
Bowling was introduced in North American in the 1600’s. However tenpin bowling, which is the type of bowling that we use today was introduced in the 1840’s. Bowling is popular because everyone can participate in it regardless of their age, gender or abilities.

How to Play:

The objective of bowling is to score as many points as you can by knocking down pins with a ball rolled down a lane. The game consists of 10 frames in which the bowler has the opportunity to roll 2 balls in each frame. If the bowler knocks down all of their pins on the first roll, they have rolled a STRIKE and does not roll a second ball.


Score keeping in bowling is as simple as adding up the number of pins that you knock down. After the first ball has been rolled, any pins that are knocked over are recorded in the first box located in the upper right hand corner of the score sheet. After the second ball has been rolled, any additional pins that are knocked over are recorded in the second box located in the upper right had corner of the score sheet. A running total is written in the space below the small box in the upper right hand corner.

Joe 3 2 1 8 6 5 1 4 3 - - 2 7 3 1 7 1

5 14 29 35 52 59 59 68 72 80

The Strike:

When a bowler knocks all ten pins down on the first ball roll, they have rolled a strike. The scorekeeper will mark an ‘X’ for that frame and the bowlers score is the ten pins that they just knocked down plus they get to add to that what they knock down on their next 2 ball rolls.

The Spare:

When a bowler knocks all ten pins down on the second ball roll, they are said to have rolled a spare. The scorekeeper will mark a ‘/’ for that frame and the bowlers score is the ten pins that they just knocked down plus they get to add to that what they knock down on their next ball roll.

If no pins are knocked down, put a ‘-‘ in the correct space.


DOUBLE – A player has rolled 2 strikes in a row.

FOUL LINE – A line that marks the beginning of the lane. If a player steps on or over

the foul line, any pins that are knocked down are not recorded.

HEAD PIN – The pin in the very front of the rest of the pins.

SPARE – Scored by a player who knocks down any remaining pins on the second ball

rolled. The player scores 10 points plus the number of pins they knock down

on the next ball rolled.

SPLIT – Refers to a setup of pins left standing after the first ball is rolled. The head pin

is down and the remaining pins are far apart.

STRIKE – Scored by a player who knocks down all the pins on their first ball roll. A

strike counts 10 points plus the number of pins the player knocks down on

their next two ball rolls.

TURKEY – Occurs when 3 strikes are thrown in a row by one player.


1.  Never bowl when someone in the lane next to you is in the approach area.

2.  Remain seated behind your teammates when they are bowling.

3.  Never bowl in street shoes.

4.  Don’t use another person’s bowling ball.

5.  Be ready when it is your turn.


Grip and Stance

1.  Place thumb, middle finger and ring finger in the finger holes.

2.  Hold the ball so your hand is on the side of the ball and your thumb is in the 10 o’clock position and your other two fingers are in the 4 o’clock position.

3.  Bend slightly at the knees.


*Use the 4-step approach:

1.  First step with dominant foot and push ball away from body

2.  Second step with non-dominant foot and bring ball to your side.

3.  Third step with dominant foot and extend ball back.

4.  Forth step is a slide step and the ball is released.

Release and Follow-Through

1.  Release the thumb first.

2.  Point hand towards pins on the follow-through.