Nombre: ______Hora: ______

Capítulo 3:
¡Vamos de compras en España! /

Antes de navegar

You are planning a trip to Spain and want to look “cool” to the Spanish teenagers you meet. You need to buy five items for your travel wardrobe. In the chart below (in Spanish), list five different articles of clothing, their color (check your agreement – the color needs to match in gender and number) and how much you think you would pay in U.S. dollars at your favorite store.

Artículo / Color / Precio

¡A navegar!

Primera parte: Ropa nueva

Click on the link for El Corte Inglés and shop. Select five items that interest you and record the information about each one below. For help selecting a size, see the links below. To convert from Euros to Dólares, use the Currency Converter on the next page.

Artículo / Descripción / Color / Talla / Euros / Dólares

Segunda Parte: Las tallas

Go to one of the following sites and figure out the conversion for the sizes that you need for the clothes that you selected. Write your sizes in the chart above.

Women’s clothing size conversions

Men’s clothing size conversions

Apparel Conversion Charts

Tercera parte: Los precios

The items you selected were listed on the website in euros. Use the Currency Converter link to figure out how much each new item of clothing costs in dollars. Write this information in the chart above.

1.  Now total the cost of your items in Euros and dollars.

Total ______/ ______

Euros Dólares

2.  Will the total cost be more or less than the amount you predicted in Antes de navegar?

Después de navegar

Answer the following questions.

1.  ¿Es la ropa en España más cara o más barata que en los Estados Unidos?

2. ¿Cómo es la ropa del catálogo? ¿Es similar a tu ropa, más formal o más informal?

3. ¿Qué son palabras (words) nuevas de esta actividad?

Be sure to send me your worksheet as an

email attachment or Google doc
by Friday

Adapted from: ACTIVIDADES POR INTERNET ¡Buen viaje! Level 1 Capítulo 3 Glencoe/McGraw-Hill