Lesson 3 Chapter 5Class Notes

Review:Chapter 1Jesus’ GenealogyJesus is the Messiah

Jesus’ Birth

Chapter 2The wise men and the wicked king Jesus is King

Chapter 3John the Baptist—Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand 3:2

Jesus is baptized

Chapter 4Jesus’ testing in the wilderness

Jesus—Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. 4:17

Jesus brings light to the spiritually darkened and

healing to the physically afflicted


Chapter 5Living in the Kingdom

Prayer: Thy Kingdom come . . .Matt 6:10, Luke 11:2

The Kingdom isin heaven andon earth

visibleand invisible

coming suddenlyandcoming gradually

nowandin the future

Sermon on the Mount is recorded in chapters 5-7

Can be read in 10 minutes; probably taught by Jesus over several days.

Parallel version in Luke 6:18-40

Jesus declared that the kingdom of heaven is here now . . .

so kingdom living beginsNOW, not just sometime in a future reign of Jesus.

Those who are in Christ must live out the righteousness that is imputed to them:

Righteousness is defined in this sermon and must characterize the life of every Christian.

This righteousness

- causes us to understand our inadequacy and impotence in achieving it on our own

- drives us to grace and the power of faith

- inspires us to live as Jesus lived on this earth

James Boice suggests that the world would define blessedness differently:

Blessed are the rich, for they have it all and have it all now

Blessed are the happy, for they are content with themselves and don’t need others

Blessed are the arrogant for people defer to them

Blessed are those who fight for the good things in life, for they will get them

Blessed are the sophisticated, for they will have a good time

Those who teach a health and wealth, happiness and prosperity gospel are teaching the world’s values!

So . . . what does it really mean to be blessed?

Greek word, makarios, is usually translated “happy”, but that is certainly inadequate and misleading.

Jesus did not come and die on the cross to make us “happy” but to make us HOLY! Matt 5:48

Our best understanding of “blessed” is: to find favor with God. Favor = grace, unmerited, unearned

That favor will give us joy, contentment and purpose as we glorify God in our lives.

Happiness is dependent on circumstances, and therefore is uncertain, temporary, and insecure.

Blessedness is unshakable!

v. 1-12 Kingdom attributes and actions: Citizens of this Kingdom

Priorities:Luke 9:23-25commitment to Christ

Phil. 3:7-11, 4:11-13; knowing Christ and contentment in Him

Heb. 11:23-26choosing Christ over all the world may offer

2 Cor. 4:16-18; 12:9-10; choosing the eternal; Grace is sufficient

1 Pet 1:3-9temporary suffering, protection, an inheritance

Mat 5:2 And2532 he opened455 his848 mouth,4750 and taught1321 them,846 saying,3004

Mat 5:3 Blessed3107are the3588 poor4434 in spirit:4151 for3754 theirs846 is2076 the3588 kingdom932 of heaven.3772

poor:a beggar, pauper; powerless to enrich; poverty stricken; opposite of prideful

Gal. 4:9; Luke 14:13, 21

spirit:a rational soul or disposition; unbelievers are spiritually dead Eph. 2:1

Mat 5:4 Blessed3107are they that mourn:3996 for3754 they846 shall be comforted.3870

mourn: grieve, bewail (primarily for the dead); lament;

a sorrow for sin or for condoning it James 4:8-10; 1 Cor. 5:1-2

grief for those in a local church who show no repentance for evil committed

2 Cor. 12:21

comforted: to call near, console; to walk beside 1 Thes. 4:16-18; 2 Cor. 1:3-7

parakaleo a form of parakletos

Mat 5:5 Blessed3107are the meek:4239 for3754 they846 shall inherit2816 the3588 earth.1093

meek:humble, mild, gentle1 Tim. 6:10-11; fruit of the Spirit, Gal. 5:22-23

inherit:to receive and possess as an inheritance provided in ChristRom. 8:16-17 earth: earth as a fertile ground, land, the earth as a whole

Mat 5:6 Blessed3107are they which do hunger3983 and2532 thirst1372 after righteousness:1343 for3754 they846 shall be filled.5526

hunger: to be famished, to craveJohn 6:35

thirst: a longing, desire John 4:13-14; 7:37-38; Rev. 7:15-16; 21:5-6

righteousness: the character or quality of being right or just; an attribute of God

Rom. 6:12-16; 10:1-4

Filled, abundantly full, satisfied Eph. 3:19

Mat 5:7 Blessed3107are the3588 merciful:1655 for3754 they846 shall obtain mercy.1653

merciful: not simply having pity, but actively showing compassion

Matt 23:23; Luke 10:37; Rom. 12:8

Mat 5:8 Blessed3107are the3588 pure2513 in heart:2588 for3754 they846 shall see3700 God.2316

pure: clean, clear, spotless; free from impurities, blotches

heart: man’s entire mental and moral activity, both rational and emotional Psalm 24:3-4

see: to gaze with wide open eyes; an earnest and continued inspection

God: Theos: the One, True God

Mat 5:9 Blessed3107are the3588 peacemakers:1518 for3754 they846 shall be called2564 the children5207 of God.2316

peacemakers:one who brings about harmonious relationships; Rom. 12:18; 14:19

to bring into rest or harmony

peace with GodRom. 5:1,

peace of GodJohn 14:27

children:the quality and essence of one so resembling another than distinctions between the two are indiscernible; legitimate as opposed to illegitimate; one enjoying privileges John 1:12

Mat 5:10 Blessed3107are they which are persecuted1377 for righteousness' sake:1752, 1343 for3754 theirs846 is2076 the3588 kingdom932 of heaven.3772

persecuted:to be pursued and driven away; idea of a baffling wind

John 15:20-21; 1 Cor. 4:11-13; 2 Cor. 4:7-11; 2 Tim. 3:11-13

Mat 5:11 Blessed3107 are2075 ye, when3752men shall revile3679 you,5209 and2532 persecute1377you, and2532 shall say2036 all manner of evil3956, 4190, 4487 against2596 you5216 falsely,5574 for my sake.1752, 1700

revile: defame, taunt, upbraid, reproach, “cast in one’s teeth”

Jude 10; 1 Pet. 3:16; 2:20-23

evil:wickedness, depravity, evil in effect or influence

vicious, malicious, grievous, lewd

falsely: untruth, to deceive with lies 1 Tim. 4:1-2

sake: because of, on account of, by reason of

Mat 5:12 Rejoice,5463 and2532 be exceeding glad:21 for3754 great4183is your5216 reward3408 in1722 heaven:3772 for1063 so3779 persecuted1377 they the3588 prophets4396 which3588 were before4253 you.5216

rejoice: have great joyActs 5:40-41; 1 Pet. 4:13

Glad: jump for joy! greatly rejoice with exultation, gladness Matt. 2:10


v. 13-16You are the salt of the earth . . .gives flavor Col. 4:6

preserves from decay Num. 18:19

makes a person thirsty Matt. 5:6

You are the light of the world . . .1 John 1:5-7; Eph. 5:6-14

Jesus is like the sun, here to give light by day, but now gone at night. John 8:12; 9:5

The church is like the moon: when the sun is not visible, the moon reflects its light!

—Dr. Donald Barnhouse

v. 17-20The Kingdom and the Law

Jesus came to fulfill the Law’s moral commands.

He is without sin. Heb. 4:15

Jesus completed the Law’s inadequate teaching with His teaching.

Not just an outward obedience, but an inward transformation!

Jesus Himself is the fulfillment of the Law.

The entire Bible is about Jesus!

The Law is pure truth, it is abiding authority, it is reliable, and

it is all sufficient because it is revealed by God.

God’s Word trumps human tradition, reason or speculation. Col. 2:8

v. 21-48The Kingdom and the Old Testament

Jer. 17:9

Jer. 31:31-33 The heart of the matter is a matter of the heart. Dr. Henry Krabbendam

v. 21-26Regarding murderthe 6th commandmentSanctity of life

v. 27-30Regarding adulterythe 7th commandmentMoral purity

v. 31-32Regarding divorceCovenant faithfulness

v. 33-37Regarding oathsTruthful integrity

v. 38-42Regarding retaliationPersonal forgiveness

v. 43-47Regarding loveExceptional love

v. 48Summary!Lev. 19:2We are in Christ and are to be like Christ!