Call for Papers on ICCMIT2018

Special Session

“Cloud, Big Data and Analytics for a Successful Organization”

Organized by:

Dr. Nitin Upadhyay

Goa Institute of Management, India

E-mail: ;

Objectives and Motivation

Cloud, Big Data and Analytics impeccably contribute to the success of organization on a modern, client/audience-driven marketplace, and are perceived as a very interesting research area from theoretical and practical perspectives. The conference session entitled “Cloud, Big Data and Analytics for a Successful Organization” is expected to exchange ideas and thoughts about impacts of Cloud, Big Data and Analytics research on the state of the art as well as upcoming trends of issues related to research and applications of these solutions for an organization that successfully faces modern market, organizational and societal challenges in a creative, innovative way. It provides a platform for the participants to present and discuss the most recent, innovative and significant findings and experiences in the field of Cloud, Big Data and Analytics research and practice.

Topics of the session include, but is not limited to, the following:

§  Data Driven Decision Making

§  Competition and Intelligence, Competing on Analytics,

§  Cloud, big data and analytics at workplace

§  Data Driven Marketing and Decision Making,

§  Creativity and Innovativeness based on Big Data,

§  Managing Analytical People,

§  Building an Analytical Capability,

§  Cloud and Big Data Applications (Marketing, Logistics, Finance, Banking, Insurance, HR, Government, People, Culture, Communication, Leadership, Performance),

§  Temporal Big Data,

§  Cloud-Based Business Intelligence

§  Models, methods and tools for Big Data and Analytics,

§  Data mining, Text mining, Opinion Mining,

§  Cloud and Big Data Systems’ Architectures,

§  Cloud Service Management and Decision Making

§  Algorithms for Big Data Analysis/Processing

§  Big Data Visualization.

§  Digital Computational Humanities

§  Impact of Social media and Social Network

§  Governance and Ethics

Paper Submission

All instructions and templates for submission can be found in the ICCMIT2018 website: The accepted papers will be published in ISI/SCOPUS journals. Also, the best articles will be invited to be published again after expansion as book chapter in IGI Book.

Important Dates

Paper abstract submission: February 15, 2018

Notification of acceptance: February 22, 2018

Final paper submission and authors camera ready: March 7, 2018

Conference Dates: April 2-4, 2018