RNIB priority setting survey

We’re the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) and for almost 150 years we’ve existed to help blind and partially sighted people in the UK.
As we celebrate our 150-year birthday in 2018, we’re readying ourselves for the next 150 and you can help to determine where we prioritise our future work.
We’ve a wealth of insights into the lived experience of sight loss from daily conversations with customers right through to the latest research being shared by experts.
We’ve drawn together the issues blind and partially sighted people face. We’ve listened, questioned and researched to understand the big problems that need to be solved.
Here’s a summary of what we’ve gathered – The future of sight loss in the UK (Word doc, 25KB)
As we set about turning these insights and beliefs into action, you can help us answer an extremely important question: Where should RNIB focus its efforts over the next few years?
To make sustainable changes to the everyday lives of blind and partially sighted people we believe we must change the way we work. We need to focus on what will make the biggest impact.
This means our approach will need to be different from anything we've done before. We recognise we cannot do it all by ourselves. A wider approach is needed, which is why partnerships are so important.
We'll be working with the RNIB Connect Community to build upon the strength that exists there, and we'll be working with others in the eye health and sight loss sector as well as government agencies and private sector companies to achieve change there too. Together we can change society.
The results of this survey together with the evidence we have already will confirm the priorities we should focus on and help us decide what approach is best, working in partnership with everyone else who can deliver the best outcomes for blind and partially sighted people.
We want these responses to be just the start as we work together with you to achieve more, standing alongside people living with sight loss and those that care about them.
Want to join our Community? Find out how at www.rnib.org.uk/rnibconnect
Your response is anonymous and the survey should only take about 10 minutes to complete. If you have trouble completing this survey please contact

1. Being there for blind and partially sighted people

We believe in helping every blind and partially sighted person to access the support and services that enable independence and a good quality of life.

Providing information and advice and developing the skills and tools to have confidence in their own abilities are some of the ways we can offer this support.

What’s the biggest change that would help individual blind and partially sighted people live more fully in the wider world?

Type your answer here

2. Mobilising the community of blind and partially sighted people

We believe a connected community of blind and partially sighted people, including family, friends and carers, is vital to providing peer support and ending the isolation experienced by many people living with sight loss.

What is the most important thing RNIB can do to help the connected community of blind and partially sighted people to grow and flourish?

Type your answer here

3. Changing society

We believe in changing society to be more inclusive of blind and partially sighted people.

This includes raising awareness to change public attitudes towards sight loss, influencing the development of new and mainstream technologies, and campaigning for better services and protecting rights.

What's the most important thing RNIB can do to change society?

Type your answer here

4. Any other feedback to share

As RNIB looks towards the future, are there any other comments you would like to share?

Type your answer here

5. About you

We want to understand the different views of everyone who responds to this survey. The following questions help us know a little more about those who have shared their responses with us.

Which of the following categories best describes your relationship with RNIB?

For your choice type Yes after the colon.

RNIB Connect community member:




Partner organisation:



If Other please type your response here:

What is your age?

For your choice type Yes after the colon.

Under 18:









95 and over:

What is your gender?

For your choice type Yes after the colon.



I’d rather not say:

What region of the UK best describes your location?

East Midlands:

East of England:


North East England:

North West England:

Northern Ireland and Isle of Man:


South East England:

South West England:


West Midlands:

Yorkshire and Humberside:

6. Follow up

We are committed to getting feedback from stakeholders on an ongoing basis. Are you happy for RNIB to contact you in the future for your feedback on our new plans?

If so, please provide your details below.


Type your answer here

Email address

Type your answer here

Contact phone number

Type your answer here