan (PLP)

Indicator: 3.7

Educator Learning:

*Teachers will participate in the second phase of O’Rourke’s Digital Literacy Project Professional Development.

*Teachers will work collaboratively to create thematic units integrating Digital Literacy.

Implementation of Educator Learning:

*Participate in DATA Meetings that will include Digital Literacy Project Professional Development.

*Teachers will work with a member of the Tech PLT to complete a minimum of 3/6 sessions focused on technology tools/resources/websites. The sessions will be offered on Monday afternoons (one session per month).

*The teacher will provide opportunities for students to utilize and XTRA Math (develop schedule).

The teacher will provide opportunities for students to complete a written response on Word 365. The responses will be shared with Ms. Law on Office 365.

Anticipated/Expected Evidence:


*Lesson Plans

*Student Projects

*Written Responses

*XTRA Math Reports



Anticipated/Expected Impact:

Educator Outcomes:

*Teachers will have a deeper understanding of the Digital Literacy Project, resources to use in the classroom, XTRA Math, and through participation in DATA Meetings

*Teachers will develop schedules for XTRA Math and to ensure fidelity to the programs is monitored.

*Teachers will share ideas and activities to impact student learning and will work collaboratively to create thematic units integrating Digital Literacy.

Student Outcomes:

*Students will develop effective strategies for learning with technology.

*Students will become more familiar with the use of a keyboard/typing on the computer.

*Students’ mastery of basic math facts will increase.


Professional Learning Plan (PLP)

Indicator: 5.3

Educator Learning:

*Teachers will use Covey’s Leader in Me practices in the classroom.

*Teachers will become familiar with and utilize the 7 Habits in the classroom.

Implementation of Educator Learning:

*Participate in LIM Lighthouse Team meetings.

*Teachers will use direct teaching when incorporating the Seven Habits and Leader in Me practices into the curriculum.

*Teachers will guide students to create personal goals using LIM Notebooks.

Anticipated/Expected Evidence:

*Sign-in sheets

*Student Data Notebooks

*PLCIAs from Lighthouse Team meetings

*Evidence of collaboration with projects

Anticipated/Expected Impact:

Educator Outcomes:

*Participate in PD

*Direct teach the Seven Habits/Leader in Me

*Model setting goals

*INOW report listing number of office referrals/student suspensions (by teacher report)

*INOW report (quarterly attendance percentages)

Student Outcomes:

*Office referrals, student suspensions, absentees will decrease.

*Tracked goals will show improvement.

Professional Learning Plan (PLP)

Indicator: 1.4

Educator Learning:

*Teachers will participate in professional development focused on Explanation and Justification

*Teachers will utilize EDC daily

Implementation of Educator Learning:

*Participate inprofessional development

*Score one math journal entry per month using the rubric developed by the Math PLT

*Utilize EDC daily

Anticipated/Expected Evidence:

*Sign-in sheets

*Lesson Plans

*Journal responses/scored rubrics

*Evidence of daily use of EDC practices


Anticipated/Expected Impact:

Educator Outcomes:

*Participate in PD

*Complete Math Journals/Rubrics

*Increased knowledge of Explanation and Justification

Student Outcomes:

*Students will show growth on STAR Math(1-5) and Basic Fact Drills (K-5)

Professional Learning Plan (PLP)

Indicator: 3.3

Educator Learning:

*Teachers will participate in professional development focused on Close Reading, Jag Journals, and Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

Implementation of Educator Learning:

*Participate in training

*Teachers will work with their Reading PLT representative to create Close Reading lessons aligned to the steps developed by Walker/Hanks

*Teachers will incorporate Close Reading lessons into their weekly plans (2-4 day lessons)

*Teachers will utilize the rubrics developed by the Reading PLT when scoring journals.

Anticipated/Expected Evidence:

*Sign-in sheets

*Lesson Plans

*Scored written responses (one typed and one from journals)

Anticipated/Expected Impact:

Educator Outcomes:

*Participate in PD

*Have a better understanding of Integration of Knowledge and Ideas, Jag Journals and how to use the rubric to score, and Close Reading lessons

Student Outcomes:

*Students’ scores from journals/typed responses will increase

*Students’ typing skills will increase (