Draft Agenda for SSPC 62.2 Meetings in Las Vegas

The meetings will be held 9 am to 5 pm Friday, January 27th and 8:00 am to 3 pm Saturday, January 28th. All meetings will be in Caesar’s Palace.

9:00 am - 2:30 pm Friday, January 27th

Room: Turin, Promenade Level

Meeting of entire committee

1. Welcome and introductions/membership

2. Agenda review (additions/deletions)

3. Approval of minutes from St. Louis meeting

4. Comments from SPLS representative

5. Actions taken by ASHRAE since last meeting

6. Chair’s announcements

·  Session co-sponsorship request by Horner

·  Standard publication schedule

·  Leadership

·  Committee structure

·  Review of interpretations

7. Summarize addenda/change proposal status

·  Addendum L (simplified infiltration calculation) – complete

·  Addendum s (balanced/unbalanced distinction) – complete

·  Addendum u (multifamily transfer air) – on hold pending MF WG discussions

8. Unvented combustion


·  Change proposal discussion, possible inclusion of alternate compliance options, possible vote

9. Rate change proposal reconsideration

10. Sherman topics

·  Single-point blower door infiltration estimate for variable ventilation

·  Default airtightness (straw vote)

·  H/ERVs as thermal conditioning components

·  Filtration for ductless conditioning systems

·  Increase in minimum MERV

·  Consideration of conditioned, sealed attics in floor area

11. Other new items

·  Interpretation request from Tom Andrews

·  Interpretation requests from Armin Rudd

·  Holly proposal on variable ventilation

·  Gress suggestions for improvements

12. Comments on subcommittee topics:

A. Systems subcommittee: R Crawford (unvented space heaters, local exhaust controls, H/ERVs as thermal conditioning components, filtration for ductless conditioning systems, Rudd interpretation request #1, other?)

Actions ready for vote

B. IAQ subcommittee: M Moore (variable ventilation, zonal ventilation, minimum MERV, other?)

Actions ready for vote

C. Envelope subcommittee: A Musser (section 6.6, balanced ventilation definition, single-point BD test for variable ventilation, default airtightness, conditioned/sealed attics, Andrews interpretation request, Rudd interpretation request #2, other?)

Actions ready for vote

D. Multifamily working group: M. Goebes

E. Existing buildings update: R Karg

F. Code issues: Stevens, Moore, Meyers

G. Manufactured Home update: Lubliner

13. New potential topics

·  Zonal ventilation

14. RP-1450 (Moore, presentation by Merrin/Francisco – 1 hour total, start not later than Saturday 1:45 p.m.)

15. User’s Manual

16. New business

2:30 – 5:00 pm Friday, January 27th

Subcommittee meeting locations

A. Envelope subcommittee: Modena, Promenade Level

B. Systems subcommittee: Turin, Promenade Level

C. IAQ subcommittee: Trevi, Promenade Level

8:00 – 3:00 pm Saturday, January 28th

Meeting of entire committee

Room: Turin, Promenade Level

1.  Action on recommendations of Envelope Subcommittee

2.  Action on recommendations of Systems Subcommittee

3.  Action on recommendations of IAQ Subcommittee

4.  Other items remaining from Friday

The next meeting of SSPC 62.2 will be held in Long Beach, CA on Friday and Saturday June 23rd and 24th, 2017.


r  Update your ASHRAE bio information at the ASHRAE website.