2016-17 Executive Council
Officer/Committee Chair Quarterly Report
Date: 6/6/2016
Officer/Chair Name: Tami Sato
Office/Committee: Federal Relations Committee
Committee Members: Helen Faith (OR), Rachelle Feldman (CA)*, Shellee Kilbride (NV), Syed Rizvi (CA), Shannon Sheaff (AZ), Vicki Shipley (NCHER), David Shook (CA)* and Leo Vogel (CA)*
2016-17 Approved Budget: $100
Annual goals as related to Strategic Plan and quantified as appropriate (e.g., events planned, participation totals, communications sent, states represented):
Goal 1: Leader in providing training and professional development
· Provide FRC session at the annual conference
· Encourage other WASFAA members to join in on advocacy efforts
Goal 5: Continually improve methods & processes for communicating with members
· Submit newsletter articles for each quarterly issue
· Provide timely list serve messages
· Serve as communication link from the states in the region to WASFAA and forwarded to the NASFAA board/committees when appropriate
Goal 6: Consolidate and communicate the public policy positions of aid administrators
· Identify federal issues where comment or recommendations would be appropriate
· Provide input to representatives on active negotiated rulemaking sessions
· Respond to Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) by deadline dates
· Facilitate advocacy effort at the NASFAA Leadership conference with meetings of the House and Senate education committee staff members
· Respond or provide comment to federal budget actions, bills and proposals
Goal 8: Collaborate and coordinate with other organizations and associations
· Coordinate hill visit with other state associations in the region and development of a regional talking points document.
Recent activities:
1. Formation of 2016-2017 FRC committee with combination of some returning and some new members.
2. Sent list serve messages: Sequestration in effect, 2016/2017 DL interest rates and DL loan fee change for loans after October 1, 2016
3. Submitted newsletter article and photo of advocacy meeting with education committee staff members.
Budget expenditures to date: $-0-
Plans and important dates:
1. Hold first FRC 2016-2017 meeting in June
2. Submit a newsletter article before the July 1 deadline date
3. Communicate some of the negotiated rulemaking issues to members including repayment rate before NPRM released
Action needed by Executive Council (with timeframe):
After expected release of NPRM in July, develop draft of comments for response. Comments must be approved by council before electronic submission by deadline date. This may require an electronic vote.