Program 4 Future Brisbane

Future Brisbane

Program Goal

Planning and facilitating quality development to ensure Brisbane is Australia's New World City as well asits most liveable. A city which is well designed and efficiently serviced, with a distinctive subtropical character.

Program Description

Brisbane is at the centre of the fastest growing urban region in Australia. The major challenge facing the city is to continue to participate in, and respond to, the South East Queensland (SEQ) Regional Plan 2031, and to accommodate sustainable population and employment growth while enhancing lifestyle opportunities and environmental outcomes of the city. Council will proactively plan and manage the city's growth and development by engaging with the community in planning for the future. Integrated strategies at regional, metropolitan and neighbourhood levels will be developed.

Program activities include:

• providing leadership on the future shape of our city

• providing the land use and development framework for the city

• finalising our planning response to the 2011 Brisbane flood and preparing for other extreme weather

events and natural hazards through review of plans and standards

• updating City Plan 2000 to reflect "Our Shared Vision: Living in Brisbane 2026" and to respond

appropriately to external influences and processes, such as the SEQ Regional Plan 2031

• implementing and delivering initiatives and projects, including urban improvement projects identified

through planning and economic development processes

• coordinating Council's input and involvement with activities of the Council of Mayors (SEQ)

• efficiently and effectively facilitating development applications, operational works applications and plan


• implementing a range of planning and development assessment reforms to improve development

assessment processes

• ensuring that road, utility services, drainage and open space assets, donated to Council as part of the

development process, meet Council standards

• carrying out compliance and enforcement of planning, building and plumbing legislation

• planning for the development and servicing of infill and greenfield development sites

• reviewing the Priority Infrastructure Plan to coordinate the provision and funding of infrastructure in

development areas across the city

• continuing Neighbourhood Plans in Brisbane to ensure locally specific planning provisions involve the

community in planning the city's future and assist in achieving South East Queensland Regional

Planning targets

• delivering urban renewal in inner Brisbane to encourage social and economic vibrancy to meet

regional growth targets and maximise regeneration opportunities

• continuing to provide independent strategic advice on key planning, design and social issues through

the Urban Futures Brisbane Board

• planning and coordinating Brisbane Improvement Projects

• identifying and conserving the city's heritage places and character housing areas

• providing a strong subtropical design identity for Brisbane

• undertaking partnerships with industry and the government sector to deliver on regional, citywide and

local planning initiatives.

Officers will regularly review results against targets in program plans to ensure budgeted outcomes, services and projects are delivered.

Program Outcomes and Financial Summary

Anticipated ProposedAnticipatedProposedAnticipated Proposed

Program Outcomes201112201213201112 201213 201112 201213



4.1Planning for a Growing City 27,468 14,357 30,342 13,618 18,349 10,554

4.2Enhancing Brisbane's 7,016 8,215 1,385 3,573 5,123 15,245


4.3Approving Quality 51,758 51,701 39,823 43,004 534


86,242 74,272 71,550 60,196 23,472 26,333

$000 / 2014-15
$000 / 2015-16
Recurrent Operations Contracts / 844 / 865 / 889

Outcome4.1Planning for a Growing City

Outcome description

Council's planning approach will acknowledge the sophistication and maturity of our community and people's strong desire to have a say and be involved in planning for the future of Brisbane and the region.

Where we are now

In 2005, the first statutory 20 year Regional Plan for South East Queensland (SEQ Regional Plan 2026) and the SEQ Infrastructure Plan and Program were released. The purpose of these plans was to guide the sustainable growth of Australia's fastest growing region. Council responded by ensuring that the development of its plans was consistent with the SEQ Regional Plan 2031. In July 2009, the State Government released a revised South East Queensland Regional Plan 20092031.

City Plan 2000 is the existing statutory framework for city development. It defines the preferred patternof growth for the city including residential, commercial, industrial and greenspace areas. The review ofCity Plan 2000 will result in its replacement and will ensure that the land use planning framework for thecity is consistent with the goals and objectives of the SEQ Regional Plan 2031 and "Our Shared Vision: Living in Brisbane 2026" and complies with the Sustainable Planning Act 2009. In the interim, City Plan will continue to be amended to address emerging issues including changes identified in Neighbourhood Plans. At the local level, neighbourhood planning will be undertaken in partnership with communities to plan for the future of their local area.

Council commenced its first Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution in June 2011, and its first PriorityInfrastructure Plan (PIP) in January 2012. These documents form the backbone of Council's infrastructurecontributions framework, and consolidate 19 Planning Scheme Policies for Infrastructure Chargesintotwo simpler, more transparent documents. The PIP and Resolution will be updated to reflectamendments to the City Plan including those resulting from the Council's Neighbourhood Planning Program.

Where we want to be

The SEQ Regional Plan 2031 will be successfully implemented through strong leadership and commitment by State and local governments and ownership by the community. The State Government, through the Infrastructure Plan, and Council will deliver a broad range of infrastructure to serve both existing and new growth areas. The councils forming the Greater Brisbane Area will continue to work cooperatively to coordinate planning and infrastructure provision across boundaries.

Infrastructure planning and coordination will be integral components of the new City Plan, ensuring that:

• Brisbane has a formal, longterm infrastructure provision and charging regime that complies with State

Government requirements

• Council infrastructure is well planned and provided in an efficient, coordinated manner

• new development contributes towards infrastructure delivery.

Infrastructure planning will be undertaken in tandem with the Neighbourhood Planning process. Infrastructure coordination will occur through the facilitation of key projects, and new growth will be coordinated with infrastructure requirements.

Strategy4.1.1City and Regional Planning

Brisbane's Planning Scheme is periodically updated to reflect the requirements of the South East Queensland Regional Plan 2031, increased understanding of the environment impacting upon the city, and community expectations. A new City Plan will be prepared to replace the current City Plan.

Service4.1.1.1Program Management

The management of the Future Brisbane Program will be focused on delivering higher levels of integration between community expectations and outcomes of the South East Queensland Regional Plan 2031, as well as integrating planning and delivery across Council's programs. Developing a project management culture with a strong focus on cost control and project delivery, particularly for the civic improvement projects, continues to be a key objective.

Activities and deliverables include:

• leadership in strategic planning

• advocating Council's position with respect to policy affecting the planning of Brisbane

• corporate reporting and communication

• partnerships with key internal and external partners to deliver on growth initiatives

• branch management

• negotiating external funding support for the program

• advocating that theState and Federal Governments meet their commitments to the development of

infrastructure in Brisbane.


201112 201213


Expense 3,919 4,149


Service4.1.1.2Strategic Land Use Planning

This service includes strategic and regional planning activities and addresses citywide and regional land


Activities include:

• managing, preparing and delivering the strategic framework and planning scheme for Brisbane (City

Plan) and online content including:

• preparing a new City Plan to comply with the Sustainable Planning Act 2009

• initiating City Plan 2000 amendments arising through planning activities Councilwide and

Respondingto external factors (including supporting the preparation of Neighbourhood Plans)

• communicating initiatives regarding the future of the city

• enabling the new City Plan and facilitating opportunities for the ongoing economic development of

the city

• implementing and amending the City Plan with two amendment packages per annum

• upgrading the City Plan online content and mapping information twice per year

• providing input on planning matters within the SEQ region including facilitating and participating in

regular government forums of SEQ planners, the Department of State Development, Infrastructure

and Planning and the Council of Mayors (SEQ) to exchange information and seek greater

coordination of planning and infrastructure

• coordinating Council's planning strategies and associated activities including:

• undertaking strategic policy and land use investigations for key areas of metropolitan and city


• coordinating strategic land use input to highlevel development applications

• implementing infrastructure design and delivery for the Rochedale Urban Community Local Plan

Infrastructure Program by the facilitation of development approval and through partnerships with

major landholders to rollout catalyst infrastructure

• undertaking research and database development and maintenance including:

• implementing the use of the urban growth models to support strategic and neighbourhood level

infrastructure planning

• maintaining population, employment and related information as the single database for Council to assist in providing information such as infrastructure cost analysis and charges revenue forecasting

• developing planning amendments such as changes to planning and building rules for homes and

businesses in flood-affected areas.


201112 201213


Expense 1,754 1,874

Revenue 10

Projects201213201314 201415 201516


Affordable HousingCapital

Expenses 849


Natural Disaster Risk Capital

Management Code for City Expenses 216


new City PlanCapital

Expenses 2,395 1,230


Rochedale Infrastructure Capital 10,554

Design and DeliveryExpenses 1,303

Revenue 4,218

Strategy4.1.2Coordinate Infrastructure Planning

Coordinate waterways and drainage, parks, transport and community facilities infrastructure planning in

accordance with the growth needs of Brisbane and the Sustainable Planning Act 2009.

Service4.1.2.1Priority Infrastructure Plans and Infrastructure Agreements

The key activities under this service include:

• ensuring transport, waterways, parks and community facilities infrastructure is planned, coordinated,

financed and constructed to support development needs

• working with Queensland Urban Utilities to ensure that water and sewerage infrastructure is planned,

financed and constructed to support development

• facilitating partnerships with the private sector and government to deliver infrastructure in a

costeffective manner

• participating in partnerships with Australia TradeCoast, Port of Brisbane Corporation and Brisbane

Airport Corporation

• collecting, tracking, accounting for and monitoring of infrastructure charges and preparation and

implementation of Infrastructure Agreements

• providing expert advice on the calculation and levying of infrastructure contributions

• monitoring and forecasting residential and nonresidential development to support effective

infrastructure planning

• maintaining an infrastructure charging framework that will comply with the State government's

requirements for infrastructure planning and charging.

This service will also improve the implementation of Infrastructure Agreements and develop mechanisms to expedite payments for less complex agreements.


201112 201213


Expense 811 899


Projects201213201314 201415 201516


BCC Managed Water Supply Capital

and Sewerage ICP PSPExpenses

Revenue 9,400 5,400 1,400

Infrastructure CoordinationCapital

Expenses 1,896 1,896 1,896 1,896


Interim Infrastructure Capital

Contributions Calculation Expenses 335 100 50


Material Change of Use Capital

InvestigationsExpenses 441 311 311 311


Outcome4.2Enhancing Brisbane's Liveability

Outcome description

Enhance Brisbane's character and liveability through Neighbourhood Planning and Urban Renewal.

Where we are now

Neighbourhood planning allows communities to participate in planning at a neighbourhood level and creates understanding about planning and shared ownership of outcomes.

Community planning teams, consisting of local residents, business owners and other key stakeholders, work closely with Council to play a direct role in planning for the future of their neighbourhoods. Workshops invite the broader community to consider future land use, building height and local improvement options. Neighbourhood Plans are underway across Brisbane. They vary from highgrowth areas such as Chermside Centre to lowgrowth areas such as Moggill and Bellbowrie and the remaining greenfield areas of the city.Since 2006, the Urban Futures Brisbane Board has assisted Council through independent, strategic advice on major projects and fostering ongoing relationships with industry and the community.Since 1991 Urban Renewal Brisbane (URB, formerly the Urban Renewal Task Force), has effectively facilitated residential and commercial revitalisation in the inner city area (approximately a 5km radius around the CBD). This initiative has resulted in extensive coverage of the area with precinct studies and master plans. URB continues to actively plan areas of the inner suburbs and provide strategic advice to Council on major development applications within the URB area.

Where we want to be

Neighbourhood Plans will be consistent with the South East Queensland Regional Plan 2031, the new City Plan objectives and development infrastructure sequencing priorities. Neighbourhood planning and urban renewal initiatives deliver statutory land use plans and complementary infrastructure is also identified at this time.

Community engagement activities, integration of land use and infrastructure initiatives, transparent decision making, monitoring and reporting continue to be priorities for neighbourhood planning and Urban Renewal Brisbane.

In 201213 work will continue on plans for Chermside Centre, Pinkenba/Eagle Farm, Richlands/Wacol, Mitchelton Centre, Racecourse Precinct, Mt Gravatt Corridor, St Lucia/Taringa, Toombul/Nundah, Lower Oxley Creek South, River Gateway, Moggill/Bellbowrie, Oxley/Darra and Paradise Wetlands.

The aim of this work is to support:

• an expected increase to the resident population of Brisbane

• development of a viable mix of employment and commercial opportunities

• protection of local character and facilitation of innovative design of the built environment

• efficient facilitation of development and infrastructure to help accommodate the challenging population

and employment targets set out in the South East Queensland Regional Plan 2031

• enhancement of the natural environment.

Strategy4.2.1Local Identity

Strengthen the identity and character of local areas.

Service4.2.1.1Plans for Suburbs and Other Development Areas

Neighbourhood planning includes extensive community engagement to enhance planning including the coordination of infrastructure planning and provision.

The Neighbourhood Planning process delivers:

• a draft strategy that develops planning concepts with the greater community, based on technical

studies and community engagement

• an infrastructure plan that ensures that transport, parks, waterways and other trunk infrastructure meet

future demands

• a Statutory Plan which is a legal document that establishes land use and design criteria against which

development will be assessed.

Completed Neighbourhood Plans are plans for the future of an area and include development intents, character housing precincts, established levels of assessment for new development, employment opportunities, public access and open space improvements.


201112 201213


Expense 2,023 2,097

Revenue 18

Projects201213201314 201415 201516


Lord Mayor’s Oxley Creek Capital 1,704

TaskforceExpenses 735


Neighbourhood PlansCapital

Expenses 2,184 2,100 2,142 2,307


Strategy4.2.2Urban Futures Brisbane Board

The Urban Futures Brisbane Board will continue to provide independent advice to Council regarding the city's planning decisions.

Service4.2.2.1Urban Futures Brisbane

Urban Futures Brisbane Board will continue to advise Council on planning, design and social issues and foster relationships with industry and the community. It will also continue to guide and provide input to other key Council projects.

The following services will be provided to the Urban Futures Brisbane Board:

• high quality support to the Urban Futures Brisbane Board Portfolios and their meetings

• management and delivery of Urban Futures Brisbane Board initiatives, policies and projects

• highquality support to all members of the Urban Futures Brisbane Board

• organisation of Urban Futures Brisbane Board meetings

• implementation of ideas, systems and strategies for improving the operations of the Urban Futures

Brisbane Board Secretariat.


201112 201213


Expense 628 595


Projects201213201314 201415 201516


Urban Futures Brisbane Capital

BoardExpenses 170 170 170 170


Vibrant LanewaysCapital 6,600 2,000 2,000 2,000

Expenses 486 500 500 500

Revenue 2,500

Virtual BrisbaneCapital 75 150 75 150

Expenses 285 290 285 290

Revenue 109 158 176 176

Strategy4.2.3Brisbane Improvement Projects

Undertake city improvement projects and facilitate quality urban design through policy development, capital works projects, partnerships and advice to other parts of Council.

Service4.2.3.1Brisbane Improvement Projects

Brisbane is gaining a reputation as a New World City with excellent examples of urban design. This service promotes, facilitates and delivers civic improvements across the city at a range of scales and a wide variety of project types. This includes providing a strategic design vision to improve our civic environment and help provide new and increased levels of amenity in areas impacted by higher densities, transport infrastructure and urban renewal. The aim is to continuously improve the urban environment and stimulate economic activity through key projects and consistent advice.

The service undertakes streetscape improvements to enhance amenity, identity, safety and accessibility through Brisbane Improvement Projects and delivers projects to stimulate economic activity and attract investment in key locations.

New approaches to streetscape and cityscape improvements will be designed for key locations in the city to align with key demonstration projects outlined in Neighbourhood Plans and identified in urban renewal areas. This service partners with the Neighbourhood Planning team and Urban Renewal.

In addition, this service develops urban design strategy and provides urban design advice and input to other Council projects.