American Catholic Historical Association
Program for Spring Meeting
March 29-31, 2007
Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
For additional information contact: Steven M. Avella, Department of History, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI.
Tentative Schedule:
March 29, 2007:
Opening Reception
Pabst Mansion
2001 W. Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI..
Sponsored by the 125th Anniversary Committee and the Archdiocese of Milwaukee.
Lobby Raynor Memorial Library, Marquette University.
All sessions in Conference Center, lower level, Raynor Library
Friday March 30:
Catholics and Rightist Nationalism and Racism
Chair/Comment: Neal Pease, UW-Milwaukee
Ulrike Ehret, King’s College, London, "Catholicism and Judaism in the Catholic Defence Against Alfred Rosenberg"
Robert Ventresca, King’s University College, University of Western Ontario. "Beyond the Pius Wars"
Peter Bernardi, S. J., Loyola University of New Orleans, "The Condemnation of Action Francaise"
Two Catholic Newspapers and Their Editors: Americanism and Post-Vatican II Reform
Chair: Christopher Kauffman, Catholic University
Robert Anello, Catholic University, "Americanism and the Catholic Citizen, 1885-1900: Humphrey Desmond’s Perspective"
Jeffrey R. Burns, Franciscan School of Theology, "John O’Connor and the ‘New Age of Catholic Journalism, 1960-67"
Comment: William Thorn, Marquette University
Priestly Formation and Liturgy in the Middle Ages
Chair: Lezlie Knox, Marquette University
Owen M. Phelan, Mt. St. Mary’s University and Seminary, "Pastoral Editing in Early Medieval Biblical Exegesis"
J. Michael Raley, University of Chicago, "Radulphus de Rivo and the Liturgical Reforms of the Windesheim Congregation, ca. 1396-1400"
Comment: Wanda Zemler-Cizewski, Marquette University
The Church in Latin America
Chair/Comment: Laura Matthew, Marquette University
Ane-Marie Liberio, Sorbonne, "Natives and Missionaries in Brazil and in the United States, 1800s-1830"
Frederick Baumgartner, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, "Spanish Theologians and the Right to Wage War"
Veronica Gutierrez, University of California Los Angeles, "From Sacred Indigenous Altepetl to Franciscan Evangelization Center: Cholultecas, Frailes and the Christianization of San Pedro Cholula, Mexico"
A Call for Forty Thousand’: New Approaches for the Study of U. S. Catholic Mission
Chair: Kathleen Sprow Cummings, University of Notre Dame
Panelists: Christine Baudin, St. Louis University and Charles T. Strauss, University of Notre Dame
Respondent: Angelyn Dries, OSF, St. Louis University
March 30:
The Oxford Movement Converts to Roman Catholicism and their Contribution to the Debates Surrounding Papal Infallibility in the Latter 19th Century
Chair: Rev. William Kelly, S. J. Marquette University
Kenneth Parker, St. Louis University, "Henry Cardinal Manning on History and Its Role in the 1860s Infallibility Debate"
Hudson Davis, St. Louis University, "William George Ward, the Oxford Movement and Papal Infallibility"
Michael Pahls, St. Louis University, "Development as Rectification: Newman’s Conception of the Schola Theologorum and the Reception of Pastor Aeternus"
Donna Hawk-Reinhard, St. Louis University, "Engaging in the Debates from the Periphery: The Contribution of the Other Oxford Movement Converts in the Infallibility Debates of the Nineteenth Century"
Comment: Paul Misner, Marquette University
Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Catholicism:
France, England and the United States
Chair/Comment: Julius Ruff, Marquette University
Mara Adams, St. Ambrose University, "Confessional Identity: Women’s Roles and Poverty Relief"
Edward Woel, Western Illinois University, "Priest, Poet and Patriot of Burgundy: The Curious Case of Abbe Chauchot, A Revolutionary Cure"
Thomas Jodziewicz, University of Dallas, "John Fletcher’s Reflections on the Spirit of Religious Controversy and John Carroll Apologists Both"
Catholicism in the Heartland
Chair: David Salvaterra, Loras College
Richard Janet, Rockhurst University, "St. Mary’s of the Barrens: A Microcosm of the American Catholic Church"
Susan Karina Dickey, OP, Diocese of Springfield Archives, "The American Windows of the Springfield Cathedral"
Jason Hostutler, Marquette University, "Smokestack and Steeples: A Case Study of the Reciprocity Between Church and Industry in 20th Century American Suburbs"
Comment: Jeff Marlett, College of St. Rose
Art and Devotion
Chair/Comment: J. Patrick Donnelly, S.J., Marquette University
Matthew Sneider, UM-Dartmouth, "Confraternities in San Giovanni in Persieto in 16th-18th Centuries"
Stephanie Blue, U. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. "Andrea Pozzo’s Perspectiva pictorium et architectorum and the Role of the Jesuit Artists in Baroque Rome"
Dennis Castillo, Christ the King Seminary, "The Santa Marija Convoy: Faith and Endurance in War Time Malta, 1940-42"
Archival Developments
Jan Santich, Diocese of Cheyenne, "Wyoming Archival Project"
Matthew Blessing, Marquette University, " Improving Access to Archival Collections: A Case Study of Marquette’s Native American Catholic Research Collection"
Comment: The Audience
Friday, March 30
Catholic Laity-1920-1960
Chair/Comment: Margaret McGuinness, LaSalle University
David Bovee, Fort Hays State University, "The Church and the Land: The Evolution of the National Catholic Rural Life Conference in the Twentieth Century"
Kathleen Johnson, Keweenaw Bay Community College, "‘Catholic Women Writing on Women’: Popular Books and the American Catholic Laywoman, 1920-1960"
Cornelia F Sexauer, UW-Marathon, "Training Catholic Laity as Examples of Catholic Moral Leaders"
The Interpretation of Scripture in the Early and Medieval Church
Chair: Wanda Zemler-Cizewski, Marquette University
Susan Myers, University of St. Thomas, "The Holy Spirit as Mother in Early Syriac Speaking Christianity"
Laura Grimes, Independent scholar, "Discerning the Body: Thomas Aquinas and Gertrude of Helfta on 1 Cor. 11:27-29"
Kimberly Georgedes, Franciscan University of Steubenville, "Eve and the Apple: Bonaventure and Aquinas on the Creation of Woman and the Temptation"
Comment: Alexander Golitizin, Marquette University
Enlightenment Catholicism-Reform Catholicism (1750-1860)
Chair: Ulrich L. Lehner, Marquette University
David Sorkin, UW-Madison, "Adrien Lamourtette: Enlighetenment Catholicism at the Eve of the French Revolution"
Douglas Palmer, Walsh University, " The Other Forbidden Best Sellers: Publishing the Catholic Enlightenment"
Michael Printy, Wesleyan University, "The Rise of Modern Pelagianism: Eusebius Amort and the Catholic Enlightenment"
Comment: Dale van Kley, Ohio State University
Missions and Missionaries
Chair/Comment: Patrick Jung, Milwaukee School of Engineering
Mari Rapela Heidt, Marquette University, "A Clash of Cultures: Portuguese Missionaries and the Thomas Christians of India"
James T. Carroll, CFC, Iona College, "A Vast Field of Evangelization: Catholic Indigenous Schools from a
Transnational Perspective"
Matthew R. Bahar, St. Cloud State University "Toward A Union of Hearts? Jesuit Ideology in Seventeenth Century New France,"
Catholicism and Modernity in Fin-de-Siecle Britain and Austria
Chair/comment: Laura Gellott, UW- Parkside
Bethany Tanis, Boston College, "An Old Religion for a New Britain: Catholicism and Modernity in Fin-de-Siecle Britain"
Eric J. LaForest, Boston College, "Art and Dogma and Modernity in Fin-de-Siecle Austria"
March 30
The Premonstratensians in the Middle Ages
Chair/Comment: Theodore J. Antry, O. Praem, Daylesford Abbey
Carol Neel, The Colorado College, "The Early Premontratensians and the Literary Arts"
William P. Hyland, St. Norbert College, "The Incarnation, Reform and unity of the Church: A Sermon of Master Johannes Willet, O. Praem for the Feast of the Annunciation at the Council of Basel (1432)"
James J. John, Cornell University, "The Medieval Library of the Premonstratensians Abbey of Steinfeld,"
American Protestant-Catholic Relations on the Eve of Vatican II
Chair: Thomas Wangler, Boston College
Patrick Carey, Marquette University, "Catholic Opinions of Ecumenism on the Eve of Vatican II"
Mark Chapman, Marquette University, "American Evangelical Attitudes Towards Catholicism: Post World War II to Vatican II"
Katherine Richman, Boston College, "Bread of Life: Fr. Leonard Feeney and Protestantism"
Comment: Douglas Sweeney, Trinity Theological Seminary
Aspects of English Catholicism
Chair: Justine Peter OSF, Cardinal Stritch University
David Deavel, Fordham University, "Threat of Hell, Safety in the Church of Christ: An Examination of Newman’s Anglican Thought,"
Jane Silloway, Northwestern University. "The Court of Rome or Houses of Parliament?: English Catholics and the Debate over Papal Authority and Allegiance"
Wayne Riggs, Marquette University, "Proving their Patriotism: British Catholics and the Great War,"
Comment: Carla H. Hay, Marquette University
Catholic Popular Literature
Chair/Comment: Joseph Chinnici, OFM, Franciscan School of Theology
Scott Wright, University of St. Thomas, "War and Peace Themes in the Inter-War Years: The Catholic Bulletin, 1920-1939"
Anne Klejment, University of St. Thomas, "General Catholic Magazines and Early Liturgical Renewal"
Richard Gribble, CSC, Stonehill College, "Daniel Hudson, CSC: Priest, Editor and Commentator"
Aspects of Catholic Identity
Chair: Anne Klejment, University of St. Thomas
Ken Blume, Albany College of Pharmacy,"Growing Up Catholic in a Protestant Profession: Richard Worsam Meade III, His Naval Career, and His Faith"
Renee Bricker, Wayne State University, "Before Vatican II and Beyond: The Catholic Religious of the Bridge Generation"
Comment: M. Christine Athans, BVM, Loyola University, Chicago
March 30
Prucha Room, University Archives, Raynor Library-
sponsored by Institute for Urban Life, Marquette University
March 30
Saturday-March 31
Understanding English Catholic Responses to the Penal Legislation: Was Sir George Calvert a Secret Catholic?
Chair/Comment: Tricia Pyne, St. Mary’s Seminary and University
Edward Papenfuse, Archives of State of Maryland, "Calvert the Secret Catholic"
John D. Krugler, Marquette University, "Calvert the Conformist"
Catholic Chicago in the Realm of Public History
Moderator, Ellen Skerrett, Independent scholarJill Thomas Grannan, Chicago History Museum
Marie Scatena, Chicago History Museum
Catholic Education in Transition
Chair: Jack Augenstein, Marquette University
Anthony Dosen, De Paul University, "A University’s Identity Crisis: The Troubles at St. John’s"
Helen Ciernick, University of Santa Clara, "Catholic Identity in Transition: The National Federation of Catholic College Students during the 1960s"
Casey Beaumier, S.J., Boston College, "Changing Visions: Campion Jesuit High School, 1965-1975"|
Comment: Philip Gleason, Notre Dame
Christianity and Islam
Chair: Irfan Omar, Marquette University
Armin Owzar, University of Muenster, "From Interdenominational to Interreligious Concurrence"
Philip Naylor, Marquette University, "Bishop Pierre Claverie and the risks of Religious Reconciliation"
Comment: Richard Taylor, Marquette University
Saturday March 31
Church and State Clashes in Latin America
Chair/Comment: Michael Donoghue, Marquette University
Jerry Greenfield, UW-Parkside, "Brazil’s Padre Cicero: A Priest of the People"
Andrae Marak, California University of Pennsylvania, "The Other Cristero War: Calles and Anti-Catholic Education in Sonora, 1924-1935"
Some Perspectives on Catholicism and American Culture in the Early Republic
Chair, Patrick Carey, Marquette University
Ronald Binzley, UW- Madison, "The Ex-Jesuits and the Shaping of Early American Catholicism, 1774-1815"
Michael Carter, University of Dayton, "Calumny and Civility: Papists, Protestants, and Print in Philadelphia, 1792"
Mary Sheehan, University of New Hampshire, "Roman Catholicism in the Age of the New Republic: New Englanders, Citizenship and the Second Great Awakening"
Comment: Sandra Moats, UW-Parkside
Episcopal Controversies
Chair/Comment: Gerald Fogarty, S.J., University of Virginia
Douglas Slawson, National University, "Outrage in Boston then and Now: A Comparative Study of the Scandals in the Regimes of Cardinals William O’Connell and Bernard Law"
Arnold Sparr, St. Francis College, "The Most Memorable Labor Dispute in the History of US Church Related Institutions": The 1949 Calvary Cemetery Workers Strike Against the Catholic Archdiocese of New York"
Themes and Issues in Postwar American Catholic Life
Chair/ Comment: Edward Schmitt, UW-Parkside
Seth Smith, Catholic University, "God and William F. Buckley: Post-War Conservatism and Catholic Thought"
Lawrence McAndrews, St. Norbert’s College, "Parallel Paths: Kennedy, The Church and Nuclear War"
Saturday March 31
Scandals and Controversies
Chair/Comment: Suzanne Noffke, OP., Racine Dominican Community
Marie Conn, Chestnut Hill College, "The Magdalen Laundries: A Case Study of Church and State Sponsored Discrimination Against Women"
Augustine Curley, OSB, Newark Abbey, "The Identity and Early Career of Edith O’Gorman, the ‘Escaped Nun’"
Jon Pahl, Lutheran Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, "Coming Out of the Church , 1936-1949: The World of a Lesbian Catholic Schoolgirl"
Marquette Studies in Medieval Theology
Chair: Wanda Zemler-Cizewski, Marquette University
Bonnie Birk, Marquette University, "Fifteenth Century Feminism and the Female Figure of Biblical Wisdom: The Case of Christine de Pizan"
Charles L. Courtright, Wisconsin Lutheran College, "Divergence between Aquinas and Luther on the Doctrine of Holy Baptism"
James G. Kroemer, Marquette University/Concordia University, "Jews and Muslims in Bernard of Clairvaux’s Spiritual Theology"
Comment: Mickey Mattox, Marquette University
Indian Missions and Anti-Catholic Politicians: Aspects of 19th Century American Catholicism
Chair: James Marten, Marquette University
Patrick Jung, Milwaukee School of Engineering, "Missionary Priests to the Wisconsin Indians during the Post-Belllum Era"
John N. Mack, Labette Community College, "Osage Mission: the Story of Catholic Missionary Work in Southeast Kansas"
Michael Jacobs, UW-Baraboo, "Rutherford Hayes and the Anti-Catholic Bugbear in the Election of 1876"
Comment: Brett Barker, UW-Marathon
Canadian Catholicism
Chair/Comment: Vincent McNally, Sacred Heart School of Theology
Terence Fay, S.J., University of Toronto, Korean Canadian Catholics, 1967-2007: Incultration and Cohesion"
Indre Cuplinskas, University of Alberta, "On the Margins: Catholic Student Organizations in Lithuania and French Speaking Canada"