Tobeconsidered asanadopter,youmust:
Be21years ofageorolder
Haveidentificationshowingyour presentaddress
Havetheknowledge andconsentofyour landlord
Applicant Information
First Name / MI / Last NameStreet Address / Apt/Unit #
City / State / Zip
Home Phone / Cell Phone
Email / Age
**NewLeash onLifereservestherighttorefuse adoptiontoanyone.
Noanimalwillbeadoptedto prospectiveownerswhomisleadorfailtoprovide
accurateinformationonthis application.**
Are you adopting for yourself or someone else?
Which animal are you interested in?
What kind and how many pets do you currently have?
Current pets’ names and ages.
Are your current pets spayed or neutered?
Are your pets current on vaccinations?
If you currently do not have any pets, have you had any in the past?
How long ago has it been since you’ve had a dog or cat?
Have you ever turned one of your animals into a shelter?
If yes, please explain.
How many adults are in your family?
/Children’s Ages
Where do you live?
/Mobile Home
Do you own or rent your home?
How long have you lived at this address?
Please provide your landlord information below if you rent. We will contact them to verify that you have permission to have a pet in your home.
Landlord Name
/Phone number
If you go away for vacation, who will take care of your pet(s)?
What arrangements will you make for the care of your pet(s) in case of an emergency or if you become unable to care for him or her?
If you must move, what will you do with your pet(s) if your new home does not allow pets?
CatAdoptions OnlyHave your current cats been tested for feline leukemia and FIV? / Yes / No / Don’t Know
Under what circumstances would you have the cat declawed?
Where will your cat live? / Indoors / Outdoors / Free access to indoors & outdoors / Barn
Please explain.
Does any member of your household have an allergy to cats? / Yes / No
DogAdoptions Only
How long will the dog be alone each day?
How much exercise and socialization will the dog receive?
Where will the dog sleep?
Is there a safe, fenced area for the dog to out to use the bathroom or will you walk your dog?
Under what circumstances do you consider it acceptable to crate a dog?
When do you consider it acceptable to physically punish or hit a dog?
Under what circumstances is it acceptable to leave a dog outside?
Do you realize you will probably have to house-train your new puppy or dog? / Yes / No
Veterinarian References
Veterinarian Name (current or past)
Two Personal References
Phone(s) / Email
Phone(s) / Email
Signature: Date: