English 099 - Verb Practice One

Use the following chart to help you with both parts A and B. Remember, if there is a helping verb, you will need to select the participle form. Be sure to print the Reference Chart: Irregular Verbs and have it in front of you for reference as you do these drills.


“Be” verbs / “D” verbs / “H” verbs / “M” verbs / Rhyming / Permission
- - -
- - -
being / do
does / has
have / may
must / should
would / shall

PART A. Underline the helping verb or verbs in each sentence and circle the correct verb.

1. I have (knowed, known) Melissa for about three years.

2. I (saw, seen) the two children walking away from the park.

3. Has the alarm to start the drill (rang, rung) yet?

4. The choir has never (sung, sang) that song in a concert.

5. I don’t believe that the backpack was actually (stole, stolen). It was more likely lost.

6. Has Sean (broke, broken) his arm?

7. Marco has (ran, run) in four races so far this year.

8. Have you (chose, chosen) a major yet?

9. I (began, begun) to study for the test first thing in the morning.

10. Marie (wrote, written) three thank you cards before she was interrupted.

11. My brother has never (rode, ridden) a motorcycle, yet he is anxious to buy one.

12. The redheaded girl in the blue suit has (swam, swum) to the finish line first in both races.

13. Faulkner had (wrote, written) his most famous books before he was fifty.

14. The children (feel, felt) dizzy after spinning on the tilt-a-whirl.

15. My brother has (fell, fallen) many times in his attempt to ride the unicycle.

16. I (swam, swum) in the lake every summer.

17. Amy had not (drunk, drank) any alcohol at the party, as she was the designated driver

18. The actress has (wore, worn) that dress on the show twice.

19. My dog has (hid, hidden) his toy somewhere in my parents’ bedroom.

20. Those students have never (began, begun) their projects early enough to do well.

21. He has never (went, gone) to that amusement park.

22. Caroline had (spent, spend) all her Christmas money by the first of December.

PART B. Underline the helping verb, and then write C for correct or I for incorrect in sentence verb use.

1. The small boy begun to cry when the dog ran away from him.

2. The prize was hid near the bottom of the bag.

3. She has never worn those shoes before.

4. Every morning Mrs. Gomez drunk two cups of coffee before leaving for work.

5. Every time Rachel swam in the pool, the chlorine bothered her eyes,

6. The small boy had fallen many times before he learned to ride the bike.

7. Michael has went with his sister to the fair.

8. He has drove on every road in the town to make his deliveries.

9. Has Missy ever sang with her brother’s band?

10. I have never rung the doorbell at their house; I just knock.

11. It’s funny that she has fell for that same prank so many times.

12. She began her speech with a quotation.

13. She has not wrote one line of her paper yet.

14. Has the first runner run past the lake yet?