Maiden Bradley with Yarnfield Parish Council
9 Beech Grove, Warminster, Wiltshire, BA12 0AB Tel: 01985 213436
Chairman: Councillor Angus Neish Clerk Mrs Sarah Jeffries MILCM
Minutes of the meeting of Maiden Bradley with Yarnfield Parish Council held at the Village Hall Maiden Bradley on Tuesday 13th June 2017 at 7.30pm.
Present: Councillors
Councillor Angus Neish, Councillor Patrick Nixon, Councillor Sebastian Seymour, Councillor Susanna Brigden, Councillor Poppy Wilcox, Councillor Simon Wager and Councillor Melvyn Thomas.
In attendance: The Parish Clerk, Mrs Sarah Jeffries MILCM,
Public Question Time Public Bodies (admissions to meetings) Act 1960 s 1
No public were present.
17/035 Councillor Melvyn Thomas and Councillor Poppy Wilcox to sign their Acceptance of Office LGA 1972 Section 83(30)
Resolved: Council witnessed Councillor Mel Thomas the signing of the acceptance of office.
17/036 Acceptance of apologies for absence
Schedule 12 of the Local Government Act 1972 requires a record to be kept of the members present and that this record form part of the minutes of the meeting. Members who cannot attend a meeting should tender apologies to the Parish Clerk as it is usual for the grounds upon which apologies are tendered also to be recorded. Under Section 85(1) of the Local Government Act1972, members present must decide whether the reason(s) for a member's absence are accepted.
Resolved: No apologies were given.
17/037 Dispensations
Resolved: none received.
17/038 To receive declarations of interests Local Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012 (SI 2012/1464) (NB this does not preclude any later declarations).
Resolved: Councillor Simon Wager gave his interests as Village Shop Committee member.
17/039 Exclusion of the Press and Public Standing Order #1c
The Parish Council may exercise their right to exclude the public and press by resolution from a closed meeting due to the confidential nature to be discussed pursuant to section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.
Resolved: not required
17/040 Chairman’s announcements
Resolved: noted none to given.
17/041 To receive and sign the minutes of the Full Council meeting held on 9th May 2017 (Previously circulated) LGA 1972 Sch 12 para 41(1)
Resolved: that they were a true record of the meetings decisions. Proposed Councillor Susanna Brigden Seconded Councillor Simon Wager.
17/042 Planning
Resolved: noted that there were no planning applications for Council to comment on.
(Please note: in planning matters the Council acts as the consultee of the Principal Authority. The Principal Authority being the deciding body)
Planning Decisions
To receive planning applications decisions made by Wiltshire Council if required.
Resolved: noted the below:
Application Number: 17/03090/FUL
Site Location: Oak Cottage 1 Barcroft Bradley Lane Maiden Bradley BA12 7JR
Proposal: Proposed extension and alterations
Decision: Target date for decision is the 19th June 2017
Application Number: 17/03089/FUL
Site Location: Oak Cottage 2 Barcroft Bradley Lane Maiden Bradley BA12 7JR
Proposal: Proposed extension and alterations
Decision: Target date for decision is the 19th June 2017
Application Number: 17/02624/FUL
Site Location: 18 Church Street Maiden Bradley Warminster Wiltshire BA12 7HW
Proposal: Detached garden room as ancillary residential structure
Decision: Approve with conditions see below:
In pursuance of its powers under the above Act, the Council hereby grant planning permission for the above development to be carried out in accordance with the application and plans submitted (listed below). In accordance with paragraph 187 of the National Planning Policy Framework, Wiltshire Council has worked proactively to secure this development to improve the economic, social and environmental conditions of the area. Subject to the following conditions: 1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.
Reason: To comply with the provisions of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.
2 The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:
Site Location Plan Site Plan Drg. no. 1475/P2B Proposed Garden Room [South & East Elevations] Date rec. 15/03/17 Drg. no. 1475/P4B Proposed [Floor Plan] Date rec. 15/03/17 Drg. no. 1475/P5 Proposed Garden Room [North & West Elevations] Date rec. 15/03/17
Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.
Councillor Poppy Wilcox entered the meeting at 7.34pm and signed her Declaration.
17/043 Parish Steward
Resolved: noted the below report from Councillor Patrick Nixon.
· This year’s budget for resurfacing is £21m and for potholes £1.3m
· Roads are inspected by the 22 parish stewards who are required to report defects.
· WC will make a one off £1000 grant to any Council which takes over responsibility for playgrounds from them
· The cost of collecting litter this spring was £2.5m on 2,200km of roads. There were 500 separate litter picking events
· There are 86-89,000 gullies to be emptied. As Balfour Beatty failed in this area it will take a year at least to map and clear them. Thereafter they should be able to get round all each year.
· Dustcarts are being fitted with cameras to map gullies and identify highway problems.
· Repeated emphasis was made on the need to report via the “My Wiltshire” app. It is the only way to get a request evaluated.
· This summer the parish should check our salt and grit bins. The Parish Steward will fill them. Last year we ordered bags and collected them from the Mere depot.
I raised the loss of our monthly pavement and street sweeper. As instructed I have now made a request by “My Wiltshire.” I have also sent pictures of the wrecked traffic island and stressed the danger. The immediate reply was that they were aware of the issue and trying to deal with it ASAP.
Resolved: that the Parish Steward work sheet for the visit on the 3rd July 2017 would request the below actions:
• Hand clearing and cutting of growth from drainage grips and drain gully covers. Second traffic island coming from mere
• Hand clearing of blocked drainage gullies, culverts, pipes and pit3
• Church street gullies at the junction with Kingston lane.
Community Pay Back Group
Resolved: noted that the clerk has had no email correspondence back regarding the request to have the church railing repainted, Council discussed how to procced, it instructed the clerk to list the painting of the church railings back on the parish steward list.
17/044 Forces March
Resolved: discussed the event and the use of the recreational area, no issues were reported. It was noted that a Donation of £50.00 had been gifted to the village shop, Council were pleased the shop had benefited from the event.
17/045 Recreational Area
Resolved: noted the monthly Health & Safety checks actioned. Council also noted that Councillor Simon Wager had reported that one of the bolts on the Mugga are still missing. The clerk reported that she has alerted the Outdoor Play Southwest Contractor and he has confirmed he will replace the bolt that had been missed when installing the others.
17/046 Speed Indicator Devices
Resolved: gave clarification on the requirements of the SID unit, it was agreed the data should be collected logging the vehicles/speed, and that the sign should just state slow down. It was agreed that a battery operation would be best suited for both sites it would be used on, and that two mounting brackets would be required to move it from pole to pole. The clerk would action the grant application.
Councillor Simon Wager left the room at 7.55pm
17/047 Village Shop
Resolved: Council agreed that it should consult on the principle to contribute a major percentage of the rent payable to the freeholder of the shop’s premises and should consult parishioners on that specific proposal. It was agreed that it would consult with the community on the village shop, on the option to gift the contribution as a grant to the shop, this would enable the grant to be adjusted to the figure of need rather than a blanket figure yearly. It was agreed to have an open day to ask the Community.
Local consultants would be approached as to how best action this. The clerk would calculate possible figures, Councillor Melvyn Thomas would make contact with the consultants.
The costs for the consultation would need to come from the stationary budget. It was agreed that the date for open day would be decided at the next meeting and be possibly around September/0ctober as the Precept budget needed to be discussed at the November and December meetings to resolve the precept decision for the January meeting. The clerk was instructed to place this item on the next agenda.
Councillor Simon Wager was invited back into the room 8.07pm
17/048 Councillor Training Session
Resolved: confirmed their attendance at the Councillor Training session on the 20th June 2017. Council noted that Horningsham Parish Council had approved the attendance of any Councillors able to make the date at its 18th May 2017 meeting, three Councillors had confirmed to date. Councillor Melvyn Thomas offered to provide refreshments. The clerk was instructed to make the final arrangements.
17/049 Annual News Letter
Resolved: the draft compiled to date by the clerk, Councillor Patrick Nixon agreed to check for any corrections, omissions or additions. Councillor Patrick Nixon would take a look at the newsletter and get back to the clerk.
17/050 Parish Plan Action Plan: Environment and Countryside
Resolved: noted Councillor Sebastian Seymour had no progress to report on the Village Design Statement project to date.
17/051 Review closedown of the year-end
Resolved: noted that the requirements for the Transparency Act had been actioned and that the clerk is now just awaiting for the report from the External Auditor to complete the Audit process.
17/052 Acknowledgement of the Annual return Grant Thornton
Resolved: noted the below email from the External Auditor.
Re: WLT155 Thank you for the 2017 Annual Return for Maiden Bradley with Yarnfield Parish Council which we received on 22nd May 2017. We will be commencing our audit work in the next few weeks and we will contact you then if we have any queries.
Please note that no Annual Returns can be signed off by Grant Thornton until after the last date of the statutory inspection period of 14th July so the earliest an external auditor report and certificate can be issued will be 17th July 2017.
17/053 Budget Report
Resolved: noted Councillor Patrick Nixon to action check the budget figures and accounts with the clerk before next meeting.
17/054 Approval and signing of Parish Accounts for the month of May 2017 Internal Audit Accounts & Audit Regulations 2003 reg 2
Resolved: approved the accounts for May 2017. Noted that the Unity Trust Bank balance as of the 31st May 2017 was £7731.27.
17/055 Payments LGA 1972 s150 (5)
Resolved: reviewed and approved the items of expenditure listed below: proposed Councillor Angus Neish Seconded Councillor Patrick Nixon.
Wages June LGA 1972 s111 39496886 £368.17
Travelling Clerk LGA 1972 s111 543493422 £ 15.48
Heat Light etc. LGA 1972 s111 246793581 £ 10.66
Postage Reimbursement LGA 1972 s111106123061 £ 8.03
K. M. Dike Nurseries June Open Spaces Act 1906 ss 9 and 10 £276.17
1 & 1 Website 01.06.17-01.07.17 LGA 1972 s111 349715879 £ 2.39
Wheelers of Westbury ltd LGA 1972 s111 970459598 £ 18.00
Auditing Solutions Ltd Internal Audit LGA 1972 s111 698419463 £204.00
Receipts: To note receipt of income
Horningsham Parish Council IT usage contribution. £ 16.00
17/056 Clerk’s Report
Clerk’s Appraisal
Resolved: noted that the clerk will action her draft appraisal and email it to the staffing committee for comment this month. Council noted that the clerk had had confirmation from the SLCC that she could attend the Quotes, tenders and contracts course as part of her CPD. Council were pleased to hear this.
Wiltshire & Swindon Archives
Resolved: noted that the clerk had sent the minutes held up to the 12th May 2015 to the Wiltshire & Swindon Archivist. They have confirmed receipt, the Accession number is 4167(add) Date of Accession 19.05.17.
17/057 Meetings for Councillors to consider attending
Warminster Community Area Transport Group, Wednesday, 12th July, 2017, 10.00 am at Warminster Fire Station.
Resolved: clerk to attend as Councils representative and report back.
Wiltshire Council Planning Training Events
Resolved: noted the free planning training courses were fully booked.
Mere link Scheme
Resolved: noted the thank you letter from the Mere Link Scheme regarding the grant sent.
Headway Salisbury and South Wiltshire
Resolved: noted the thank you letter from Headway regarding the grant sent.
Plant a Tree Charter Legacy Tree
Resolved: noted the launch of the new Tree Charter but declined to join in the project.
Wiltshire Neighbourhood Watch
Resolved: declined to take part in the smart water project advertised.
Seafarers UK
Resolved: noted the correspondence received requesting the Council considers joining in on celebrating the Merchant Navy Day on the 3rd September 2017 and every year thereafter with the raising of a Red Ensign Flag at the Village Hall.
You’re Support for Community First 2017-2018
Resolved: the continued membership of Community First and the renewal cost of £40.00 that had been allocated for in the Budget for 2017/2018.
Community First Associate Membership
Resolved: noted the associate membership package offered.
Beacon Lighting - Battles over a Nations Tribute National Association of Local Councils Event
Resolved: noted that in commemoration and remembrance of the end of the war and the many millions who were killed or came home dreadfully wounded, a chain of 1,000 beacons will be lit throughout the United Kingdom, Channel Islands, Isle of Man and UK Overseas Territories at 7pm on the 11 November 2018 – a century after the guns fell silent. Council discussed the request for an event to be arranged with the Community but declined to take part in the event the Beacon in the Deverills would be advertised to the community.
Booklets, Brochures and Emails on the below list were received.
CPRE Wiltshire Voice Issue 24 May 2017 and Broxap leaflet.
Emails on the below list were received and sent to Councillors.