Log into Pinnacle as a Department Manager . At this screen you will then click on “Billing”, and directly under this you will then see and click on “Department billing”.
When the screen for “Department Billing” appears, click on the “clear” hyperlink (large arrow below) to remove any prior searches you may have done. Once you have done this, type in your six digit org code or fund code (thin arrow below) in the “Department Number” box, then click on “search”.
At the next screen you will see a listing of all of the billing dates with the most recent billing date at the top. Click on the blue hyperlink of the bill date that you are interested in. REMEMBER: If the bill date is 01Mar2015, the billing period covered is actually the prior calendar month, so the information covers the billing for the calendar month of February 2015.At this screen you can actually drill down into the details of the bill by clicking on the “View Report” box.
It may take a minute or so for the information to appear.
You will see this screen appear and it will give you the summary charges on the first page or pages, then as you scroll through the screens or pages you will be able to view the actual details of each of the users listed under this account. As you can see from this limited screen shot, it will give you the following information:
- Number of pages that your information encompasses (this example has a total of 13 pages). You can move to the page that you want by either scrolling down or by entering the page number in the box to the right of “Page” and hitting the “enter” key.
- The middle of the top black horizontal bar allows you to increase or decrease the size of the font by 10% each time that you click either the plus or the minus symbols. The up and down arrows to the right of the “Automatic Zoom” allow you other options.
- The icons at the top right of the page do the following (from left to right)
- Go to full screen view.
- Print.
- Open the document or save to a file. If you save the file to Excel, you can sort the information according to your parameters.
- Current view (copy or open in new window).
- Tools available for your use.
Pinnacle billing views