Captain’s Meeting Minutes
Buckingham Pub
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Executive Present: Sandra Milne (President), Shannon Wilson (Vice President), Sandi Orr (Treasurer), Jim Fleckenstein (Draw Master), and Angelina Palumbi (Secretary).
1. Call to Order at 2:14Pm
2. Opening Roll Call: all teams present and accounted for.
3. Adoption Of Agenda: first by Fred Newbold, seconded by Darcy Daigle
4. Approval of Minutes: first by Jay Jensen, seconded by Nicki Rolls
5. Executive Reports:
A) Presidents Report: welcome all Captains as well as new captains and our new locations, nice to see this. Please have Fun and enjoy. Have a great season.
B) Vice Presidents Report: so very glad to see the new venues, new dart players as well as the deaf dart players joining the league. Welcome everyone.
C) Treasurers Report: The difference between last year’s revenues, as the league had purchased new updated rulebooks, as well as a few of the Executive members had taken Darts Alberta Officiating courses, other than that no new changes. First by Les Miller, seconded by Darcy Daigle, Passed.
D) Drawmaster’s Report: I wish to thank everyone with texting and emailing scores. I have all score sheets and schedules available, please pick up at end of meeting.
6. Old Business: Fred Newbold would like to see score posted by Friday night if at all possible. Sandra stated that would like to see Crossovers continue, with opposing teams on a bye in each division, remember folks not worth any points but just a fun night out for all. No one sitting out on a BYE. We are looking at having three divisions, such as 5-5-4 once seeding round is done, with moving teams one up one down. Instead of everyone playing each team twice per round, it would only be once. That if a team really shouldn’t in a higher division, they move down quite quickly. All in favor 14 yeas 0 nays passed.
7. New Business: A) President states that in this electronic age, we could meet every second round instead of every round, with the captains being responsible for printing off schedules and distributing among team members. Executive will double the score sheets at each Captain’s meeting. Any printing costs submitted to Treasurer for re-imbursement. Motion for approval first by Darcy Daigle, seconded by Les Miller. All in favour... Motion passed. B) Angelina brought the issue of having 50/50 tickets at each night of play as well as special events, proceeds going to offset our banquet costs and maybe provide better door prizes to our members. Captains pretty much against it as it would but huge burden onto the captains having to keep in trust all monies collected. It was a huge resounding no. President also stated that maybe a conflict of interest in the pubs, interfering with their licences C) Sandi also stated for our new captains and players, that rulebooks are available, please let Executive know how many needed for each new members to the league are on your team. D) Val Duduman states between previous years Special Events, Val suggest having a specified prize amount posted, as just might attract more B & C division players, to these events. Executive tentatively agrees into looking into the matter further.
8. 8. Closing Roll Call – all team present and accounted for
9. Motion to Dismiss- First by Val Duduman, seconded By Fred Newbold. Meeting adjourned at 2:34 pm