South West CCAC Multi-Year Accessibility Plan / 2014 /


South West Community Care Access Centre

Date Created: November 27, 2013

Date Approved:

IASR Requirement / Current Status / Next Steps / Staff Lead / Due Date / Status
1.0 AODA Standard: IASR General Requirements
1.1 Create policies and procedures for each standard
Reg - Sec 3(1)(2)(3)(4) / The following Policies & Procedures are in place and are reviewed and signed off by employees on an annual basis:
1.1.27 POLICY & PROCEDURE AODA Customer Service Standard – Serving Persons with Disabilities
1.1.27 PROCEDURE AODA - Staff Training
1.1.26 POLICY & PROCEDURE Addressing Client Complaints and Concerns
2.2.1 PROCEDURE Notice of Temporary Disruptions in Services and Facilities
2.8.3 POLICY & PROCEDURE Privacy Breach
11.27 REFERENCE Accessibility Customer Service Resource Guide
1.1.27 REFERENCE Accessibility Customer Service Quiz
Policies are available to the public via the South West CCAC Web page and are made available in accessible formats, upon request. / A Statement of Commitment Policy will be developed with a focus on:
  • Training
  • Information & Communications
  • Employment
  • Design of Public Spaces
  • Oversight and Evaluation of compliance with standards
The policy will be required review for all staff and board members and incorporated into our orientation for new staff and board members. / Senior Dir. Client Services
Senior Dir. HROD / Jan. 1/14 / Complete
1.2 Train all staff and volunteers (including Board Members) on what they have to do under the IASR and on aspects of the Human Rights Code that relate to accessibility.
Reg - Sec 7(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) / Within the first 30 days of hire, all new staff complete an AODA education module that provides an overview of the standards and our organizational and individual commitments. New staff sign-off at completion of module and a record of completion is kept on file and records of staff completion are kept.
Board Members receive an annual report that provides an overview of the standards, commitments and progress on plan. / Ensure all staff complete refresh training when change in policies or procedures occur.
Incorporate training on AODA into new Board orientation. / OD Lead / Jan. 1/15 / In progress.
1.3 Accessibility Plans
Reg - Sec 4(1)(4) / A cross-portfolio working group is in place for regular review of theprocesses to prevent and remove current and future barriers faced by people with disabilities, and strategy to meet the requirements of IASR in the timelines. / Complete Multi-Year Accessibility Plan, post on website and make available in accessible formats, upon request. / Senior Dir. HROD / Jan. 1/14 / In Progress
Complete Government Accessibility Report / Senior Dir. HROD / Dec. 31/17 / Not Started
Update Multi-Year Accessibility Plan / Senior Dir. HROD / Jan. 1/19 / Not Started
Complete Government Accessibility Report / Senior Dir. HROD / Dec. 31/20 / Not Started
Complete Government Accessibility Report / Senior Dir. HROD / Dec. 31/23 / Not Started
2.0 AODA Standard: Information and Communications
2.1 When asked, make your emergency and public safety information accessible to the public.
Reg - Sec 13 (1)(2) / The South West CCAC’s emergency response plan is internal only and is not provided to the public, but is available upon request. See Employment section below for supporting employees with disabilities during an emergency. / Regional Quality Manager / Jan. 1/12 / Complete
2.2 All new internet websites and web content on those sites must conform with WCAG 2.0 level A
Reg - Sec 14(2)(4) / Work is underway with the provincial CCAC website deployment team to ensure all new external (publically accessed) websites and web content conform with World Wide Web Consortium Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, initially at level A and increasing to Level AA (by Jan 1, 2021). / The provincial website deployment team is running the new websites through an automated accessibility validator and then will work with CCACs to implement any needed changes since web accessibility requirements relate to content. / Regional Manager, IT and Facilities / Jan. 1/14 / In Progress
2.3 Make your feedback processes, like surveys or comment cards, accessible when asked.
Reg - Sec 11 (1)(2)(3)(4) / Upon request, the South West CCAC provides or arranges for the provision of accessible formats and communications supports for persons with disabilities to participate in feedback/survey processes.
Our complaints process is posted on the internet and is made available in accessible formats upon request. / Formalize a procedure for ensuring accessible survey/feedback formats and communication supports are in place for conducting client satisfaction.
Post contact information on Internet for people to request accessible formats. / Regional Manager, Quality / Jan. 1/15 / In Progress
2.4 Make information about your organization’s goods, services and facilities accessible upon request.
Reg - Sec 12 (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) / Upon request, the South West CCAC provides or arranges for the provision of accessible formats and communications supports for accessing information. / Implement a procedure that supports a process for consulting with the person making the request to determine the suitable format for communication that will be provided in a timely manner and at no extra cost.
Update the Internet and program brochures to notify the public about the availability of accessible formats and communication supports. / Regional Manager, Quality / Jan. 1/16
2.5 All internet website and website content conforms with WCAG 2.0 level AA (excluding live captioning and audio description). / See 2.2 Above / Develop and finalize a plan to achieve website and web content compliance to level AA. / Regional Manager, IT and Facilities / Jan. 1/21
3.1 When necessary, provide individual plans to help employees with disabilities during emergency or emergency information that’s formatted so an employee with a disability can understand it.
Reg - sec 27 / Policy 4.1.13 Providing Emergency Response Information for Employees with Disabilities. Policy in place and requires annual review by staff and reviewed with new staff as part of orientation. This Policy identifies the responsibilities of the various workplace parties and sets out the process for establishing individual emergency plans for employees with disabilities. / Regional Manager, HROD / Jan. 1/12 / Complete
3.2 Notify employees, potential hires and public that accommodations can be made during recruitment, assessment and selection processes for people with disabilities
Reg - sec 22 / When requested, potential hires with disabilities are accommodated during the recruitment, assessment and selection process. / Include notification in job postings re: availability of accommodations for disabilities, if requested. / Manager, HROD / Jan. 1/16
3.3 Notify new hires and staff of policies for accommodating employees with disabilities
Reg - sec 24, 25 / AODA policies and procedures are reviewed with staff during orientation. / Implement a consistent practice of including a short paragraph in offer letter notifying new hires of policy for accommodating employees with disability. / Manager, HROD / Jan. 1/16
3.4 Have in place a written process to develop individual accommodation plans for employees with a disability.
Reg - sec 28 / We currently do not have a formal documented process other than the Policy specific to providing emergency response information and our Early and Safe Return to work policy. / Develop and implement a written process for documenting individual accommodation plans for employees with disabilities. The Process is to include the prescribed elements required under the provision of the Employment Standard.
Implement policy and procedure as required reading by all staff and incorporate into training program for new staff. / Manager, HROD / Jan. 1/16 / In progress
3.5 Have a written return to work process in place for employees who have been absent due to a disability
Reg - sec 29 / An Early and Safe Return to Work Policy and Procedure is in place to ensure an individualized accommodation plan is established for persons who have been absent due to a disability. The policy follows WSIB policies for work-related injuries/disabilities. Written records are kept outlining steps taken to support accommodation. / Manager, HROD / Jan. 1/16 / Complete
3.6 If your office uses performance management, career development and redeployment processes, take the needs of employees with disabilities into account
Reg - sec 30 and 31 / There currently isn’t a formal documented process in place. / Update our Performance Management, Career Development and Redeployment policies and processes to include accommodation of the needs of persons with disabilities. / Regional Manager, HROD / Jan. 1/16 / In Progress
4.1 Make new or redeveloped spaces accessible / Not Applicable at this time / Not Applicable at this time / Regional Manager, IT and Facilities / Jan. 1/17 / NA
4.2 Maintain accessible elements of public spaces / Not Applicable at this time / Not Applicable at this time / Regional Manager, IT and facilities / Jan. 1/17 / NA
Barriers / Steps to take / Staff Lead / Due Date / Status
No outstanding barriers reported at this time. / NA / NA / NA


AODA Standard / Not Applicable / Reference
Procuring or acquiring goods, services or facilities / Not applicable as the CCAC’s are not listed as a “designated public sector organization” / Reg – sec 5
Educational and training resources and materials / Not applicable as we are not an educational or training institution, library or text book producer / Reg sec 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
Transportation Standards / Not applicable as we do not provide transportation to the public or employees. / Reg - sec 33 - 80

To request a copy of this plan in alternative formats, please contact: Kim Timleck