Name: ______Class Pd: ______

“The Most Dangerous Game”

by Richard Connell

1.  What is the name of the island and why is its name significant?

Ship-Trap Island – boats notoriously have trouble in that area/foreshadowing that something bad is going to happen

2.  What does Rainsford's conversation with Whitney reveal about Rainsford's attitude toward hunting?

Rainsford does not care how the animal being hunted feels. It is all about the fun and thrill of the sport. He believes animals do not understand or fear what is happening to them.

3.  According to Rainsford, what two classes make up the world?

The hunters and the huntees

4.  Rainsford and Whitney discuss the demeanor of the ship’s crew. How are they acting?

Crew is acting strange. Seems to be an odd “chill” in the air – general feeling of dread

5.  What sound startles Rainsford and what happens to him next?

A gunshot rings out in the night three times. He sprang up to the rail of the boat, straining his eyes to see something. Leaped up on the rail. His pipe hit one of the ropes and he went to grab it. Lost his balance and fell overboard.

6.  Who is Ivan? Describe him.

Ivan is General Zaroff’s servant. Gigantic creature – largest man he’d ever seen. Solid with a long black beard. Two small eyes. Dressed in uniform trimmed in fur. Very menacing. He is a “Cossack” – type of Ukrainian man known for fierceness in battle.

7.  What is General Zaroff’s complaint about hunting?

It is boring. Enjoys the “problems of the chase” but nothing fooled him anymore. Hunting was no longer a sporting proposition. It was too easy. He always won. “There is no greater bore than perfection.” Animals rely only on instinct. Humans rely on reason and reason always wins.

8.  What “new animal” has General Zaroff “invented” for hunting purposes?


9.  How does Zaroff go about stocking the island with his prey?

He traps ships near the island and then captures the crew. He takes them to his training school where they are fed and trained. He then chooses men to be released into the jungle for his hunt.

10.  What is the alternative to being hunted by Zaroff?

If men refuse to be hunted, they are turned over to Ivan and he beats/hurts them. No one has ever chosen this alternative.

11.  If Zaroff needs extra help during his hunt, what does he use?

His pack of hunting dogs.

12.  What does Rainsford refuse to do with Zaroff? In return, what predicament does Rainsford find himself in?

Refuses to hunt WITH him. As a result, Zaroff informs Rainsford that he is now going to be HUNTED.

13.  Where does Rainsford decide to hide during his first night in the jungle?

In a tree.

14.  Upon finding Rainsford in his first hiding place, what does Zaroff do? What does the story IMPLY is the reason for this reaction?

He smiles and walks away. He does not want to “win” that easily. He wants to make Rainsford work for his life for the next few days. Zaroff wants to further enjoy the hunt.

15.  How does Rainsford injure Zaroff? Name and describe what he has made.

He builds a Malay Mancatcher. The tree falls onto Zaroff, but he jumps back just in time. His shoulder is injured. One tree leaning against another. A trigger is set below and once someone steps/trips on it the tree falls on them.

16.  What is the second trap Rainsford builds? Name and describe it. Who falls victim to it?

Burmese Tiger Pit. A hole in the ground with sharp stakes pointing upward. The hole is covered with brush so as not to be seen. Whoever walks over the brush will fall into the hole and be stabbed by the sharp stakes. Zaroff’s best hunting dog is killed by this trap.

17.  What is the third trap Rainsford builds? Describe it. Who falls victim to it?

He ties his knife to a sapling tree and then ties back the tree. When the tree is triggered and released the knife springs forward stabbing the victim. Ivan is killed by this trap.

18.  After jumping into the water, where does Rainsford end up at the end of the third day? What does Zaroff believe Rainsford has done?

Rainsford swam around the island and snuck into the chateau. He is hiding behind the curtains in Zaroff’s bedroom waiting for him. Zaroff believes he has jumped into the water (possibly killing himself?) because he could no longer handle the fear and stress of the hunt.

19.  Although the author does not directly explain how the story ends, what are we left to assume happens between Rainsford and Zaroff?

Rainsford and Zaroff square off. Rainsford wins and feeds Zaroff to his hounds. Rainsford is left to enjoy the big comfortable bed and get a wonderful night’s rest.

20.  Game can mean both “contest” and “an animal to be hunted”. Use each definition to explain two possible meanings of the title.

Answers will vary.

Contest – the title indicates that hunting is a dangerous game and the sport of hunting brings many challenges.

Animal To Be Hunted – the title indicates that the most dangerous animal to be hunted is the human, as Zaroff’s game ends up backfiring on him and he is killed by his beloved prey