Staffing and Performance Management - MANA 4328

Mid-Term Study Guide

Staffing Models and Strategy

Person-job fit vs. person-organization fit

Legal Compliance

Classifying employees

Title VII Civil Rights Act of 1964

Court Cases (e.g Griggs vs. Duke Power)

Adverse impact vs. disparate treatment

Prima facia and the 4/5ths rule

Civil Rights Act of 1991

Age Discrimination in Employment Act

Americans with Disabilities Act

Fair Labor Standards Act

Diversity vs. Affirmative action

Utilization / availability / concentration

Bona Fide Occupational Qualifications

Planning and Job Analyses

HR planning process

“Vacancy factor”

Opportunistic hiring

Trend analysis

Markov analysis

Job analysis methods and applications

Job analysis process

Task statements


Competency models


External recruiting sources

Assessing recruiting effectiveness

Yield ratios

How to choose a recruitment message

Recruiting cont’d

Realistic job preview

Internal recruiting methods


Reliability definition and types

Standard error

Confidence intervals

Validity definitions

Criterion vs. content vs. construct

Methods to determine criterion validity

Methods to determine content validity

Principles of assessment


Criteria for judging selection methods

Developing a selection plan

Initial selection methods


Application blanks

Weighted applications

Checking references

Substantive selection methods


Personality Tests

Ability / Proficiency Tests

Integrity Tests

Discretionary selection methods

Drug tests

Criminal background checks

Medical exams

Which methods are most common?

Which methods are most valid?

Uniform Guidelines for Employee Selection

Sample Essay Questions

  1. Compare and contrast person-job fit vs. person-organization fit as staffing models.
  2. What are the differences between an Equal Opportunity Employer and an Affirmative Action Employer?
  3. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 defines the equal opportunity obligations for U.S. employers. Review its general provisions and define key terms.
  4. Define the concepts of reliability and validity as they relate to selection tests.
  5. Describe two different methods for the estimating the validity of a selection measure.
  6. Detail the process for conducting a job task analysis.