
University Graduate Programs Committee

September 12, 2012

Present: Joanne Parandjuk, Library; Elwood Hamlin II, CDSI; Nancy Poulson, Arts and Letters; Charles Roberts, Science; William Rhodes, Engineering;

Allen Smith, Business; Gail Burnaford , Education; Noemi Coltea, GPSA; LaTasha Lee, GPSA;

Guests: None

Absent: Ruth McCaffrey, Nursing; Mahyar Shirazi, Medicine

Others Present: Dr. Barry Rosson, Graduate College; Nancy Diamond, Graduate College;

I. The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m. by Nancy Poulson

II.  Brief Announcements and Discussions:

There were no announcments or discussion so the meeting proceeded.

The minutes of the August 22, 2012 meeting were approved unanimously by the committee.

III.  Review and Action Regular the Following Curriculum Proposal

New items for March 14, 2012 below
Course # / Title / College/Dept. / Credits / Action
Reviewers by College:
Arts and Letter, CDSI)
ANG 6306 / Ethnographic Perpectives in Health / A & L / 3 / New
ARH 6015 / History and Ceramics / A & L / 4 / New
ART 6819 / Studio Arts Pedagogy in Higher Education / A & L / 2 / New
MMC 6646 / Political Economy of the Media / A & L / 3 / New
Memo / Deadline Change for English MA/MAT / A & L / N/A / N/A
Proposal / Change Admission Requirements for All Applicants to MFA in Visual Arts / A & L / N/A / N/A
Reviewers by College: (Education, Library)
Memo / New Exchange Credit Transfer Process / Business / N/A / N/A
IDS 6956 / General Study Abroad (PH) / Business / N/A / New
IDS 6958 / General Study Abroad / Business / N/A / New
IDS 6959 / General Study Abroad / Business / 1 / New
Proposal / Accelerated B.S / Business / N/A / N/A
Reviewers by College: (Arts and Letters, Education)
EML 6715 / Fluid Dynamics 1 / Engineering / 3 / New

ANG 6306 was approved contingent upon adding the number of credits for the course on the syllabus, and being more specific on the grading scale.

ARH 6015 was approved contingent upon adding the number of credits for the course ion the syllabus.

ART 6819 was approved unaminously by the committee.

MMC 6646 was tabled because the description of the course proposal should only be three lines. Also, they should get a memo from the Department of Political Science that there is no conflict of interest.

The Memo for the Deadline Change for English MA/MAT was unanimously approved by the committee.

The Proposal – Change Admission Requirements for All Applicants to MFA in Visual Arts

was unamiously approved by the committee.

The Memo, IDS 6956, IDS 6958, IDS 6059 were all withdrawn because they were submitted without approval by the college first.

Proposal- Accelerated B.S. was tabled due to changes that should be made to the program requirements, and program details and coursework, There was some confusion with the total number of credits if it should be 150 or153?

EML 6715 was tabled. There needs clarification on the homework, readings, and homework projects. It was also submitted without any signatures.

The meeting continued with a discussion on the tuition exemptions. Dr. Rosson said that they would talk more about it at the next UGC meeting. The feedback that the committee members have received from their colleges should be in writing, so it can be pulled together in written form. Also, what will be brought up at the next UGC meeting are the Plans of Study with undergraduate courses.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:12 pm.

The next meeting to will be October 10, 2012.

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