Parish Office Tel: 020 8393 2643

Vicar: The Revd Vicar: The Revd Russell Dewhurst

WEEKLY NOTESThirteenth Sunday after Trinity21 August 2016

8:00am HOLY COMMUNION (Common Worship)

The service begins on page 167 of the black book. The celebrant is the Revd Sue Ayling and the preacher is Wendy Varney, reader. After the offertory collection, the Eucharistic prayer is as announced. We continue with the Lord’s Prayer on page 178.

9:30am SUNG EUCHARIST (Green Booklets)

You can follow the words of the service in the green booklets.

Introit Hymn: 436

Kyrie: Shaw, Folk mass — please join in.

Gloria: NEH 363 tune 338

First Reading: Hebrews 12:18-end

Gradual Hymn: 431

The Holy Gospel: St Luke 13.10-17

Sermon: Wendy Varney, lay reader.

Offertory Hymn: 297 (a collection is taken during this hymn)

Recessional Hymn: 449

Coffee and tea are served in the hall after this service.

Sharing the love of Christ, the Light of the World, with the people of Ewell


The Epsom and Ewell Food Bank particularly needs tinned meat pies, tinned/long life sponge puddings, tinned veg (NOT PEAS or CORN), tinned custard, small size condiments (oil, herbs, salt, pepper), baby food and baby milk, baby wipes, shower gel, shaving foam, soap, hair conditioner, sweets /treats/crisps, honey/chocolate spread. They still do not need soup, baked beans, tuna or dried pasta. Donations to the Food Bank can be left in the red box near the main church door. If you are interested in volunteering at the food bank call 0208 786 8221.NE

NEW St Mary’s is advertising the Day for All in a number of ways. The Diocesan newspaper, The Wey, local churches and libraries, and the Borough noticeboards are just some of the outlets. We need help to also advertise in the shops in Ewell Village by distributing posters and leaflets to them. Please can you help? There are five large envelopes at the back of the church, each with a list of a dozen or so shops/businesses together with the posters and leaflets. Please take one (or more) envelopes so that Ewell is well informed about the day.

Sunday coffeesWe need two volunteers to run Sunday coffee (after the 9.30am service) on the fourth Sunday of the month, from August 28th. If you might be able to help, please speak to Valerie Wood, churchwarden, for more information. Tel 020 8393 5991.

Historic photos of the Village Fair were kindly lent by several people for publicity purposes at this year’s fair– thank you. Please contact the parish office if yours haven’t been returned.

We are looking for temporary help with cleaning the church over the summer (as our regular cleaner is sick). Members of the congregation who might be able to help, or who can recommend a cleaner, are asked to speak to Valerie Wood or Godfrey Morrell.

We are planning a monthly cafe in our church hall, starting this autumn, for people who have been bereaved. This will last an hour, and be a chance over tea and coffee to talk with others who have been recently bereaved. We are looking for volunteers to help with teas and coffees and with encouraging the conversations around the tables of half a dozen or so people each. Training in this will be given by Princess Alice Hospice in Esher in August. Please get in touch with the Vicar, Sue Ayling or Wendy Paxman if you’d like to be notified when we start, or if you would be interested in finding out more about the training and getting involved.

The Consistory Court of Guildford has given faculty to permit the use of the church field (next to the churchyard extension) as a playing field. This project has been in preparation for a number of years with Ewell Castle School, and development work has now begun. Development will take place over the summer, with the playing field coming into use, it is hoped, around Easter next year. Speak to the wardens or Vicar if you have any questions.

The copy deadline for October’s edition of the Ewell Parish News is noon on Monday 12 September. September EPN should be available in church from next Sunday.


Please note there are no regular weekday services during August.

10:30–12noon Coffee Morning in the church hall.


Dedication Festival

8:00am Holy Communion

9:30am Sung Eucharist

11.15am Morning Prayer and Holy Baptism

Followed by coffee in the church hall.


Every Sunday: 8 & 9:30am services.

NEW Next Sunday 28th Aug: Our dedication festival, the Sunday after

the anniversary of our church’s consecration on 24 August 1848.

Come and give thanks for the opportunity to worship God in our beautiful church building.

Sat 3 Sep: Patronal Festival Organ Recital by Jonathan Holmes. 7:30pm. £7 on the door (under 16s £1). The full programme can be found on the church website.

Sun 4 Sep: 10am Patronal Festival Sung Eucharist. Celebrant and Preacher: The Bishop of Dorking. We

hope many people will attend as we celebrate our patronal festival and welcome the Rt Revd Jo Bailey Wells to our diocese. Please note the 10am start time. There will be refreshments in church following the service.

Sun 11 Sep: 11:15am Choral Mattins. Please note changed time, intended to make it easier for those who wish to return to church after coffee for a short, beautiful and meditative service. 5:00pm All-in. Our informal monthly service for everybody on “New Beginnings”. 5:45pm Club Sandwich Youth group for 7-10s.

Sun 18 Sep: 11am Toddle Up! Our monthly service for toddlers and friends. 5:30pm Choral Evensong.

Sat 24 Sept: There will be another Day for All at St Mary’s with something for all ages, including Ewell St Mary’s Morris Men, a history talk and craft activities. This year our theme will be ‘Royal connections’. See page 3 of August’s EPN for more details. The timetable will be in September’s EPN.

Wed 28 Sep: The Revd Dr Patrick Miller will be guest speaker at the Wednesday coffee morning, 10.30am in the church hall. The title of his talk will be ‘A young man in the Services.’

Sharing the love of Christ, the Light of the World, with the people of Ewell


Collect for 13th Sunday after Trinity

Almighty God,
who called your Church to bear witness
that you were in Christ

reconciling the world to yourself:
help us to proclaim

the good news of your love,
that all who hear it may be drawn to you;
through him who was lifted up on the cross,
and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Post Communion Prayer

God our creator,
you feed your children with the true manna,
the living bread from heaven:
let this holy food sustain us through our earthly pilgrimage
until we come to that place
where hunger and thirst are no more;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.


The Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.


Sharing the love of Christ, the Light of the World, with the people of Ewell