Medical References Exercise
Select one of the presenting problems listed on page 3, then one of the diseases under that presenting problem on the list of Top Ten Differential Diagnoses in Primary Care. Using only those library medical resources covered in the lesson, look up answers to the following questions for that condition, citing where you found the answer. Complete this form. To gain practice using these resources, after watching the demonstrations on Blackboard, please use each of the following at least once to complete this assignment: PEPID, Epocrates, Dynamed, DxPlain, Diagnosaurus and 5 Minute Clinical Consults (5MCC).
Student:Chief Concern Chosen: / Disease Chosen: / Resource Used
Demographics (look under Incidence and Prevalenceor Epidemiologyof this Dx to pick age and gender)
Is there a common age group of patients with this condition? If so, what is it?
Is there a common Gender for patients with this condition?If so, what is it?
History of Present Illness (HPI) (DynaMed has a History section. Look under Diagnosis-Signs and Symptoms in other resources)
What symptoms might this patient exhibit when presenting with this problem?
Physical Exam Findings:
Which physical exams should you perform to diagnose this condition?
What physical findings would you likely see during those exams on a patient with this condition?
Differential Diagnoses:
List at least 4 other possible diseases that these finding might suggest?
What laboratory tests (if any) might you order to confirm this diagnosis?
What imaging tests (if any) might you order to confirm this diagnosis?
Are these any diagnostic procedures that confirm this diagnosis, (ie endoscopy, biopsy…) and if so, please list.
What medication(s) (if recommended) might you prescribe for this condition?
What adverse reactions are common with the medication that you are prescribing?
How much does this medication cost? (specify a drug, dose, #, and then cost)
What surgery (if recommended) might you perform for this condition?
What other treatments (if recommended) might you recommend for this condition? (diet, exercise, physical therapy, etc.)
Pick one of the big words or abbreviations you used above and give a definition of that term in a medical dictionary.
Using DxPlain, you have a patient with the following symptoms:
Case - A 25 year old female presents to you complaining of off and on blurry vision in right eye (vision, loss, one eye) and eye pain, tingling on right side of face (paresthesia), Leg cramping (usually calf muscle at night), fatigue and constipation (chronic). She has been experiencing these symptoms for several weeks. Examination and questioning reveals that she has had some double vision, and her eyes are moving involuntarily back and forth (nystagmus).
What are the top three common problems and the top 3 rare problems that could be causing her symptoms and findings?
Common Problems:
Rare Problems: / DxPlain
Top Ten Differential Diagnoses in Primary Care
COUGH / FATIGUE / LOW BACK PAIN / FEVER / DYSPNEA (SOB)Acute Bronchitis / Fatigue NYD / Mechanical Low Back Pain / URI / Asthma
URI / Viral Illness / Sciatica / Other Viral Disease / Acute Bronchitis
Cough NYD / Depression / Muscle Strain / Acute Bronchitis / COPD
Acute Laryngitis/Tracheitis / Anemia / Degenerative Disk Dx / Acute OM / CHF
Asthma / Anxiety/Stress / Osteoporosis / Influenza / Dyspnea NYD
Sinusitis / Sinusitis / Rheumatoid Arth. / Fever NYD / Anxiety
Pneumonia / CHF / UTI / Pneumonia / URI
Influenza / Medication Side Effect / Nephrolithiasis / Sinusitis / Pneumonia
COPD / Influenza / Prostate CA / GI Infection / Acute Laryngitis/Tracheitis
Other Viral Disease / Diabetes Mellitus / Other / UTI / Ischemic Heart Disease
CHF / Mononucleosis / Strep Throat / Lung Malignancy
Allergic Rhinitis / COPD / COPD Exacerbation / Pulmonary Embolism
Medication Side Effect / Ischemic Heart Disease / Mononucleosis / Other
Lung Malignancy / GI Malignancy / Meningitis
Pertussis / Lymphoma/Leukemia / Appendicitis
Other / Other / Iatrogenic
GI Malignancy
Lung Malignancy
Abdominal Pain NYD / Headache NYD / Vertigo NYD / Ischemic Heart Disease / Edema NYD
Irritable Bowel Syndrome / Sinusitis / Anxiety / Chest Pain NYD / CHF
GI Infection / Tension Headache / Postural Hypotension / Anxiety / Venous Insufficiency
Constipation / Migraine / HTN / CHF / Thrombophlebitis
Diverticular Disease / Cervical Disease / Fatigue / Atrial Fibrillation / HTN
UTI / URI / Medication Side Effect / HTN / Medication Side Effect
Other Viral Infection / Other Viral Disease / Cervical Disease / GERD / Ischemic Heart Disease
GI Malignancy / Concussion / Iron Deficiency Anemia / Pneumonia / PVD
Biliary Colic / Influenza / CVA / Acute Bronchitis / Infection
Appendicitis / GI Malignancy / TIA / COPD / Atrial Fibrillation
Duodenal Ulcer / CNS Malignancy / URI / Pulmonary Embolism / Arthritis
Other Malignancies / CVA / Concussion / Other / Renal Disease
Other / Meningitis / Atrial Fibrillation / GI Malignancy
Other / Sinusitis / Pregnancy
Tension Headache / Cirrhosis
Other / Other
In approximate order of likelihood from highest to lowest. Likelihood of disease is dependent on the age of the patient and other risk factors. Items in red are potentially emergencies.
Ponka, D., et al. Top Ten Differential Diagnoses in Primary Care. [Web Resource] U of Ottawa. 2006. Accessed at