Middle Ages Travel Guide
Assignment: During the next few days you will be preparing for a trip through the Middle Ages. Muchlike any other journey or vacation, you will want tocheck out the sights, the people, the food, theculture, and any other key points of interest.Therefore, in order to maximize your vacation, you will have to create a travel guide to bring along withyou.
Your travel guide must contain the following sections.
Each section must contain at least 2 pictures or illustrations. Your travel guide should also includea map somewhere within its contents (after all, youneed to be able to navigate your way through your trip. You will need to use pages 360-369 in yourtextbook, along with internet (research on your own!!!) and library resources.As with any other assignment, you need to be CREATIVEand have FUN!
In order to share on Google Drive, the format you will be using for this assignment is Google Slides. Be sure to use your STUDENT Gmail accounts. Do not share with me until you have a finished product.
Label the assignment “______hour, Travel Guide”
Sections your travel guide must contain:
- Cover page
- Middle Ages facts
- Table of contents
- Culture
- Travel etiquette
- Points of interest
- Food & entertainment
- Sources
Travel Guide Rubric:
Cover (1 point)
- Title
- Illustration
- Name, hour
Table of Contents (1 point)
- Sections listed along with page numbers
Middle Ages Interesting Facts (1 point)
- Any facts or statistics you find interesting
Culture Section: People of the Middle Ages (5pts)
- Feudalism and social classes (Explain each role)
- Medieval manors(What’s included in a manor?)
- Harshness of manor life (What’s life like?)
- Peasant woman v. Noblewomen (Similarities/differences?)
Travel Etiquette Section, “Do’s and Don’ts”(5 pts)
- Knight’s training (What do they have to do?)
- Knighthood/chivalry (Code of conduct?)
Points of Interest Section (5 points)
- Castles and weapons (Describe them)
- Brutal reality of warfare (What was it like?)
- Countries and cities to visit (2 famous places to visit)
Food and Entertainment (5 points)
- Literature (Describe epic poetry)
- Food (What food did they eat?)
- Music (What kind of music did they listen to?)
Sources (5 points)
- Cite places you found your material
Total Points: 28 Summative Points