Individual Agreement forJoint Supervision
This Agreement sets out in detail the terms and conditions for the co-operation between the University of Oslo and name institution, initials> in accordance with the Framework Cooperation Agreement For Joint Supervision Of Phd Candidatesdated MM.DD.YYYY between the two institutions.
The University of Oslo and <institution initials> shall co-operate in respect to the doctoral degree training for
name of the PhD candidateIt is a condition that the PhD candidate satisfies the admission requirements at each of the two institutions and has been or will be admitted to an approved doctoral degree programme at both institutions (cf. The Framework Agreement section three). The candidate’s programme (project, theoretical syllabus, working duties etc) shall in the main satisfy the regulations of the doctoral education at both institutions.
The PhD candidate will register at both the University of Oslo and <institution initials> and pay the required institutional registration fees.
Administrative details
1. The title of the thesis to be prepared is:
title of the thesis2. The candidate shall have at least one supervisor at each institution. All supervisors are jointly responsible for the progress of the candidate’s work.
From the University of Oslo:
Name of the principal supervisor University of Oslois the principal supervisor. The co-supervisor (if relevant) is:
co-supervisor, if any, University of OsloFrom the <name institution> :
Name principal supervisor, <name institution>is the principal supervisor. The co-supervisor (if relevant) is:
Name of co-supervisor, if any, <name institution>The supervisors will perform joint exercise of their advisory function in accordance with the current regulations at each institution. They also undertake to consult each other regularly concerning the progress of the research work.
ThePhD candidate is to be registered at the two institutions for the following period:
from yyyy-MM-dd to yyyy-MM-dd
It shall be possible to complete the research work within the period of the agreement, which is normally 3 years. Only exceptionally may the duration be prolonged. This may be done only at the request of both the principal supervisors, and provided the two institutions are in favour thereof. Such a request should be made 3 months before the expiration of the period of the agreement. The decision shall be formulated in an appendix to the present Agreement.
3. The PhD candidateintends to divide residency between the two institutions in the following manner:
from yyyy-MM-ddto yyyy-MM-ddat the University of Oslo
from yyyy-MM-ddto yyyy-MM-ddat the <name institution>
The PhD candidate shall comply with such rules of enrolment (semester registration) as apply at the institution where he/she is at any time present.
If tuition fees are required, specify the terms:4. The PhD candidate must sign a personal liability insurance that is valid in the country concerned and in Norway. Employer’s liability is incumbent upon the salary-paying institution. The candidate is entitled to work space at both institutions during those periods when he/she is present there.
The following resources are to be made available during stays at the University of Oslo (mark as appropriate):
Background material or background data
Necessary library services
Office accommodation
Necessary computer services
The PhD candidate’s travelling and subsistence expenses in conjunction with academic travel and stays abroad
Necessary equipment for carrying out the research project
Expense account for the use of the PhD candidate and the supervisor within the framework of the project amounting to NOK
The expense account shall cover:Other necessary equipment that is to be put at the candidate’s disposal:
The following resources are to be made available during the candidate’s stay at name institution (mark as appropriate):
Background material or background data
Necessary library services
Office accommodation
Necessary computer services
The PhD candidate’s travelling and subsistence expenses in conjunction with academic travel and stays abroad
Necessary equipment for carrying out the research project
Expense account for the use of the PhD candidate and the supervisor within the framework of the project amounting to NOK
The expense account shall cover:Other necessary equipment that is to be put at the candidate’s disposal:
Intellectual property (IPR) and copyright
5. Both institutions have the right to use the results and the thesis for teachingand research purposes.
For works that may lead to patents, separate agreements shall be written.
The Norwegian Copyright Act of 12 May 1961 No. 2 applies in Norway. The candidate may transfer their property rights in accordance with § 39. Where this is the case, the terms should be specified below:
Employees at the University of Oslo must sign an agreement regarding the transfer of intellectual property rights to their research work to the University of Oslo. The agreement secures the University of Oslo’s right to assume all rights (of ownership) to research results generated by the employee. The employee has the right to a compensation from the University of Oslo.
For <name of the PhD candidate, the following apply:
Thesis and disputation
6. Language of the thesis:
language of the thesis7. The thesiswill take place at:
name of the institution at which the disputation is to be arranged______
Place and date Place and date Place and date
Ph.D. candidatePrincipal supervisorPrincipal supervisor,
University of Oslo<name institution>
Place and datePlace and date
Head of DepartmentHead of Department
University of Oslo<name institution>
Place and datePlace and date
Faculty DirectorFaculty Director
University of Oslo<name institution>