Spain Park High School
Ninth Grade Pre-AP World History and Geography
Course Description: This is a survey of world history from 1400 to modern day. Emphasis is placed on critical and evaluative thinking skills and essay writing. Your level of success depends on your level of commitment to the study of World History.
-Tests: Expect anywhere from 2-4 tests per nine weeks. I highly recommend being present on test days, as the longer you wait the more unfamiliar you will become with the material. In addition, make-up tests are often different than classroom tests. They may consist of more written portions than the test the class takes on test day.
-If you are absent the day of a test or quiz, you must see me to schedule a make-up. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO SCHEDULE THIS. Because most tests take longer than an AO period allows, we will arrange another time for you to make it up.
-Quizzes: Be prepared for a quiz at any time. Quizzes will be random and can be any format from multiple choice to answering a critical thinking question about your homework reading. Map quizzes will always be announced. Quizzes will need to be made up in AO or before school. Again, this is YOUR responsibility to schedule this.
-Writing Assignments: Students will write frequently and purposefully at formal and informal levels. You can expect to write on every test. It may vary from a critical thinking question, primary source analysis, to a full essay. In addition there will be many in-class writing activities. Both grammar and mechanics will be graded at the formal level.
-Homework: Homework assignments will be frequent. Late work on major assignments will be accepted one day late for half-credit. After that, it is a zero.
-Grades will be a based on a total points system. In general, tests are worth 100 points, current events range from 50-70 points, quizzes range from 5-50 points, and homework/classwork assignments range from 5-30 points.
-The policy for make-up follows that of the Spain Park student handbook
-If an absence is excused, you will have three days to make up all assignments missed
-If you are absent on a review day for a scheduled test and no new material was taught, you will still be expected to take the test on the day you return.
-If a student fails to turn in an absence excuse note within the three allotted days they will have the opportunity to make up any major test grades in Saturday School. Saturday School must be attended in the same nine weeks that that the absence occurred.
-If you miss in-class notes, you may get those from another classmate
-You are encouraged to attend AO or come before school to get make-up work
-Arrange a time for make-up quizzes and tests promptly. This is your responsibility.
Student Expectations:
-Students are expected to maintain a high level of conduct, preparedness, and achievement.
-Make positive contributions to class every day. Students should always put forth their best effort. There is much value in hard work, even if you don’t make all A’s.
-Be prepared and bring all materials to class every day.
-Be honest and considerate of others and their opinions
-Expect mistakes, accept mistakes, and always learn from those mistakes.
-You are welcome to come to AO anytime you need a little extra help!
Plagiarism and Cheating:
Be sure to evaluate internet sources, as many websites are inaccurate. You are responsible for making sure the information you present is correct. Plagiarism is when you copy someone’s words and make them your own. If you plagiarize you will receive a zero for the given grade. Copying another student’s work, even if it is homework, is considered cheating. All students will use as a way to stop plagiarism.
-Students will read and be evaluated on the following:
1. Modern World History textbook
2. Primary source documents, short stories, poems, plays, newspaper articles, magazine articles, may be assigned at teacher discretion
-History will look at past events and people that shaped our world, how they affect us today and how they might affect us in the future. Special emphasis will be placed on individual work, group work and discussions.
-Geography will provide students with a complete study of human geography. Students will be given an understanding of location, geographic features, and cultural characteristics, and world patterns.
Current Events
-Students will be required to complete a current event project each nine weeks. Current events will be completed in and out of class time. Students will read and summarize one current event per week. Current event projects will be submitted via
-Three ring binder, loose leaf paper, pencils/pens, highlighters, charged chromebook
-Recommended: pack of colored pencils
-Teacher wish list: tissue, Lysol, hand sanitizer
Content Covered:
1st Nine Weeks:2nd Nine Weeks:
-European Renaissance and Reformation- Age of Enlightenment
-The Prince-French Revolution
-Exploration and the Spanish Empire-Rise and Fall of Napoleon Bonaparte
-Absolute Monarchs of Europe
3rd Nine Weeks:4th Nine Weeks:
-Industrial Revolution and Urbanization-The Interwar Years and Great Depression
-Age of Imperialism-Rise of Communism and Fascism
-Nationalist Revolutions-World War II
-World War I
-All Quiet on the Western Front
The best way to contact me is through e-mail: