MINS. PLANNING CTTE. 4 16th October 2017


Minutes of the Planning & Development Committee meeting held on

Monday 16th October 2017 at 7.30pm

held in the Council Offices, 15-17 Temple Street, Keynsham

PRESENT: Councillors C Fricker (Chairman), K Baker, D Brassington, T Crouch, B Elcome and B Simmons.

IN ATTENDANCE: Dawn Drury – Deputy Town Clerk


Councillors J Cron and A Sinclair.


There were none.


There were none.


There were none.



That the minutes of the meeting held on 21st August 2017 were confirmed as a true record and were signed by the Chairman.


That the minutes of the Extraordinary meeting held on 21st August 2017 were confirmed as a true record and were signed by the Chairman.


There were two members of the public present.


There were none.


There were none.


With permission of the Committee it was agreed to amend the agenda order to consider agenda item 9.6 prior to the other items

113.1 17/04503/FUL – 128 Charlton Road

Erection of 2 no. 3 bed dwellings with parking and associated works. Object – Keynsham Town Council are of the opinion that traffic and highways safety implications together with parking arrangements are not satisfactory. They endorse Bath and North East Somerset Council’s Highways Department’s comments, regarding the complete loss of parking associated with the existing dwelling, as being unacceptable. Parking standards as set out in Policy ST7 Schedule 2 of the Placemaking Plan should be adhered to which states a minimum of 2 no. spaces will be required for each dwelling.

113.2 17/04679/LBA – The Brass Mill, Avon Mill Lane

Repair and installation of ground anchors to stabilise and secure retaining wall within the curtilage of property. Support – There are no planning reasons to object to the application as the proposal is in accordance with Bath and North East Somerset Council Placemaking Plan 2017.

113.3 17/04387/FUL – 11 Balmoral Road

Conversion of one 3 no. bed dwelling into two no. 3 bed dwellings Object – The proposal is contrary to Policies D2 and D3 of the Placemaking Plan. Keynsham Town Council is of the opinion that the proposal is an overdevelopment of the site and incongruous with street scene.

113.4 17/04842/FUL – The Grange Hotel,42 Bath Road

Internal and external alterations for the redevelopment and restoration of hotel building into 8 no. 2 bedroom flats and 2 no.2 bed houses. Comments only – Keynsham Town Council have been unable to reach a conclusion on this application as there has been no listed building application submitted in respect of this Grade II property. Currently, there is no view on line from Bath and North East Somerset Council’s Highway’s Department in respect of traffic and highways safety implications or parking arrangements and in order for the Town Council to progress any decision it would assist if this information was available.

113.5 17/04470/FUL – Land between 181 and 187 Bath Road

Replacement of an existing garage at the rear of the property 185 Bath Road adjacent to a double garage. Support – There are no planning reasons to object to the application as the proposal is in accordance with Bath and North East Somerset Council Placemaking Plan 2017. The Town Council request that to ensure adequate off-street parking provision is retained in accordance with Policy ST7, the garage should be retained for the garaging of private motor vehicles associated with the dwelling (no. 185) and ancillary domestic storage and for no other purpose. This should be a condition of any approved application.

113.6 17/04810/FUL – 30 Chandag Road

Loft conversion with hip to gable roof extension, rear dormer, 4 no. rooflights, 2 no windows and a Juliet balcony. Support – Subject to the percentage increase in dwelling accommodation not exceeding the specified size requirements as dictated by Planning Policy.

113.7 17/04386/VAR – 1 Chewton Place, Chewton Road

Variation of condition 6 (plans list) of application 16/00251/FUL (Erection of two storey detached dwelling with garage and associated landscaping). Object – Keynsham Town Council do not consider this to be a minor variation from the original approved plans for timber constructed windows. The application is contrary to Policy D1 (ii) of the Placemaking Plan. The installation of UPVC windows will not enrich the character and quality of the proposed dwellings and does not contribute positively to the local distinctiveness, identity and history of the site.

113.8 17/04385/VAR – Chewton Place, Chewton Road

Variation of condition 8 (plans list) of application 14/05746/VAR (Variation of condition 8 (plans list) of application 14/05746/VAR (Variation of condition 8 (plans list) of application 14/02775/VAR. (Variation of condition 8 (plans list) of application 13/04273/FUL (Demolition of existing training and conference centre accommodation block and erection of 3 no detached dwellings and conversion of and extension to an outbuilding to a single dwelling with associated parking and landscaping). Object – Keynsham Town Council object to the proposed variation of condition 8.

113.9 17/04816/FUL – 4 Lytton Grove

Single storey side extension and erection of two small utility sheds in the rear garden.

Object – Keynsham Town Council are of the opinion that the proposal is overdevelopment of the site. Concerns have been raised, from looking at the plans, that the proposed internal layout may provide the opportunity to create two dwellings from the existing dwelling. If Bath and North East Somerset Council should be minded to permit the application a condition should be added that the dwelling should remain as a single property.

113.10 17/04480/FUL – 3 Milward Road

Erection of new porch to front elevation and pitched roof on side garage. Support – There are no planning reasons to object to the application as the proposal is in accordance with Bath and North East Somerset Placemaking Plan 2017.

113.11 17/04696/ADCOU – Avon Valley Farm, Pixash Lane

Prior approval request from change of use from Agricultural Building to Dwelling (C3) and associated operational development. Support – Keynsham Town Council are of the opinion that once a full satisfactory Environmental Impact assessment has been produced, detailing the land quality then the application should be permitted as there are no planning reasons to object to the application as the proposal is in accordance with Bath and North East Somerset Placemaking Plan 2017.

113.12 17/04573/OUT – Milland House, Rock Road

Erection of a building comprising 19 no. flats and 1 no. maisonette following demolition of the existing office building and detached dwelling house. Object – The proposal is out of keeping and is an overdevelopment of the site. Parking provision proposed for the 19 no. flats and 1 no. maisonette will create pressure on local parking and as such will be contrary to policy ST7 of the Bath and North East Somerset Placemaking Plan.

113.13 17/04446/TPO – 4 The Homestead

1 x Sycamore (T1) – reduction height by 3-4m.

Comment – Keynsham Town Council will be guided by Bath and North East Somerset Council’s Arboricultural Officer’s decision.

113.14 17/04533/VAR – The Chocolate Quarter, Trajectus Way

Variation of condition 17 (plans list) of application 15/04706/EFUL (Partial demolition, change of use and extension of Building A and B to create a Care Village consisting of a 93-bed Care Home, 136 Extra Care apartments (Use Class C2) and communal facilities. Partial demolition, change of use and extension of Building C to B1 Office on part ground and upper floors (10.139m2 GIA), and Class D1 GP Surgery/Medical Centre (833m2 GIA) and Class A1 Retail (150m2 GIA) on part ground floor. Associated surface car parking, the use of basements for car parking, cycle parking, landscaping and associated infrastructure. Proposals altering previous site wide planning approval 13/01780/EOUT as approved on 19th February 2014). Object – The variation provides insufficient details in respect of the parking arrangements for the site and the Town Council’s reiterates the comments of the Bath and North East Somerset Council’s Highways Officer in that a full breakdown of the changes that will be made and how this will affect the parking provision for each of the site land uses should be provided before the variation is approved.

113.15 17/04806/VAR – Uplands Farm, Wellsway

Variation of condition 5 of planning application 13/05005/FUL (conversion of the existing structures at Uplands Farm to provide 5 new dwellings, including the provision of a new link structure and farmyard landscaping). Condition 5 – removal. Following advice from B&NES Planning Department on Decision Notice 16/04630/COND date 02/11/16, the wording of the condition should be amended. To comply with the findings of the accompanying acoustic survey confirming that noise levels meet the required standards even though they fall short of the criteria outlined in the current condition 5. No Comment - Keynsham Town Council have no comment on this application.

113.16 17/04545/TCA – Rookehill Farmhouse, 34 Wellsway

Holly Tree at front of house. To reduce by 1/3, shape and trim. Comment – Keynsham Town Council will be guided by Bath and North East Somerset Council’s Arboricultural Officer’s decision.

113.17 17/04514/FUL – 159 Wellsway

Erection of rear extension and formation of 2 no. pitched roofs over existing dormer windows. Support – There are no planning reasons to object to the application as the proposal is in accordance with Bath and North East Somerset Placemaking Plan 2017.


The applications determined by B&NES Council were received and noted.


There were none.


There were none.


The items for information were received and noted.


There were no items.



That the next meeting of the Committee is scheduled to take place on Monday 13th November 2017 at 7.30 p.m.

The meeting closed at 9.30 pm.



That pursuant to the provision of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business by reason of the confidential nature of business to be transacted.



The Deputy Town Clerk distributed plans detailing the SHLAA potential development sites as maps relating the HELAA were not available. The Committee considered potential sites in addition to those already consider under the SHLAA consultation and had comments on two of the proposed sites.

Site K4 – Fire Station and Riverside –Any application for this site must reflect the Core Strategy and Placemaking Plan policies and reflect the conservation area of the town.

Site K12 – Keynsham Paper Mill – This site has been sold by a developer to a local company for employment use.


That the Deputy Town Clerk submit this information via the supplied form to Bath and North East Somerset Council Planning Policy Team by Monday 30th October 2017.

Signed: ...... Date: ...... (Chairman)