- DiagnosisBa way of classifying an illness
- EtiologyBrefers to the apparent cause and developmental history of an illness
- PrognosisBpredicted course of an illness
Criteria for Abnormality
1. Unusual
2. Violates social norms
3. Poor reality perception
4. Personal distress
5. Maladaptiveness
6. Dangerousness
**maladaptive behavior
**personal distress
A. Normality
B. Classification
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM)
DSM-IV - multiaxial system
Axis IB clinical syndromes
Axis IIB personality disorders &
mental retardation
Axis IIIB general medical conditions
Axis IV Bpsychosocial and environmental factors
Axis VB Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF)
C. Medical Model: Abnormal behavior = a disease
II. Anxiety
A. Generalized Anxiety Disorder
B. Phobias
C. Panic Disorder
D. Agoraphobia
E. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
- Obsessions = thoughts
- Compulsions = behaviors
F. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Etiology of Anxiety Disorders
1. Biology
2. Learning History
- Mowrer's Two-Factor Theory
3. Child-Rearing
4 Cognitive Factors
Mood Disorders
Depressive Disorders
Bipolar Disorders (Manic Depressive)
Etiology of Mood Disorders
Biological predisposition
Neurochemical factors
Cognitive factors
Precipitating stressor (diathesis stress)
Substance Related Disorders
Substance AbuseB a maladaptive pattern of substance use leading to impairment or distress
Substance Dependence -
1. Psychological dependenceBrepeated use despite significant related problems
2. Impairment in social or work functioning from use
3. Physiological dependence (tolerance & withdrawal)
4. various substances
1. Physiological
2. Psychological
Eating Disorders
A. Anorexia NervosaB
$ prevalence rates: .5 to 1% of young women
B. Bulimia Nervosa
$ prevalence rates: 1% to 3% among young females
$ highly culturally specific:
Etiology of Eating Disorders
A. Biological Dimensions
--NOT precipitating anorexia, but do play a role in maintaining anorexia
Bgenetic factors
B. Socio-cultural factors
$ link between self-worth, happiness, and success and physical appearance, especially for white women
$ dieting culture
C. Family Influences
D. Psychological Factors
anorexia: avoidance of harm, perfectionism, low novelty
bulimia: mood swings, less impulse control
Treatment for Eating Disorders
Somatoform Disorders
- Somatoform disorder = physical problems with psychological origin
- Psychosomatic disorders = physical problems with physical and psychological bases
- Malingering = faking an illness
Somatization Disorder
Conversion Disorder
Etiology of Somatoform Disorders
1. Biology
2. Personality
Dissociative Disorders
- Loss of sense of identity, via loss of memory or consciousness
Psychogenic Amnesia
Psychogenic Fugue
Dissociative Identity Disorder
Etiology of Dissociative Disorders
1. Severe stress (childhood trauma)
2. Avoid facing problems by repressing their existence
3. Ability to hypnotize self
Schizophrenia - Split Mind
**Cognitive Disturbance
- Poor Reality Contact
Course of Schizophrenia
Prodromal phase
Acute phase
Residual phase
Etiology of Schizophrenic Disorders
1. Physiological
- genetic predisposition
- increased dopamine activity
- neurological defects?
2. Psychological
- Fragmented communication in the family
- High expressed emotion
Personality Disorders C rigid, maladaptive, extreme personality patterns
Anxious/Fearful cluster
1. Avoidant
2. Dependent
3. Obsessive-Compulsive
Odd/Eccentric cluster
1. Schizoid
2. Schizotypal
3. Paranoid
Dramatic/Impulsive cluster
1. Histrionic
2. Narcissistic
3. Borderline
4. Antisocial
1. Genetic Predisposition
2. Poor socialization
3. Lack of consistent limits
- Tenth highest cause of deaths in US
- Underestimated - accidents
- Outranks murder
1. Sex
2. Age
3. Marriage
4. Occupation
- Only committed by people with severe psychological disorders
- People who talk won't do it
- Suicides usually occur with no warning
- Suicides really mean to die