300107459-New FSA Coding Structure (Functional Specification)

Project IRIS


FSA Coding Structure

IUG Ref-0797, SN-300107459

Current Location & Status

File Location / Q:\Lmd\Development\300107459-New FSA Coding Structure-IUG\02 Specification\IUG-300107459-New FSA Coding Structure-Functional.01.doc
Document Owner / Xchanging Global Insurance Solutions Limited
Status / Authorised by XGIS

Authorised by

Name / Authorising Role / Date / Signature
Alan Chisham / Development Project Manager / 01/05/07 / Signed copy on file
Daryl Yeats / Project Manager / 21/05/07 / Email in folder
Mick Hobbs / Director / 21/05/07 / Email in folder
John Colwell / Financial Director / 21/05/07 / Email in folder
IRIS User Group / Client

Alan Chisham

Project Manager

25th May 2007

© Xchanging Global Insurance Systems Ltd. 2007

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Revision History

Version / Description/Reason for Change / Date
1 / New version / 1st May 2007

Circulation List

Name / Business Area / For Review / For Sign-off / Agreement to proceed
Alan Chisham / Development / X / X / X
Daryl Yeats / IS / X / X
Mick Hobbs / IS / X / X / X
John Colwell / IS / X / X / X
IRIS User Group / Client / X / X / X
Peter Williams / IS / X

Document Purpose

This document is the Functional Specification for the IUG-300107459-New FSA Coding Structure, IRIS ENH[1]. It has been compiled in accordance with the Xchanging XPERT package Implementation Methodology.

Contents Page

1 Introduction 5

1.1 Background to Requirement 5

1.2 Business Requirement 5

1.2.1 Requirements 5

1.3 Scope 5

1.4 Outside Scope 6

2 Summary of Functional Changes 7

2.1 Business and Functional Requirements Matrix 8

3 Detailed Functional Specifications 9

3.1 FSA Code (DTI Code – UCDIREP.DIDICD) (FS01) 9

3.2 Level 1 FSA Code (FS02) 9

3.3 Level 2 FSA Code (FS03) 10

3.4 Level 3 FSA Code (FS04) 10

3.5 FSA Type (FS05) 10

3.6 Customer Configuration (FS06) 10

3.7 Policy Input (FS07) 11

3.8 Manual Claims Input (FS08) 11

3.9 Manual Closings (FS09) 11

3.10 Bureau Closings (FS10) 11

3.11 Reports (FS11) 11

3.12 FSA code in Reports and User-defined Enquiries (FS12) 12

3.13 FSA code in Enquiries (FS13) 12

3.14 CodesTransfer Application (FS14) 12

3.15 Availability of new fields in Reports and User-defined Enquiries (FS15) 12

3.16 FSA code length on other files (FS16) 12

4 Acceptance Criteria 15

4.1 Test Plan 15

5 Costs 17

XPERT Release 1 Stage G Page 17 of 17

300107459-New FSA Coding Structure (Functional Specification)

1  Introduction

This specification includes modification to the length of FSA code from existing length of 2 characters to the new length of 4 characters.

Additional information regarding business requirements can be found in:

Q:\Lmd\Development\300107459-New FSA Coding Structure-IUG\01 Business Requirements\IUG-300107459-New FSA Coding Structure-Requirements.01.doc

1.1  Background to Requirement

The Financial Services Authority has changed the structure of the current accounting classes and risk categories into business categories and reporting categories. As a result of this, IRIS needs to be enhanced to cater for these new FSA codes.

IRIS caters to FSA codes but these are maintained as 2 character codes. IRIS needs to be enhanced to cater for these new FSA codes.

The new FSA codes are defined as the combination of other higher level category codes. For example –

The FSA Code 001 is defined as the combination of FSA codes 002 and 003.

The FSA Code 002 is defined as the combination of FSA codes 110, 120 and 160.

The FSA Code 110 is defined as the combination of FSA codes 111 to 114.

So, a hierarchy of FSA Codes is defined like this.

1.2  Business Requirement

1.2.1  Requirements

BR1)  Increase the length of the FSA code (previously called the DTI code; xxDICD) field throughout IRIS to 4 characters to support the new FSA code values.

BR2)  All IRIS input routines that allow for the input or display of the FSA code should support the new length values.

BR3)  All IRIS GUI reports that currently allow for the display of, filtering by or sorting by the FSA code should support the new length values.

BR4)  All IRIS GUI enquiries that currently allow for the display of, filtering by or sorting by the FSA code should support the new length values.

BR5)  Allow for three tier category structure to be recorded within IRIS for future reporting, user defined reports, user defined enquiries and to be available within Superqueries for filtering the available FSA codes.

1.3  Scope

The scope of this enhancement covers all the requirements as listed in the requirements list above in section 1.2.1.

1.4  Outside Scope

This enhancement will not include the update of any historical data on a clients database (e.g. it will not include changing data using an old DTI coding structure to use the new FSA coding structure).

The following legacy green screen reports will NOT be modified to support the new length field.

1) Quotes print (UPQRPZ£0)

2) Declinature print (UPDRPZ£0)

2  Summary of Functional Changes

FS01) Increase the current two character code field FSA Code (DTI Code – UCDIREP.DIDICD) to allow up to four characters in the code field.

FS02) Add an additional FSA Tier category code field, for the highest level, that can be attached to the new four character category code to the FSA code table.

FS03) Add an additional FSA Tier category code field, for the second level, that can be attached to the new four character category code to the FSA code table.

FS04) Add an additional FSA Tier category code field, for the third level, that can be attached to the new four character category code to the FSA code table.

FS05) Add an additional FSA type field to indicate whether the current code is highest, second, third or detail level.

FS06) Allow for clients who wish the FSA code to remain as a 2 character field via customer configuration changes.

FS07) Policy Input is to allow the new length FSA codes to entered and displayed on the Policy Input screen.

FS08) Manual Claims Input is to display the new length FSA codes on the Claims Input screen.

FS09) Manual Closings Input is to display the new length FSA codes on the Closings Input screen.

FS10) Bureau Closings is to display the new length FSA codes on the Bureau Closings screen.

FS11) The Standard GUI reports will require updating to cater for the increase in length of the FSA category code. However, no changes will be programmed to cater for the higher level FSA category codes within these reports.

a)  The GUI reports that will need to be reviewed are as follows:-

i)  Combined Business Analysis (CBA)

ii)  Progression Statistics

iii)  EPI Analysis

iv)  Claim Analysis

b)  The green screen reports that will need to be reviewed are as follows:-

i)  Class code print (UCCMPZ£1)

ii)  DTI code print (UCCMPZ£2)

iii)  Statistic Codes Update print (UCSCBZ£0)

iv)  Claims Print (UKKIPZ£0)

v)  Renewal Print (UPPLPZ£0)

vi)  Policy Print (UPPPPZ£0)

vii)  Day Book Print (USCRPZ£0)

viii) Transaction Print (USTRPZ£0)

FS12) The standard reporting framework on selecting the FSA code field for both reports and user defined enquiries is to display these as the new length 4 character values.

FS13) All the current enquiries that reference the FSA code (either for display, filtering or sorting) will correctly handle the new length FSA code field.

FS14) All code table files, and some supplementary files, within IRIS are transferred from the iSeries to the master and local codes databases, which are stored on the GUI server and each local PC. A change to this program is required to ensure that both the new four character code plus the three additional tier fields are copied to these codes databases.

FS15) New fields on the FSA code table are to be accessible from within the report designer for both user defined reports and user defined enquiries.

FS16) All other files that hold the FSA code (for example, the claim master file, the statistics header file) are to be enhanced to hold the new four character FSA code.

2.1  Business and Functional Requirements Matrix

The following matrix shows the relationships between the business and functional requirements listed.

BR01 / BR02 / BR03 / BR04 / BR05
FS01 / ü
FS02 / ü
FS03 / ü
FS04 / ü
FS05 / ü
FS06 / ü
FS07 / ü
FS08 / ü
FS09 / ü
FS10 / ü
FS11 / ü
FS12 / ü
FS13 / ü
FS14 / ü
FS15 / ü
FS16 / ü / ü

3  Detailed Functional Specifications

3.1  FSA Code (DTI Code – UCDIREP.DIDICD) (FS01)

When entering new DTI code using System Settings and Reference Files module, currently the system allows the user to enter up to a maximum of 2 characters in DTI (UCDIREP.DIDICD). The system will be modified to allow the user to enter up to a maximum of 4 characters in the FSA Code (UCDIREP.DIDICD). The Existing DTI Code entry screen is shown below -

On this screen, the caption for the screen will be changed to FSA Code, the caption of the DTI filter will be changed to FSA and the column heading for the first column will be changed to FSA.

In addition to the above, the description of the file DTI Code File (UCDIREP) will be changed to FSA Code File. The length of the DTI Code (DIDICD) on the DTI Code File (UCDIREP) on the iSeries will be increased from 2 characters to 4 characters and the description for the field will be changed to FSA Code.

3.2  Level 1 FSA Code (FS02)

On the FSA code screen of System Settings and Reference Files module (as shown in section 3.1 above), a new field will be added which will allow the user to specify the highest level FSA Tier category code. This will be a superquery field and will allow the user to choose from the existing level 1 FSA Codes values (DIDICD) (Level 1 FSA Code values are the ones where the FSA Type value is 1). The column heading for this field will be ‘Level 1 FSA Code’. The maximum length of this field will be 4 characters.

A new field, Level 1 FSA Code, will be added to the FSA Code File (UCDIREP) on the iSeries.

3.3  Level 2 FSA Code (FS03)

On the FSA code screen of System Settings and Reference Files module (as shown in section 3.1 above), a new field will be added which allow the user to specify the second level FSA Tier category code. This will be a superquery field and allow the user to choose from the existing level 2 FSA Codes values (DIDICD) (Level 2 FSA Code values are the ones where the FSA Type value is 2). The column heading for this field will be ‘Level 2 FSA Code’. The maximum length of this field will be 4 characters.

A new field, Level 2 FSA Code, will be added to the FSA Code File (UCDIREP) on the iSeries.

3.4  Level 3 FSA Code (FS04)

On the FSA code screen of System Settings and Reference Files module (as shown in section 3.1 above), a new field will be added which allow the user to specify the third level FSA Tier category code. This will be a superquery field and allow the user to choose from the existing level 3 FSA Codes values (DIDICD) (Level 3 FSA Code values are the ones where the FSA Type value is 3). The column heading for this field will be ‘Level 3 FSA Code’. The maximum length of this field will be 4 characters.

A new field, Level 3 FSA Code, will be added to the FSA Code File (UCDIREP) on the iSeries.

3.5  FSA Type (FS05)

On the FSA code screen of System Settings and Reference Files module (as shown in section 3.1 above), a new field will be added which allow the user to specify whether the current code is highest, second, third or detail level. The maximum length of this field will be 1 character. It will be a superquery field and the superquery will list the following values -

1 for highest level.

2 for second level.

3 for third level.

D for detail level.

A new field, FSA Type, will be added to the FSA Code File (UCDIREP) on the iSeries.

3.6  Customer Configuration (FS06)

After this enhancement, the system will allow all the users to enter up to a maximum of 4 character values in the FSA Code (DIDICD). The clients who want the FSA code (DIDICD) to be a maximum of 2 characters will be able to do so by notifying XGIS of this requirement. XGIS then, on receiving such a request, will apply changes to customer configuration in customer configuration database file which allow the specific client’s users to be able to enter a maximum of only 2 characters values in the FSA Code (DIDICD).

3.7  Policy Input (FS07)

The Caption of the DTI code on the Policy Input screen will be changed to FSA code. The FSA code on the Policy Input screen will allow a 4 character value to be entered. The existing superquery for the FSA code will be modified to show the new fields - Level 1 FSA Code, Level 2 FSA Code, Level 3 FSA Code and the FSA type from the FSA Code File. The existing superquery for the FSA code will also be modified to list only the FSA codes where the FSA type is ‘D’, so that only the detail level code values are available for selection.

3.8  Manual Claims Input (FS08)

The Caption of the DTI code on the Claims Input screen will be changed to FSA code (this will apply to new installations of IRIS on current installations the administrator will be able to rename the field if required using the standard functionality in business customization).