Swift Creek Homeowners Association

Annual General Meeting

March 2, 2011

Presidents Report

It has been a very busy year. The following summarizes activities of the past year.

1.  Garbage Bins. Purchased and placed 3 Hide-A-Way garbage containers along walking paths. They are being very well used. Dog feces on pathways is significantly reduced. Green Garbage checks all bins weekly and empties as required.

2.  “Leash Only” Community signs were placed at key community entrances. After a few issues, the signs were observed contributing to control of dogs, less feces, more people including neighboring communities walking. In Sept 2010, Rocky View County asked MacDonald to remove the signs. MacDonald complied and has them in storage. After following up, the County has developed new policy and will place their own signs in the spring.

3.  Estate Street Signage. Conversion of common street signage to Estate Signage has been a lengthy process. The document is nearing completion. At a meeting of Jan 14, 2011 with MacDonald, they agreed to pay for 50% of the cost. Installation expected in the spring.

4.  Website www.swiftcreekestateshoa.com. Designed, developed and implemented a website to support timely and open communication regarding the community. Multiple updates throughout the year. 997 hits from launch to Feb 28 2011

5.  Email Communication. Implemented an email address for expediting communications to and from members. Issued 22 notices in the past year. A community mailout cost approx $75 in printing, stamps, envelopes in addition to several hours of time.

6.  Homeowner Information Application. Received multiple spreadsheets from Macdonald with home owner information which was inconsistent, incomplete and outdated. Developed and implemented an application to manage homeowner information in one central location. Has the ability to sort data, create labels. Significant time saver.

7.  Amenities Vote. Gathered survey information regarding amenity preferences from homeowners. Despite enthusiastic returns, initiatives did not go forward due to lack of volunteers. Front entrance sign, remains on the table for approval.

8.  HOA Fee Collection – Improved process and collection due to app, perseverance and unanimous approval from membership to apply penalties/lien as needed. Set up and trialed monthly withdrawal for 2010. Only 9 people took advantage and there were multiple problems with collection/withdrawal. Test was deemed unsuccessful and dropped for 2011. 2009 – collection completed in Nov

2010 – collection completed in May 2011 – only 4 remain unpaid. $100 penalty applied, intent to Lien notices issued

Of note: We have been unable to locate 1 property owner. Liens inclusive of legal fees have been applied against the property for all HOA fees and property maintenance.

9.  Fire Hydrants. A notice was issued Oct 25, 2010 advising residents that the hydrant system in our community did not pass the prescribed test for flow and water pressure. Following numerous meetings and emails, MacDonald has paid to have all of the hydrants tested as the tests were outdated and discovered one hydrant was in need of repair. The hydrant has been repaired, tests have been submitted to the County and we are awaiting signoff by the County/Fire Chief. Two insurers have been pressing for the signoff in order to avoid doubling the insurance premiums. The Deputy Fire Chief has outlined a fire suppression plan for Swift Creek but notes that we should take every precaution to mitigate fire hazards. He applauds the community effort in ensuring the tall natural grasses are cut at lest annually.

10.  Property Maintenance - Grass Cuts. As per guidelines, “to mitigate the risk of grass and brush fires, at least once per year or if need be twice each year, vegetation needs to be cut. This maintenance work shall be conducted at the expense of each Lot owner”. ALL owners who do not maintain their properties will receive notice by way of a reminder letter. With multiple notices, in 2010, all owners complied with the exception of two. Our website lists the names and numbers of 2 recommended companies who will do this work. Cutting the grasses has an additional benefit of reducing the mice and gopher population as we noticed the hawks patrol cut areas.

11.  Property Maintenance - Weeds. Despite the notices from the HOA to spray for weeds, several properties in the community did not. The County Weed inspector was in our community over a 2 week period in July and issued several notices , followed by a penalty and finally they cleaned up the properties at a considerably higher rate than the typical service provider. Have gained agreement with “Ground Affects” to provide a community discount for all who sign up with him for a cut and spray. The notice will be coming out in April.

12.  Speed Reduction. A petition was presented to the Rocky View County Infrastructure and Operations Committee on Sept 14 to reduce the speed to 40 km/hr on Swift Creek Lane. The committee was unanimous in their decision following stats collected by the County and further amended the recommendation to have the posted speed adjusted to 40 km/hr throughout the community. Work was completed by Sept 30, 2010 complete with the new County upgraded signage.

13.  Building Envelope Change Block 4 Lot 14 Peter and Judith Maat. On Friday January 28, the HOA received 75% of the membership vote approving the requested building envelope change. To date 45 yes votes and 1 no vote has been received. 58 property owners were eligible to vote, 1 was ineligible due to outstanding HOA fees, penalties and legal fees. 44 Yes Votes were required. A letter from the HOA has been issued to the Maats.

14.  HOA Board. Developed listing of tasks required to manage the community and sorted them into Board Positions. Developed 2010 budget based on quotes and actual costs from MacDonald and minor costs incurred by the community. Developed several templates to expedite effort.

15.  MacDonald Development. Held 6 onsite meetings reviewing deficiences, community guidelines, restrictive convenant etc supported by multiple phone conversations and hundreds of emails. (336 remain in efile) The following listings summarize work completed by MacDonald and work to be completed by this summer. MacDonald is working with the HOA and County to gain their FAC.

Completed work

Pathways / Roads / Bridges

1.  Asphalt RR31 pathway – Drainage solution proposed in 2009 did not work. Additional grading was performed in 2010. Drainage was attempted to be directed to RR#31.

2.  Gravel pathway Repairs in the Dry Pond – supplied and compacted additional larger gravel across all gravel pathways. Corrected drainage in major areas Block 3 Lot 11 – 12 and Block 4 Lot 2.

3.  Moved pathway to fall within easement area. Block 4 Lot 2- 4

4.  Extension of RR31 asphalt pathway connecting Swift Creek and Windhorse covering the 10’ section that was missing.

5.  Pedestrian bridge – installed protective railings on the pedestrian bridge. Supplied and installed wing walls and repaired pathways adjacent to the bridge. Replaced existing and broken lumber with pressure treated.

6.  Re-graveled the emergency exit to prevent the mud soaking through resulting from pedestrian traffic.


7.  Three ways Stop placed at the intersection of Grand Arches Drive and Swift Creek Lane to slow traffic.


8.  Common area Cleanup of construction debris and general garbage.

9.  Grass cuts – MacDonald committed to two grass cuts per year. This included grass cut for all the roadside ditches and in the storm water ponds. Additional grass cuts, if deemed necessary, will be done prior to HOA turnover in the fall of 2010.

10.  Cleaned up barbed wire and fence posts laying on Swift Creek Gate, Block 2 Lot 12 and the south side of Block 4 Lot 5,6 & 20-23.

11.  Rough cut and weed spray performed on Swift Creek Gate.

12.  Sprayed for weeds in dry pond, ditches, along RR31

13.  Additional layer of wood chip mulch placed at entrance gate

14.  Sprayed/weeded all of the common area around the front entrance including the back side several times.

15.  Replaced trees that did not survive the 2009 winter along RR31 and dry pond.

16.  Replaced all dead plant material at the front entrance. Added several new shrubs. Moved overgrown mugo pines to Mail Centre.

17.  Placed soil in holes of living trees that were bare root along RR31.

18.  Removed silt fencing in dry pond by Campbell and Dusterhoft Residences

19.  Reseeded of all common areas that did not take in 2009 including large areas in Dry pond. Block 4 Lot 11-13 and Block 4 Lot 2 easements were repaired and reseeded.

20.  Re-graded and reseeded common area ditches that exceeded the 33% code set by the MD. ( Bingleman and Mann/Pavan ) Bingleman was completed. Mann/Pavan remains outstanding.

21.  Repaired damaged ditches and reseeded.

22.  Regraded ditches that do not drain. ie Block 1 Lot 1-3. Culverts are about 6” high than the ditch. Block 3 Lot 9 remains outstanding.

23.  Boulders at the front entrance, mail centre and the emergency entrance placed to prevent vehicles from damaging ditches and plantings.

24.  Boulder retaining wall built on both sides of the dry pond bridge and the area was regarded. Debris cleaned up and reseeded.


25.  Completion of mailbox shed. Built cover over electrical box and painted. Replaced stones that had fallen off. Installed a large culvert at the back of the shed to support it from shifting.

26.  A cheque was issued to the HOA in the amount of $1433 to contribute towards the purchase of a new front entrance sign switching the name to the south side of the front gate. No decision made at Special Resolution meeting of Sept 2010.

27.  Front Gate - Top lights were replaced with new ground flood lighting. Area was dark and a danger to pedestrians. Lights adjusted to shine on the name and logo.

28.  Repaired the stone caps at the front entrance with concrete and replaced the stone that had fallen off.

29.  Secured the electrical boxes behind the front gate and added plugs for Christmas lights.

30.  Wired the mail shed with lighting

31.  Front Gate - Cleaned up garbage, signs and lumber that was buried under the new mulch and hauled away.

32.  Replaced the asphalt at the mail centre.

33.  Repaired the cracked asphalt on RR31.

34.  Tested the 9 community hydrants and repairing 1 as required.

Estimated Cost


Swift Creek Estates
Meeting to discuss Outstanding Developer Work /
Apr. 5, 11
Issue needing Attention / Action/Responsibility /

1.  Asphalt Pathway

The consensus is that this may be satisfactory following the re-grading work that was done in the fall of 2010 however it will need to be checked in the spring to confirm if this is the case. If it is not satisfactory in the spring appropriate measures will be implemented in 2011 to properly resolve the issue. Note April 5, 2011: Two major areas require drainage work.

2.  Asphalt Pathway does not extend to end of Lot 22, Block 4

The path cannot be extended because the landowner to the south has a blanket easement on the balance of the lands which allows him access to his property. Under the terms of his easement he must agree to any work within the easement area but is not prepared to do so. MDC is prevented legally from extending the path. It was agreed that since it was not possible that the pathway as it currently exists is acceptable.

3.  Pedestrian Bridge Railing

Railing needs staining. Cedar Railing requires a clear coat of stain.

4.  Emergency Exit

Efforts to address this with extra gravel have not produced satisfactory results. The area is about 100 ft long and 50 feet wide. The access way will need to be 3.75 to 4 metres wide, say 12 feet. If we finish this with rigid paving the area will be about 1200 sq. ft. Depending on materials to be used, cost will be somewhere between $5,000 and $10,000. To bring closure to this matter MDC will investigate and put in some form of rigid paving to the satisfaction of the HOA. This will be implemented in the spring of 2011.

5.  Street Signs

Some are missing at the intersection of Grand Arches Drive, Swift Creek Lane and Swift Creek Terrace. The HOA would prefer upgraded signs. Costs were thought to be of the order of $9,000 for the upgraded signs. It was agreed that the cost of the upgraded signs would be shared 50/50 between the HOA and MDC. MDC will proceed to organize and arrange the installation and will, ultimately, invoice the HOA for half of the costs.

6.  Landscaping Garbage and Debris

There are 5 identified locations where garbage is in the area. MDC will arrange for the removal and disposal of this garbage and construction debris.
1) Debris at the front entrance - “No Children Playing Signs” / 2) Posts and barbed wire on the drive of Blk 2 Lot 12
3) Posts and barbed wire on the drive of Blk 4 Lot 22 / 4) Sign posts on the driveway of Blk 3 Lot 1.
5) Equipment & debris Blk 1 Lot 1.

7.  Grass Cuts and Weed Spraying

This is MDC’s responsibility until the FAC’s are issued. We hope to achieve those early in 2011. Until MDC have FAC’s they will maintain responsibility for this work after which it will be turned over to the HOA
From previous experience the HOA know that Ground Affects does good work in both cutting and spraying whereas the work by Acres has been questionable. Macdonald will utilize Ground Affects for the upcoming work.

8.  Replacement Trees