21 October 2010
13800 Biola Ave. Box 10
La Mirada, CA 90639
Fax: (562) 906.4564
Phone: (562) 903.4881
Ext: 3103
Dear Friends,
Greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! We are pleased to inform you that Biola University is hosting, for the 82nd time, its annual Missions Conference, March 16-18, 2010. Come represent your missions organization at our three-day, student-led conference. Each spring Biolans set aside classes in order to educate, equip, and inspire each other to embrace a role in the completion of the Great Commission.
Missions Conference is a ministry within the Student Missionary Union (SMU), which is Biola’s student-led missions organization. The vision of SMU is to motivate and mobilize students to align their lives to the completion of the Great Commission. With this in mind, we, the Missions Conference Directors, believe that students from every course of study and field of interest are called to live out the last words of Jesus.
Our theme this year is Set Us Ablaze! It is derived from Isaiah 64:1-2 “Oh, that you would rend the heavens and come down,that the mountains would tremble before you! As when fire sets twigs ablazeand causes water to boil,come down to make your name known to your enemiesand cause the nations to quake before you!”
Biola students are in the process of igniting in zeal for the Lord; God desires to see us come to His feet, cast down our idols, and completely submit to Him. When our hearts are truly set ablaze, missions will naturally flow out and the desire to make God’s name known to all peoples will become reality. God is calling us back to Him, our first love; He is also reminding us of the basis of Acts 1:8 when Jesus tells His followers to be His witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. This starts here with the local community and spreads like wildfire to the ends of the earth.
Your representation at the conference has a vital role in the encouragement, inspiration and education of students here at Biola. We pray that students will encounter a profound awareness of God’s global purpose, and be inspired to grasp their role in global evangelism. This is a great opportunity to get to know the students at Biola and share your experiences with them. We want to hear what God has done in your life and ministry and we would be honored if you would consider joining us at Biola’s Missions Conference this year.
Thank you for your time and consideration. We cannot wait to see the amazing things God will do, and we would love to have you lead our student body toward obedience to the will of Christ.
If you have questions, feel free to email or call us!
For His Glory in the Nations,
Rebekah Pearce and Michelle Welke
Co-Directors Missions Conference 2011
(562) 944-0351 (x3103)