Philip Dear Foundation

European Section

International College of Dentists

Grant Application Form

The European Section of The International College of Dentists established the Philip Dear Foundation in the year 2005 to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the founding of the Section as an autonomous unit in 1955. Through the Foundation, the European Sectionseeks to support:

a)worthwhile Continuing Dental Education programs

b)oral health related projects and

c)programs which encourage the expansion, development and cohesion of the European Section of the ICD.

All requests for support will be considered by the Projects and Funding Committee who will then make recommendationsto the Fund's Trustee on appropriate projects and to the Board at the annual meeting of Regents.

Projects demonstrating the possibility of achieving a sustainable improvement in standards of dental education and/or oral health, and of encouraging an expansion of the ICD into areas as yet unrepresented within the European Section are most likely to receive support. Such projects must be within the financial means of the Section.

Applicants must explain exactly how the funds that are requested will be spent, how they will be accounted for, how the project will be monitored and what the expected outcome will be.

Funds Requested €______Date______

1. Title of project to be funded:


2. Details of the applicant (name, postal and e-mail addresses, telephone number, position).

3. Brief summary (abstract) of the project

4. Detailed description of the project. This must include:

Background to the request

Statement of its aims and objectives

Plan for the project - Methods to be used

Time schedule

System for monitoring and reporting progress

System to ensure that any funds and equipment are not

stolen or misused, with name and contact details of person responsible for these aspects.

Names and full contact details of local dentists or others who will be responsible for the project (please add brief CVs as an annex

If applicable, details of any other sources of funds or equipment or help for the project

Expected outcome

5. How will progress with the project be reported to the ICD committee?

6. Is this the first request made to this Fund? ( ) Yes ( ) No


7. Are other Projects of this nature being done? ( ) Yes ( ) No

Please describe: ______

8. How will the Philip Dear Foundationreceive public recognition for participating in this Project? ______

9. Applicant: ______


Mail the completed application to:

Dr.Walter van DrielDr.Argirios Pissiotis Dr Phillip Dowell

Treasurer RegistrarChairman

European Section ICDEuropean Section ICD Projects & Funding
