Global History II

Mr. Schlotterbeck/Mr. Harris

Room #125

You are about to embark on the second year of your social studies sequence which incorporates thematic and chronological studies of past world history, specifically America’s past.

This course will focus on a number of themes and events that lead to the first and second world wars, and how the United States fits into the global environment. Among these themes are:

EnlightenmentWorld War I

French RevolutionLife Between the Wars

NationalismWorld War II

ImperialismCold War

Russian RevolutionHuman Rights Violations

Class Notes:

Due to the nature of the material you will be required to keep thorough and accurate notes, which will include diagrams, lists, classifications of systems, vocabulary, and guided activities. It is EXTREMELY important to take neat and complete notes, as you will receive a participation grade based on the degree of completion of your notes for each unit. Your notebooks will be graded as part of your overall grade at the end of each quarter. Notebooks collection will be announced toward the middle of the first quarter and it will be up to you to keep your notebook current and accurate. The notes for the current unit of study will also be posted on my website for your convenience.


Homework completion is critical to your performance on tests, quizzes, and learning. Incomplete assignments will be placed in a folder with your name on it. Each assignment will be dated the day it was due. From that point, so long as your total does not reach 5 missing assignments, you will have 2 school days to make the assignment up. Once the two days pass, you will receive a ZERO for that assignment. Once your folder reaches five incomplete assignments for the quarter, you no longer have the 2 day window to complete any assignment.

Quizzes, Tests, Projects:

Quizzes will usually be announced, but the teacher reserves the right at any time to assess your knowledge. Tests will always be announced and reviewed, as well as projects. If you miss any of the following, depending on the circumstances, a make-up date will be made at the teacher’s discretion.

Expectations: All students are expected to give maximum effort and their complete attention at all times. Together we can work towards successful completion of the course.

Student Responsibilities:

1)Respect adults as well as peers

2)Follow directions immediately

3)Always be on time for class

4)Always be prepared for class

5)Complete all assignments by their due date

Teacher Responsibilities:

1)Respect all students

2)Be in class

3)Correct all work in a timely manner and return with important feedback

4)Give directions that are clear and specific

5)Provide extra help when needed

6)Maximum effort

*Cell Phone policy will be discussed in class

I want to welcome you to the new school year and I encourage you to leave the past school year behind. This is an opportunity for a fresh start and I can assure you I will make every effort to provide you with the skills and resources needed for successful completion of this class. Please, if you have any questions or concerns, talk to Mr. Harris or myself.

Materials: The following materials are needed and will impact the level of successfulness you will experience this school year. Materials must be brought to class every day. For class you will be expected to have:

1)Three-ring binder

2)Pocket Folder

3)Marble Notebook

Contact Information:

Mr. Dan Schlotterbeck
