Dear Parents
Welcome to Essendon Baptist Community Church and thank you for allowing us the opportunity to get to know and teach your children. We offer a Children’s Ministry where children can learn about and experience Jesus in an exciting ______.______, relevant and fun way. Children will learn to love and serve Jesus and build good friendships with others.
Kids Church is for children in Grade prep to 6
PJs is for children 3 years old to prep
Crèche is for babies to 3 year olds.
We also have a Youth Group for Year 6 – 12 students on Friday night at the church.
In order to make Children’s Ministry as safe and organised as possible could you please help us with the following:
Registration: On arrival new families and visitors please complete a Family Enrolment Form, one per family, at the enrolment desk in the Hub.
Contact phone number: Please leave a mobile phone number for us to contact you if your child needs you. In church please leave your phone on, but on silent, if there is an emergency will contact you first, then the emergency contact person.
Nametags: Children and leaders wear names tags. A temporary nametag will be made for initial visits; regular attendees receive a laminated tag and will be allocated to a small group. Please return the name tag at end of each service.
Sign in: Please sign in and out each child in each room, each week. Also please take your child with you when you have signed them out.
Times: Parents please collect your youngest child first promptly at 11:30am. Children cannot be collected by anyone under the age of 16. Children will not be released to find their own parents.
Crèche children must have a parent remain in the church building, please do not leave the premise at any time while your child is being cared for in crèche as this is not a registered childcare provider. Your child remains your responsibility so you may be called upon to change your child’s nappy. Baby change room facilities are available in the toilets downstairs and upstairs.
Parents are welcome to stay and watch the Kids Church service, please register at the enrolment desk in the foyer where you will be given a nametag to wear. Strangers will not be permitted into the rooms.
This ministry is covered with prayer by members of our Children’s Ministry Prayer team. If you would like to know more or if, as a parent, you are interested in being involved in this ministry, please speak to one of our leaders.
Kids Church, PJs and Crèche do not operate in the school holidays. Children are welcome to attend the family church service with their parents. Over the summer vacation activity sheets and pencils will be provided in the services.
For more information visit our website Kids and Youth or visit the KIDS AND YOUTH brochure rack downstairs.
If you have any concerns or questions please contact the church office on 9331 4500 or email . Thank you for your co-operation. We hope your family worships with us often.
Yours in service
Pastor Helen Daff
Essendon Baptist Community Church
Be joyful always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances, for this
is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. Do not put out the Holy Spirit’s fire.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-19