Australia Awards Scholarships – Bhutan

Intake 2018

Australia Awards Scholarships – Bhutan: Intake 2018

Priority fields of study

The priority fields of study identified for Australia Awards Scholarships Intake 2018 reflect the development needs of Bhutan and priorities agreed between the Australian Government and the Royal Government of Bhutan (RGOB). They align with the objectives of Australia’s bilateral and regional aid programs.

Applicants must apply for only one field of study to which their parent agency nominates them for. However, applicants can submit more than one university preference in their applications.

Applicants are encouraged to carefully consider study program and institution preferences before applying. The Australian Government and the RGOB will not entertain any changes to the study program/institution after the application closing date.

Priority fields of study for applicants under the purview of the MoLHR

SN. / Development Theme / Agency/ Sector / Field of Study / Target Group / Required Academic Background
1 / Economic Growth / Cross sector / Business Studies (MBA General Management/ Strategy) / Managers primarily involved in Business Process Management / BBA, B.Com, BA Economics with relevant work experience
Private sector / Business Studies (MBA Entrepreneurship and SME Management) / Managers and Entrepreneurs / Any Bachelor's degree with relevant work experience
Private sector / Hospitality and Tourism / Professionals working in Hospitality and Tourism sector / Any Bachelor's degree with relevant work experience
Private sector / Film Making and Production / Film Makers and Film Producers / Any Bachelor's degree with relevant work experience
2 / Food Security / Cross Sector / Food Science and Technology / Professionals engaged in Agro-based industry / Bachelor's degree in Science, Bio-science, Bio-chemistry, Chemistry and Engineering with relevant work experience
3 / Governance / Cross sector / Human Resource Management / HR Personnel / Any Bachelor's degree with relevant work experience
4 / Infrastructure / Cross sector / Construction Management / Engineers / Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering, Architecture, Structural Engineering and Construction Management with relevant work experience
Cross sector / Power Engineering / Professionals in Power sector with relevant work experience / Bachelor's degree in Engineering, BSc Engineering with relevant work experience


A Bachelor’s degree must be equivalent to an Australian Bachelor’s degree. According to the Australian Qualification Framework (AQF), a four-year Bachelor’s degree from South Asia region is accepted as equivalent to an Australian Bachelor’s Degree. However, if applicants have completed a three-year Bachelor’s degree, an additional one year full-time Post Graduate Diploma or Certificate is normally required to be considered equivalent to an Australian Bachelor’s Degree, with the exception of degrees from very reputed universities/institutions in the region. Approach Australia Awards Bhutan Country Office for clarification and support.

Social Inclusion

Australia Awards Scholarships are offered on the basis of merit, transparency and equal access. Applications are strongly encouraged from eligible women, people with disability and people working in rural areas.

Female applicants

At least 50 percent of the Awards will be offered to qualified women applicants. Family members can join female awardees, but certain conditions apply - see the Australia Awards Scholarships Policy Handbook. Accommodation is secure. School going children can access free public education in Australia and childcare facilities are available (on payment basis) if required.

Disability support

Reasonable disability support (academic and non-academic) is provided to recipients with a disability based on a ‘needs’ assessment with the objective of allowing their participation on an equal basis with other Award recipients - see the Australia Awards Scholarships Policy Handbook.

Contact us

Australia Awards Bhutan
Karsang Building No. 4, Room 204
Chorten Lam

Thimphu 11001


T (975)-2-331845, F (975)-2-334793

M (975) 17127450/17127451



Australia Awards Scholarships – Bhutan: Intake 2018