Inspiration for Speaker Topics

Innovation comes from YOU!

  • Adult Day
  • Assisted Living
  • Corrections
  • Long Term Care/Skilled Facilities
  • Mental/Behavioral Health
  • Pediatrics Hospitals/Community
  • Personal Care Home
  • Physical Rehabilitation

Specific Populations
  • Dementia care/Memory Support/ Non-pharmaceuticals approaches to behaviors (i.e. such as aggressive behaviors in dementia residents)
  • Developmental disabilities/iintellectual Disabilities
  • Diabetes: Medical Aspects, Management, and Intervention/Therapy Implications (encompassing all age groups, pediatrics, adolescents, and adults)
  • Geriatrics/ Community Dwelling elderly
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Pediatric disorders
  • Physical disabilities
  • Stroke
  • Traumatic Brain Injury-related
  • Veterans

Specific Modalities
  • Adapted sports techniques & strategies
  • Aquatic therapy
  • Community re-integration protocols & policies
  • Constraint-induced movement therapy
  • Conversion disorder
  • Laugh Therapy information
  • Leisure education: Recreation planning for retirement
  • Modalities/adapted activities for individuals who have suffered strokes/hemiplegia
  • New Innovative TR modalities
  • Pain syndromes
  • Positive psychology
  • Processing techniques
  • Purposeful Pursuits in Dementia Care
  • Relaxation/stress management
  • Seated Exercises: Yoga/Thai Chi/Zumba Gold
  • Sensory program ideas / rooms
  • Specific adaptations for leisure activities for high level spinal cord injuries
  • Specific interventions and protocols for various populations. For example: Beamz presentation was great. It showed a specific intervention/activity. How that activity could be used, and how to apply it to certain populations.
  • Using creative arts as a modality
  • Wheelchair mobility education for living in the community, ways to go up/down ramps, escalators, wheelies, etc.

Planning in TR
  • Assessment tools that are currently being utilized in various settings
  • Goal writing
  • MDS Case studies/Person Centered Care Plans
  • Writing IDCP notes, Care Plans, Problems, Goals, & documenting interventions

Facilitation of TR
  • Community-based work, Inclusion
  • Continued Evidenced based programming
  • Facilitating groups with various functioning levels
  • Group ideas for confined/restricted spaces
  • How to keep the elderly (or various) population motivated to want to attend therapies/activities
  • Managing difficult behaviors in clients (specific intervention techniques)
  • Person directed life enrichment/lifestyle and engagement with geriatric population
  • Reaching across divides - how to collaborate with OT, PT, ST, and activity professionals in a positive way
  • Technology in long term care
  • Technology, as related to clients using it to reach goals
  • Utilization of recreation therapy in cognitive rehabilitation/behavior management.
  • Working with elderly clients and addressing combative issues with residence who argue and do not get along with others

Management of TR
  • Advocating for TR to administration
  • Benefits of earning advanced degrees
  • Career development & growth
  • CTRS certification
  • Establishing new roles within your organization
  • Experts from other fields providing new/challenging information for RTs to expand knowledge
  • Licensure-Recreational Therapy
  • Management topics (Administrative-budgeting, management, hiring, etc.)
  • Marketing for RT programs/services
  • MDS 3.0
  • Preparing for a State/Federal Inspection
  • Professional barriers with social media
  • Supervising Interns
  • Transitioning an Activities Department to a Recreational Therapy Department
  • Transportation safety
  • Understanding fundamentals of regulations, language, and legislative process & how professionals have a role in advocacy
  • Understanding funding/innovative solutions to funding
  • Would like to see more evidence-based presentations